
Review Chapter 26 and 28

I. Matching: Match each person with their correct description.

A. Robert KennedyB. Robert McNamaraC. Richard Nixon

D. Jack RubyE. Lyndon JohnsonF. Fidel Castro

G. Dean RuskH. Lee Harvey OswaldI. John F. Kennedy

J. Nikita KhrushchevK. McGeorge BundyL. Earl Warren

M. Barry GoldwaterN. Joseph McCarthyO. Kim Il Sung

P. Syngman RheeQ. Alger HissR. The Rosenbergs

S. Harry TrumanT. Dwight D. EisenhowerU. Chiang Kai-shek

V. Kim Jung IlW. Kim Jung UnX. Joseph Stalin

Y. John Foster DullesZ. Francis Gary PowersAA. Mao Ze Dong

BB. George Marshall

___F____ 1. Cuban leader

___A____ 2. Attorney General under the Kennedy administration.

___H___ 3. Assassin whom the Warren Commission labeled “a sorry little loser”

___P___4. Nationalist leader of Korea post-WWII

___Q___5. Accused spy for the Soviets

___T___ 6. President from 1953-1961

___M___ 7. Republican candidate in 1964 election

___X___8. Leader of the Soviets that established satellite nations

___K___ 9. National Security Advisor under Kennedy

___B___ 10. Secretary of Defense under the Kennedy administration

___S___11. U.S. President, 1945-1953

__G____ 12. Secretary of State under the Kennedy administration

__O____13. Communist leader of Korea during Korean War

__U____14. Nationalist leader in China that fled in 1949

__E____ 15. Vice-president under Kennedy

__Z____ 16. U2 pilot

__C____ 17. Vice-president under Eisenhower

___L___ 18. Activist Chief Justice of the 50’s and 60’s

___V___19. Communist leader in North Korea, died in 2011

___J___20. Soviet leader during U2 Incident

__D____ 21. Killed Kennedy’s assassin

__AA____22. Communist leader of China post-WWII

___I___ 23. Democratic candidate in 1960 election

__N____24. U.S. Senator from Wisconsin

__R____25. Accused of giving away secrets to the A-bomb

__Y____26. Secretary of State under Eisenhower administration

__BB___27. Secretary of State under Truman administration

___W___28. Current leader of North Korea

II. Matching: Match the term to its proper definition.

A. MedicareB. MedicaidC. Reapportionment

D. Great SocietyE. Flexible responseF. Immigration Act of 1965

G. Peace CorpsH. New FrontierI. Economic Opportunity Act

J. Warren CommissionK. Warren CourtL. Limited Test Ban Treaty

M. Eisenhower DoctrineN. Truman DoctrineO. Marshall Plan

P. BrinkmanshipQ. ContainmentR. Blacklist

S. McCarron Internal Security ActT. Federal Civil Defense Administration

U. HUACV. McCarthyismW. Loyalty Review Board

___G__ 29. A program of volunteer assistance for developing nations

__J____ 30. Investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy

__W____31. In charge of investigating government employees for disloyalty

___B___ 32. Health insurance extended to welfare recipients

___Q___33. Taking measures to prevent the extension of Communism

___H___ 34. The chief theme of John F. Kennedy’s Presidential campaign

___C___ 35. Redrawing election districts

___K___ 36. Outlawed discrimination in public places, increased federal power to prosecute civil rights abuses.

___R___37. People condemned for having a communist background

___A___ 38. Provided hospital insurance and low cost medical insurance for those 65 and older.

___U___39. Congressional committee that investigated communist propaganda in the film industry

__F____ 40. Ended quotas based on nationality

___I___ 41. Created youth programs, job training, small-business loans and anti-poverty measures

____L__42. Banned nuclear testing in the atmosphere

___O___43. U.S. to provide aid to all nations that need it

___D___44. The name applied to the chief domestic goals of the Johnson administration

___M___45. U.S. to provide military and economic aid to Middle Eastern nations

___E___ 46. Boosting conventional military forces rather than nuclear arms

___S___47. Made it unlawful to plan an action that might lead to creating a totalitarian dictatorship

__P____48. Going to the edge of an all out war to avoid the spread of communism

__N____49.U.S. must support free peoples who are resisting attempted overthrow by outside powers (Greece and Turkey)

___T___50. In charge of instructing the public on ways to prepare for a nuclear attack

___V___51. Attacks on suspected communists

III. Dates: Write down the dates of the events listed below.

52. Cuban Missile Crisis: October 1962 (M/Y) Length: 13 days

53. Bay of Pigs: April 17, 1961

54. First televised debate: September 26, 1960 Candidates: Nixon (R) vs. Kennedy (D)

55. Berlin Wall: August 13, 1961 (Fell in 1989)

56. Kennedy Assassination: November 22, 1963

57. Korean War Years 1950-1953 (divided in 1948)

58. Cold War Years 1945-1991

59. Berlin Airlift Years : 1948- 1949 length: 327 days

60. U2 Incident Year 1961

61. Sputnik Year 1957

62. Explorer 1 1958

63. Truman Presidency 1945-1953

64. Eisenhower Presidency 1953-1961

65. Kennedy Presidency 1961-1963

66. Big 3 at Potsdam:

Truman – U.S.

Stalin- Soviet Union

Atlee- Great Britain

67. Big 3 of North Korea:

Kim Il Sung

Kim Jung Il

Kim Jung Un

68. Line dividing North Korea in 1948: 38th parallel

Line dividing North Korea in 1953: DMZ or Truce Line

ATTENTION HONORS! Big picture information for 8 short answers on test

  1. Potsdam Conference
  2. Compare U.S. to Soviet Union
  3. Divisions of Europe (real and imaginary lines)
  4. Cold War at Home
  5. Korean War (then and now)
  6. Issues in Cuba (1960’s)
  7. Kennedy and Johnson (policies)
  8. What is the Cold War?

Mapping below: