What is the real reason for banning smoking in restaurants?
What the antis realize is people like to come together with others who share their interests and views. The bar, cafe, or restaurant is just an alternative to gathering around the kitchen table.
Separating smokers allows antis to discuss them without interference. Preventing smokers from gathering together as a group does not allow them to decide an alternative to anti plans and interferes with freedom of association.
If smokers want to enjoy other people they have to follow their rules and stifle their own choices and beliefs.
As a result, many smokers participate less in society and this enables antis to make all the rules. Or…
Call 1-304-765-5394
to start taking control!
Did you Know….
- If both your parents smoked, you are less likely to develop lung cancer than if your parents were nonsmokers.
- Studies have concluded smokers are less likely to develop Parkinson’s, a very costly disease to treat.
- Except for a few antis with guns, smoking has never been linked to a single death under the age of 35.
- Of the world’s oldest known living persons – over 110 years of age – almost all have been smokers.
- Health care costs for former smokers are higher than for both non- and current smokers.
- Current smokers are 30% less likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer than former smokers.
- Doctors use smokers’ lungs for transplantation.
- In a laboratory experiment, when exposed to lethal doses of radioactive material 100% of “non-smoking” mice died, but 60% of the “smoking” mice lived!
- Natural CoQ 10 is derived from the tobacco leaf
- People who smoke have better digestion, partly because they relax with a smoke after a big meal.
Fight Back Before Even More of Your Rights Get Taken Away –
What if you discovered…
- ‘Second hand smoke kills’ is just another scare slogan, without a shred of scientific credibility?
- Smoking bans needlessly destroy businesses and cost jobs?
- Governments have wasted billions of dollars of your money spinning the scare and enforcing smoking bans most people don’t want anyway?
If any of this were true, would you be angry?
Freedom is worth the fight. Read on.
Test Your Knowledge:
1. Which 20th century world leader was the first to issue a smoking ban?
a. Adolph Hitler b. BorisYeltsin c. Pierre Trudeau
2. Which of the following has not been linked to an increased risk for cancer?
a. apple juice b. whole milk c. grapefruit
3. According to Journal of the American Medical Association predictions, when compared to current figures, if anti-smoking efforts had not been stepped up after 1989, the percentage of smokers today would be __.
a. 13% lower b. 13% higher c. 26% higher
4. The National Institutes of Health has called a major endemic study of childhood asthma due to __
a. Hurricane Katrina b. 9/11 c. parental smoking
Who are the antismokers?Antis are led by a joint coalition of huge health non-profits and pharmaceutical companies, both often acting in consort with the tobacco industry. All have more than an apparent interest in keeping smokers smoking and harassed.
Many politicians rely on contributions from anti groups (especially $$$ pharma) while others fear being branded “baby-killers” if they take any action or vote against them.
Who Loses from Antismoking?
Everybody. You.
- The slippery slop of the loss of freedom, liberty and choice usually begins with smoking bans.
- Smoker-friendly establishments lose business. Even nonsmoking venues lose their niche in the free market.
- People who smoke have suffered from the “hex effect” of antismoking for decades. Modern antismoking attacks nonsmokers with the “nocebo effect.”
- All people lose faith in Public Health officials due to irresponsible and faulty antismoking propaganda.
- Politicians rely on tobacco taxes to fill budget holes even though economies tend to fail with over-reliance on sin taxes.
- Antismoking breeds resentment, anger and even hatred in society among friends and family members.
The following information was excerpted from Smith, R., “Brainwashing Succeeds Again,” which may be found at
“…Anti-smoking has become a big industry,with big profits. The shameful tobacco settlement that has extracted billions of dollars from tobacco companies who then raised their prices to com-pensate, has funded thousands of "non-profits", employing tens of thousands employees, who sucker others into donating to “the cause” of eliminating second-hand smoke. These orga-nizations have literally competed with each other “cooking” false numbers, making some "facts" up completely, and deliberately misinterpreting data, to out-exaggerate other groups. What we’re left with is a complete farce, with no public idea what the truth really is… Amidst all this anti-smoking
furor, and at the risk of being attacked by organizations getting wealthy on antismoking, many scientific studies have clearly shown that there is no truth to the secondhand smoke claims. The studies get buried or ignored. The World Health Organization buried its own study showing no harm….”
(Note: The WHO actually buried more than one study.)
Who are the smokers? Watch the people who enter smoke shops... get an idea who the lies are harming most. I can tell you that there is a high percentage of women, and a great many senior citizens. Those two groups alone demonstrate the lies. Women outlive men, and if what you've been told about smoking were true, there just wouldn't be many senior citizen smokers left alive.
We have all been greatly harmed by antismoking hysteria. Science, media and politics have been perverted. People have been estranged from their friends and even family members. Businesses have suffered. When all the smokers are gone and more of our individual rights have been obliterated, and "public health" hasn't improved, perhaps the remaining suckers will realize that antismoking was a disastrous fraud.