Students Who Qualify for Waivers of the

General Education Foreign Language Requirement

Non-native English speakers may fulfill the General Education foreign language requirement by the following alternate means:

If you are … / How to request a waiver
A student from a non-English speaking country where all school instruction was given in a language other than English and who can present documentation that you came to the United States after the age of 12. / Take the appropriate documentation to your school advising office.
A student with ESL courses on your college transcript. / Take the appropriate documentation to your school advising office.
A student whose native language is not English and who can demonstrate proficiency at the third level (first semester intermediate) or higher in a language other than English through evaluation by a Binghamton faculty member or by a person identified by the Translation Research and Instruction Program (if available). / Find a Binghamton faculty member or person identified by the Translation Research and Instruction Program to evaluate your language skills. (See “How do I find a language evaluator?” on the back of this sheet).
If the language evaluator determines that you have successfully demonstrated proficiency, please ask them to sign the bottom of this form, indicating proficiency. You should then return this form to your school advising office.

For students seeking to demonstrate proficiency only:

Student name (please print) : ______Student SSN: ______

School in which student is enrolled (check one): _____ Harpur College _____ Decker _____ SEHD _____ SOM _____ Watson

Based on examination, I certify that the above student is proficient at the third level (first semester intermediate or higher) in ______(name of language; please print).

Name of evaluator (please print) : ______Department: ______

Signature of evaluator: ______Date: ______

Please note: Forms should be sent directly by the language evaluator to the student’s school advising office.
How do I find a language evaluator?

If your language is… / Contact…
Arabic (Modern Standard) / Dept of Classical and Near Eastern Studies, LT 1106, ext. 7-6709
Chinese / Dept of German, Russian and East Asian Languages, LT 1403, ext. 7-2656
Egyptian Spoken Arabic (Dialect) / Dept of Classical and Near Eastern Studies, LT 1106, ext. 7-6709
French / Dept of Romance Languages and Literatures, LT 510, ext. 7-2645
German / Dept of German, Russian and East Asian Languages, LT 1403, ext. 7-2656
Greek (modern) / Dept of Classical and Near Eastern Studies, LT 1106, ext. 7-6709
Hebrew (modern) / Dept of Judaic Studies, FA 345, ext. 7-3070
Italian / Dept of Romance Languages and Literatures, LT 510, ext. 7-2645
Japanese / Dept of German, Russian and East Asian Languages, LT 1403, ext. 7-2656
Korean / Dept of German, Russian and East Asian Languages, LT 1403, ext. 7-2656
Persian / Dept of Classical and Near Eastern Studies, LT 1106, ext. 7-6709
Russian / Dept of German, Russian and East Asian Languages, LT 1403, ext. 7-2656
Spanish / Dept of Romance Languages and Literatures, LT 510, ext. 7-2645
Yiddish / Dept of Judaic Studies, FA 345, ext. 7-3070
All other languages, including ASL… / Translation Research and Instruction Program, LT 1302, ext. 7-6765