List of Contents:

1 Executive Summary 2

2 Progress report for inception period 3

2.1 Progress towards delivery of outputs 3

2.2 Project Output 1: Sector Wide Approach 6

2.3 Project Output 2: Improved Management and Communication 8

2.4 Project output 3: Support to Gambia College 10

2.5 Project output 4: ICT/EMIS 13

2.6 Project output 5: Development at School level 13

3 Project Management Issues 15

4 Annex 1: Project work plan 17

5 Annex II: Summaries of consultant’s reports 19

1  Executive Summary

The project is generally on line or ahead of schedule with progress towards delivery of outputs and achievement of project purpose. There are currently no signs that the project will not be able to deliver any of the outputs in time or to the standard required. It is expected that the minor delays experienced in the implementation of some of the activities in output areas four and five due to various procedures that had to be observed to effect changes to the contract will be reversed during the next quarter.

Output one: Sector Wide Approach

The Sector wide approach has been fully accepted and adopted by all key stakeholders and the implementation is progressing according to schedule. The main activities towards delivery of output one during the reporting period have been the finalisation and approval by the SMT of the education sector strategic plan and development of sub-sector plans.

Output two: Improved Management and Communication

The main activities towards delivery of output two have been the mentoring and on-the-job training of PCM facilitators and the delivery of computer equipment to the planning directorate to strengthen data entry, network and data storage capacity. The training of 5 DoSE staff members in the application of the Project Cycle Management methodology and facilitation of planning workshop was successful with all the staff demonstrating a good ability to plan and facilitate strategic planning processes.

Output three: Support to Gambia College

The main activity contributing towards the delivery of output three was the implementation of the institutional assessment of Gambia College, carried out by a team of five consultants lead by the BESPOR national consultant, Mr. Malamin Sonko. By the end of the reporting period all five assessments had been completed and reports received for the first four only leaving the report on the staff audit pending. The plans for integration of the tertiary educational institutions in The Gambia were revived during the reporting period, necessitating some changes to the activities planned for BESPOR.

Output four: ICT/EMIS

Negotiations on the inclusion of the IMFUNDO IT component into the Cambridge Education contract were not finalized before the end of the planning period, resulting in a delay in the recruitment and deployment of the IT consultant Mr. M Vanbuel. As a consequence, BESPOR has not been able to assist DoSE in formulating an overarching IT policy and establish the general IT requirements, which could facilitate the upgrading of the IT facilities at both central and regional level.

Output five: Development at School Level

The main activity contributing towards delivery of output five was the assessment and training of cluster monitors, who will play a major role in the implementation of the Whole School Development model. The training was carried out by a team comprising members from Directorate SQAD, VSO volunteers from Region 5 and the BESPOR consultant Linda Murgatroyd. The assessment and training was preceded by the development and approval of a cluster monitoring manual and a job profile for Cluster Monitors.

2  Progress report for inception period

This section summarises progress made towards achievement of project outputs, observations made and the recommendations for the continuation of project implementation.

2.1  Progress towards delivery of outputs

The project is generally on line or ahead of schedule with progress towards the delivery of outputs and achievement of project purpose. There are currently no signs that the project will not be able to deliver any of the outputs in time or to the standard required.

It is expected that the minor delays experienced in the implementation of some of the activities in output areas four and five due to the various procedures hat had to be observed to effect changes to the contract will be reversed during the next quarter.

The progress is measured against output indicators specified in the revised project logframe.

Output / OVIs / Progress
1.The sector wide approach (SWAP) has been fully adopted and implemented in the Education Sector / Agreements by key stakeholders to adopt and support SWAP by 2005 / Achieved
Approved medium term expenditure framework (MTEF) by end 2006 / Cooperation with WB team established on the issue. A task team will be established in first quarter of 2006 to follow up on the issue
Approved investment plan for education sector by mid 2006 / In progress. Will be finalized by end of 2nd quarter 2006
Approved sub-sector and regional development plans by 1st qtr. 2006 / Draft Sub-sector plans developed
Approved donor coordination framework by 1st. qtr. 2006 / Framework agreed and two meetings held
>60% of school/community/LGA and civil society stakeholders will be able to describe their roles and responsibilities and how the SWAP will benefit them by July 2007 / Representatives for all stakeholders were involved in the development of the strategic plans
Participatory regional workshops scheduled for 1st qtr 2006
2. Improved planning and management / Annual work plans and budgets prepared and submitted on time at all levels of DoSE by 2nd qtr. 2006 / Formats under development.
Planning workshops scheduled for January-February 2006
> 80% of periodical progress reports received on time and in required formats by end 2006
5 DoSE staff have achieved competence in GOPP/LFA workshop facilitation by end 2005 / Achieved
M&E Framework with guidelines for joint reviews and common reporting formats agreed to and in use to monitor GESP by end of 2nd qtr 2006 / Under preparation in cooperation with DoSE PCU, WB, EC and UNICEF. Draft will be tabled to donor coordination committee by end of February 2006
Built partnership with DOSFEA with institutionalised information sharing / Initial meetings held with the two PS of DoSFEA
>80% of School development plans prepared and submitted in time by end 2007
>80% of School budgets prepared and submitted in time by end 2007
>90% of monitoring and evaluation reports submitted in time and correct formats by cluster monitors and Regional Directors by end 2006 / Monitoring manual including monitoring formats prepared and approved
Cluster monitors assessed against job profile and suitable candidates received basic training
3. Improved capacity of Gambia College to plan and implement quality teacher training / > 90% achievement of quality targets for PTC graduates by 2008 / Improved screening of entrants implemented
> 50 % improvement in pass rates for PTC students by 2008
>90% achievement of targets for delivery of numbers of PTC teachers / Institutional assessment of Gambia College carried out
>90 of unqualified teachers in Region 5 have achieved relevant PTC competencies by 2008 / Proposal for training of unqualified teachers prepared and approved
4. Improved Knowledge Management throughout the Education sector / 95% of the target group (DoSE, REO, Head teachers) aware of the vision / 6 Participatory workshops held to develop the vision and strategic plan for the sector
Approved ICT strategy based on the policy statement within 6 months / Awaiting finalization of negotiations with DFID on the IMFUNDO component
EMIS fully operational by Nov 2007 / Work on EMIS in progress
EMIS disaggregated data is being used to inform policy and planning process for GESP / Achieved
Approved knowledge management system by end 2006 / Development will start in 1st qtr 2006
Upgraded and updated DOSE website into a portal by 2nd qtr 2006 / Work has started under supervision of VSO volunteer
5. Whole school development model for improving the quality of basic education developed and piloted in Region 5 / >95% of CRD schools have adopted the WSD model / 20 schools selected for piloting
LT TA recruited for the WSD
>95 of schools in CRD have community organisations (including PTAs, mothers clubs, VDC, etc) involved in school planning budgeting and management at the end of the 2.5 year period. / Baseline studies developed and trialled in 20 schools
>95% of WSD schools have termly meetings involving community groups including VDCs, PTA, mothers’ clubs etc
All pilot schools involve community groups which are representative along gender, socio-economic class and ethnic lines
improved pupil performance by increasing the current mastery level of LAT by 10% / Baseline studies carried out

2.2  Project Output 1: Sector Wide Approach

The main activities towards delivery of output one during the reporting period have been the finalisation and approval by the SMT of the education sector strategic plan and development of sub-sector plans.

The draft Education Sector Strategic Plan was presented to the DoSE SMT for comments and approval in a three day planning workshop held in Basse, Region 6. Following the approval by the SMT of the draft sector development plan, sub-sector plans were developed in 5 participatory planning workshops involving the key stakeholders from each sub-sector, including representatives from the donor agencies active in the various sectors.

The sub-sectors are:

Ø  Basic education including, ECD and Adult and non-formal Education

Ø  Secondary Education

Ø  Tertiary Education

Ø  Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Ø  Quality Assurance

Ø  Sector Management

The planning workshop for the TVET sub-sector was postponed to next quarter to accommodate the inclusion of the new EC funded TA team in the planning process.

2.2.1  Progress against work plan

Activities planned for the period / OVIs / Progress
1.2 Maintain dialogue with donors and secure their financial support / Aid memoires / Two donor coordination meetings held
Donors represented in SWAP and strategic planning workshops
3.7 Secure donor commitment to the SWAP / SWAP included in aid memoires / Achieved
4.1 Develop a timetable for all main development stages and obtain agreement on it by SMT and donors / SWAP logical Framework approved by GOTG / Achieved
4.2 Develop the education sector programme jointly through consultation between GOTG, donors and key CSOs/NGOs and their participation / Draft 10 year strategic plan / Draft strategic plan developed through participatory process and approved by SMT
5.1 Review existing M & E systems, reporting lines, flow of information and human resource capacity in DoSE / Report / Institutional assessment initiated in cooperation with the WB team
5.2 Develop capacity at DoSE HQ to coordinate and strengthen internal M&E systems across the directorates / Approved M&E system in place.
Approved M&E manual / On the job training in progress involving DoSE HQ staff and Regional Staff
5.3 Conduct relevant baseline studies in priority areas / 3 baseline studies conducted; availability of specified baseline data / Development and trial of research instruments carried out
5.4 Facilitate the development of performance and impact indicators for the Education Sector Strategic and operational plans / Approved Indicators / Done

2.2.2  Observations and recommendations

The sector wide approach has been fully accepted and adopted by all key stakeholders and the implementation is progressing according to schedule.

The integration of the planning and implementation of donor interventions has been initiated with BESPOR and the World Bank driving the process. UNICEF arranged for a donor coordination meeting in December 2005.

2.2.3  Activities planned for next Quarter

The main activities planned for next quarter are:

Ø  Sub-sector planning workshop for TVET

Ø  Costing of sub-sector plans

Ø  Preparation for integration of tertiary institutions

Ø  Baseline studies

Ø  Development of media strategy for the SWAP and education sector strategic plan

Ø  Mapping of donor activities and inputs

Ø  Development of proposal for uniform procurement and financing modalities and arrangements, M&E; commitment to timely disbursement by donors; and GOTG commitment to good governance

For more detailed information on activities planned for next quarter please refer to the work plan in Annex 1.

2.3  Project Output 2: Improved Management and Communication

The main activities towards delivery of output 2 have been the mentoring and on-the-job training of PCM facilitators and the delivery of computer equipment to the planning directorate to strengthen the data entry, network and data storage capacity.

The BESPOR ES also worked with the WB Institutional Capacity Building Specialist to develop a proposal for a capacity building framework for DoSE

2.3.1  Progress against work plan

Activities planned for the period / OVIs / Progress
1.1 Carry out a institutional assessment of DoSE / Report / Under the cooperation agreement with the WB, they will carry out the institutional assessment and prepare the capacity building framework. BESPOR ES will coordinate implementation.
A draft framework was prepared during the WB formulation mission in December.
1.2 Design and implement a new Performance Management System / Approved DoSE performance management system / The basic system has been agreed to by the PS. Implementation will start after the completion of the Sector planning process
1.3 Identify data required for management information,, produce guidelines for data collection / ITC inception report / The replacement EMIS consultant reported for duty on 30 December 2005.
1.4 Review /develop data questionnaires / Availability of updated questionnaires
1.10 Provide the equipment necessary for planning, data collection, recording and analysis, including EMIS / Specification of equipment delivered / An initial batch of 8 desktop computers was delivered to cover initial needs for data entry. The final specification will be done on the arrival of the EMIS and ICT consultant.
The arrival of the latter is pending the approval by DFID of the transfer of the IMFUNDO IT component to Cambridge Education
2.1 Conduct a job analysis of the REDs / Refer to comment on activity 1.1
2.2 Make an assessment of the staffing needs of the REDs
2.3 develop a training plan.
3.2 Design decentralised planning, budgeting and reporting framework / Approved framework / Design and implementation has been initiated. Planning and budgeting formats will be introduced in the planning workshops scheduled for January 2006
3.5 Facilitate preparation of regional plans and budgets / Approved plans and budgets / Participatory planning workshops for the regions are scheduled for third week of January

2.3.2  Observations and recommendations

The training of five DoSE staff members in the application of the Project Cycle Management methodology and facilitation of planning workshop was successful with all the staff demonstrating a good ability to plan and facilitate planning workshops.