Name:______Date: ______

Chemical Bonding – Unit Exam (Part One)

Multiple Choice (2 pts. each)

Write the letter indicating the correct answer for each of the following questions.

  1. A(n) ______bond is the result of a TRANSFER of electrons, while a(n) ______bond is the result of atoms SHARING electrons.

______A. Non-Polar, Polar

B. Covalent, Ionic

C. Ionic, Covalent

D.Polar, Non-Polar

2. When an atom gains or loses electrons to form an ion, the charge of the ion formed is known as the ______.

______A. Octet Rule

B. Electronegativity

C. Ionization Energy

D. Oxidation Number

  1. The electrons in the outermost shell that are responsible for bonding are called:

______A. Lone Pairs

B. Valence Electrons

C. Octets

D. Lewis Dot Structures

  1. Hydroxide, Phosphate, and Sulfate are examples of:

______A. Ionic compounds

B. Elements

C. Polyatomic Ions

D. Metals

  1. By calculating the difference in ______between atoms in a bond, you can determine whether a bond is ionic, polar covalent, or nonpolar covalent.

______A. Electronegativities

B. Masses

C. Valence electrons

D. Oxidation Numbers

6. Determine whether each of the following would form an ionic or covalent bond using your Pauling Scale

ofelectronegativities. If a covalent bond is formed, SPECIFY whether it is polar or nonpolar. (2 pts ea.)

  1. Li and S
  1. Br and Br
  1. Na and Cl

7. List three major differences between Ionic and Covalent Compounds. (3 pts)


2. ______

3. ______

8. List three of the six major polyatomic ions that you memorized, including their names AND formulas. (3 pts)


2. ______

3. ______

9. Draw the Lewis Dot Structure and write the name for each of the following covalent compounds.

(5points each)

  1. O22. C2H4

Name: ______Name: ______

10. Write the formula for each of the following covalent compounds. (2 points each)

  1. HexaboronMonosilicide2. Dihydrogen Monoxide


11. Predict the chemical formula for each of the following pairs using the crisscross method. Name the

resultingionic compound. (3 points each)

  1. Sodium and Nitrogen2. Magnesium and Fluorine

Name: ______Name: ______

12. Write the chemical formula for each of the following ionic compounds containing either transition

metals or polyatomic ions. (2 points each)

  1. Iron (II) Chloride2. Sodium Hydroxide


3. Ammonium Phosphate4. Copper (II) Oxide


13. Draw the Ionic Lewis Dot Structure for each of the following compounds. (5 points each).

  1. Al2S3
  1. Na2O

Critical Thinking (5 pts. each)

  1. What is the maximum number of electrons each element can have around it? What is this rule called? Are there any exceptions to this rule?
  1. Diagram the difference between the formation of an ionic bond and the formation of a covalent bond. You can use H2 as your covalent example, and LiF as your ionic example, or create your own.


Look at the following Lewis Dot Structures and explain why each is incorrect. Draw the correct Lewis Dot structure. (3 points each).

  1. N N2. [ Mg ]2+ + [ Cl ]-