MHS Cheer Team Captain

You will be chosen based on the following criteria:

Leadership- How well can you make decisions? Are you able to stand by a decision when others disagree? How well can you compromise? Do you have the best interest of the team in mind?

Scholarship- You are a “student athlete”, do you put your grades first? Do you offer academic help to others when needed? Do you go the extra mile to represent what it means to be part of the Moore Lion Cheer Squad inside of the classroom?

Character- On the mat, on the sidelines, and in the classroom, you represent MHS Cheer, have you shown that you are able to do that in a positive way? Do you watch what you post on your social media? If another member of the squad were to do something that put our squad in a negative light, would you be able to address it even if that person were your friend? Are you respectful to your sponsor, coach, teachers, and others?

The selection process will cover three areas.

Team vote: 25%

Teacher Recommendations: 25%

Applicationand Interview: 50%

A team Captain must:

Be motivated.Your coach and teammates will often look to you to keep practice moving. Maintain efficiency and focus by helping with any task necessary. From the moment you roll out the mats to the moment the last stunt lands, keep your head in the game. Lead by example and your teammates will surely follow.
Be dependable.Be someone that others can count on. This means showing up on time, maintaining a positive attitude, and volunteering to help outside of practice. When your coach assigns tasks, complete them promptly.
Be cooperative. Think of yourself as a mediator, not an instigator. Listen to your coaches and teammates have to say and try to remain flexible and collaborative.
Be responsible.This is the tough part. Part of your job is to keep the team in line. Positive energy is key. You may need to be stern at times, but try to keep your tone upbeat -- even while course correcting an unruly team.

Dear Potential Captain,

I am so happy that you are trying out for MHS Cheer Captain! Just taking the steps needed to get through this process shows a lot about who you are. Please read through this packet and understand what will be required of you. This will help you make your decision. It is a lot of work! Also know that if you are not chosen, you are still a valuable part of this program.

Thanks and good luck!

Mrs. Jordan

MHS High School Cheerleading Captain Application



Why do you want to be a captain?

What other leadership opportunities have you had in the past that would help you be a successful MHS captain?

List 3 qualities that you have that would make you a strong captain?




What are your goals for MHS cheer for the 2017-2018 season?

Any additional information you would like us to know?

Moore High School Cheerleading Captain Recommendation Form

Student Name: ______Current Average: ______

Teacher: ______Subject: ______


Thank you for taking the time to fill out the form below. This form is worth 25% of the selection process for Cheer Captain. As a teacher for the above student, I value your opinion very highly, as a cheerleading captain needs to demonstrate spirit, leadership, and characterboth in and out of uniform. Please rate the candidate honestly and return this form to my box by April 28, 2017. (This form can also be found on my “Staff” webpage under “Cheer” and then “Captains Forms”.)

Thank you,

Rebekah Jordan

Please rate the following: 0- not at all, 5- absolutely

  1. Does this student cooperate well with other students and teachers?


  1. Is the candidate responsible with such things as homework, grades, etc.?


  1. Does the candidate have good attendance?


  1. Does the candidate have leadership ability?


  1. Does the candidate display proper classroom behavior?


  1. Does the candidate show respect to authority?


  1. Does the candidate show a positive school attitude?


  1. Does the candidate show appropriate enthusiasm and good character?


  1. Would this candidate be a good role model for the MHS Cheer squad?


  1. Additional Comments? ______

Moore High School Cheerleading Captain Recommendation Form

Student Name: ______Current Average: ______

Teacher: ______Subject: ______


Thank you for taking the time to fill out the form below. This form is worth 25% of the selection process for Cheer Captain. As a teacher for the above student, I value your opinion very highly, as a cheerleading captain needs to demonstrate spirit, leadership, and character both in and out of uniform. Please rate the candidate honestly and return this form to my box by April 28, 2017. (This form can also be found on my “Staff” cheer webpage under “Captains Forms”.)

Thank you,

Rebekah Jordan

Please rate the following: 0- not at all, 5- absolutely

  1. Does this student cooperate well with other students and teachers?


  1. Is the candidate responsible with such things as homework, grades, etc.?


  1. Does the candidate have good attendance?


  1. Does the candidate have leadership ability?


  1. Does the candidate display proper classroom behavior?


  1. Does the candidate show respect to authority?


  1. Does the candidate show a positive school attitude?


  1. Does the candidate show appropriate enthusiasm and good character?


  1. Would this candidate be a good role model for the MHS Cheer squad?


  1. Additional Comments? ______

Team Vote

Candidates Name: ______

Please rate the following: 0- not at all, 5- absolutely

  1. Does this student cooperate well with other students and teachers?


  1. Does the candidate have leadership ability?


  1. Does the candidate show a positive school attitude?


  1. Does the candidate show appropriate enthusiasm and good character?


  1. Would this candidate be a good role model for the MHS Cheer squad?


Team Vote

Candidates Name: ______

Please rate the following: 0- not at all, 5- absolutely

  1. Does this student cooperate well with other students and teachers?


  1. Does the candidate have leadership ability?


  1. Does the candidate show a positive school attitude?


  1. Does the candidate show appropriate enthusiasm and good character?


  1. Would this candidate be a good role model for the MHS Cheer squad?


Team Vote

Candidates Name: ______

Please rate the following: 0- not at all, 5- absolutely

  1. Does this student cooperate well with other students and teachers?


  1. Does the candidate have leadership ability?


  1. Does the candidate show a positive school attitude?


  1. Does the candidate show appropriate enthusiasm and good character?


  1. Would this candidate be a good role model for the MHS Cheer squad?


Possible Captain Interview Questions

Each candidate will be responsible for sitting through an interview. The interview will be conducted by the sponsor and one other adult. The interview will consist of 5-7 of the following questions. Candidates will be given points based on their responses.

1. Name two ways to get students interested in attending pep rallies and school events.

2. What would you do if a member of your squad had a very bad attitude problem?

3. What three characteristics do you feel are most important for cheerleaders to possess?

4. Do you feel cheerleadersare an important part of the athletic program; and if so, why?

5. Why are you trying out for the cheer captain?

6. How should cheerleaders represent their school and student body?

7. What’s a new idea you would like to see implemented in the cheer program?

8. What was something the cheerleaders did last year that you felt was effective?

9. How can you get teachers and administrators involved with school spirit?

10. Why would a cheerleader be responsible for maintaining good grades?

11. What is your definition of a “cheerleader?”

12. Should Cheerleaders be treated like athletes? And if so… what does that mean If not…. Why?

13. What do you think are the most important things that make a team successful?

14. What do you think your best qualities are? What do you think that you need to work on?

15. What are your goals, in cheer, in life?

16. If you had an issue with another cheerleader, how would you handle it?

17. What quality do you possess that would add to this team and make us better?

18. What would you do if a member of the squad posted something on social media that you knew would cause the squad to look bad?

Expectations and responsibilities for Captains:

  • Be a liaison between Cheerleaders and Sponsor/Coach during the season

Share GroupMe reminders for practices, games, and events

Let the coach/ sponsor know of issues within the squad

  • Demonstrate leadership both in and out of uniform

No social media issues

No classroom issues

Be an example of what a Moore cheerleader should be

  • Be the first one to come and the last one to leave at practices, games and events

Help make sure that things are ready before practices and put away at the end of practices

  • Help delegate/coordinate spirit raising, fundraising and team bonding

Offer ideas

Help plan events

Design shirts throughout the year

  • Help to foster an environment of growth and encouragement among the team

Help to build your teammates up and encourage them when needed

  • Work with the team individually and as a whole, recognizing that each individual member is a vital part of our team and helping them to learn and be the best they can be

Offer positive criticism to help each member of the team reach their full potential

  • Work cohesively and supportively with the other captains, sponsor, and coach

No arguing with fellow Captains/Seniors about group decisions

If you have an issue discuss it outside of practice

Work to promote unity among squad leadership

  • Maintain a passing average in all classes, at all times
  • Possess leadership skills, maintain good organizational skills, and demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility

I have read through and understand my responsibilities if selected as Captain of one of the Moore High School Cheer Squads. I also understand that if I do not fulfill my duties, I may be removed from my position. I realize that I will be held to a higher standard, and I am prepared to take on this challenge.

Student SignatureDate

Parent SignatureDate