Mdina Road,

Zebbug. ZBG 9013


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6 October 2010

Dear Parents/Guardians

Once again, I welcome you to another new scholastic year. As your daughter/s might have already informed you, this year we have a new Assistant Head, Ms Caroline Anastasi, replacing Ms Cecile Bonello who will still be employed by the school to help in the Administration. Ms Georgette Booker has retired and is being replaced by Ms Monica Micallef until Christmas, and later on by Ms Lydia Debono. Ms Laura Schnirel, Ms Erica Mifsud, Ms Romina Debono and Ms Sandra Azzopardi are back from Parental Leave, and Ms Theresa Pirotta will be back after Christmas.

Our new members on the staff are Ms Deandra Agius who will be taking Ms Caroline’s place, Ms Monica Micallef who will be teaching English to the Form 1 classes until Christmas and two new Learning Support Assistants. These are Ms Diane Linwood and Ms Simone Ellul. Ms Charmaine Dalli has resigned to continue further studies, and Mr Michael Conti will be replacing her for Guidance and PSD lessons. Ms Schranz, our Music Teacher is being replaced by Ms Abela.

Whilst thanking all the outgoing teachers for giving their good service to the School, I welcome the new members among us and wish them a very prosperous year.

As you realise, school life if very enterprising and full of colour. There is movement, life and a generous dose of love in our educative mission. We strive to make our students welcome and happy at school, and most of our teachers do not spare themselves to be available to the students also through mobile phones, emails and personalised websites. Communication is essential and I encourage you to feel free to contact the school whenever you wish to clarify matters or inform us about any problem your daughter/s might be facing.

Once again, the school offers a Counselling and Guidance Service to all those who wish to avail themselves of it. Mr Andrew Delia is the Curia Counsellor provided for the school once a week. Ms Rosalba Axiak and Mr Michael Conti are full-time Guidance Teachers. Other teachers are also available for help and support according to the students’ choices.

On the school’s website, you will find the planned activities for the school year 2010/11 which will be updated as we go along. For the first term, we have organised the following activities:

7 October: A talk for Form 5 students and parents regarding SEC examinations.

11 October:An introductory meeting for Form 1 students and parents from 9.30am till noon.

20 October:An introductory meeting for Form 2 students and parents from 9.30am till noon.

27 October:An introductory meeting for Form 3 students and parents from 9.30am till noon.

28 October: PTA general meeting at 7.00pm. There will be the election of new officials. Parents who would like to sit on the committee are asked to give in their names with the relevant details to the school secretary before 20 October.

November 1, 2 & 3 are Mid-Term Holidays

7 December:Parents’ Day

22 December: End of term. School finishes at 11.00 am after a film show.

10 January 2011:First day of second term.

This term we will be welcoming our General Superior and one of her assistants between October 4 and 17. She will be meeting the three schools and the four communities of the sisters of St. Dorothy’s in Malta.

May the Lord, through the intercession of St. Paula Frassinetti, grant us a good scholastic year in all respects and I wish you all a peaceful journey through your everyday chores and hard work to be able to give the very best to all your dear ones.

May God bless you all.

