FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2012- 9:00 a.m.

1.  Call to Order (J. Hofbauer)

2.  Pledge of Allegiance (V. Sumner)

3.  Roll Call (P. Shea)

4.  Approve Agenda (J. Hofbauer)

5.  Approve Minutes of Feb. 9, 2012 (P. Shea)

6.  Election of Officers (P. Schmidt)

7.  Update of Grand National XXXI (J. Rein)

8.  Update of Grand National XXXII (D. O’Neil)

9.  Update of Grand National XXXIII (B. Neeley)

10.  Bids for Grand National XXXIV (T. Schaefer)

11.  Treasurer’s Report (M. Lazachek)

12.  All American Award – All Star committee (D. Brown)

13.  Policy Manual Changes (C. Perkins)

14.  Cell phone policy @ tournaments (V. Sumner)

15.  $1 sanctioning fee for Consolation tournaments (V. Sumner)

16.  Youth masterpoints (V. Sumner)

17.  Awarding of deal in playoff matches to higher seeded player (A. Eiffert)

18.  Discussion of L. Hassett’s report on new masterpoint software (J. Hofbauer)

19.  Proposal for compensation for recording secretary (J. Hofbauer)

20.  Proposal for renaming TOC (R. Hofbauer)

21.  Lack of back-up for Membership Secretary (B. Milk)

22.  Board Actions communicated to Tournament Directors (H.Mack)

23.  Move Ohio from Eastern to Central Region (D. Campbell)

24.  Placement for BoD & Award region based on where you play most (D. Campbell)

25.  Limiting wrap-around tournaments to legacy tournaments (D. Campbell)

26.  Committee Reports:

a.  Executive (J. Hofbauer)

b.  Ethics (R. Logan)

c.  PR/Publicity (N. Nikodym)

d.  Grass Roots (J. Rein)

e.  Internet (B. Milk)

f.  Web Site (D. Waite/D. Aiken)

g.  Tournament Rules & Guidelines (R. Hofbauer)

27.  Officer’s Reports:

a.  President (J. Hofbauer)

b.  Executive VP (T. Schaefer)

c.  VP Policy (C. Perkins)

d.  VP Operations (D. Campbell)

e.  Member-at-Large (J. Shimp)

28.  Next BOD Meeting: February 7, 2013, 9:00 a.m. @ Sands Hotel/Casino Reno, NV

29.  Adjourn