Ref. No.: 01/GA/CR/2009
Date: April 21, 2009
To: All US Churches and Prayer Houses
Re: Registration for 2009 Central Region Summer Student Spiritual Convocation
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Hallelujah! Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please be informed that the Summer Students’ Spiritual Convocation for the Central Region will be held from Jun 28, 2009 to July 3rd, 2009. Details will be as follows:
Jun 28 (Sunday): Registration (5:30 pm), Dinner (6:00 pm)
Opening Ceremony & Orientation (7:00-8:30 pm)
July 3rd (Friday): SSC concludes by 2:00 pm
Location: Dallas Church, Texas
Theme: Living in the Words of God
Attendees for this convocation must be Entering Grade 4 in September to Grade 12 corresponding to Elementary 2, Junior One, and Junior Two Classes in most churches. During the convocation, the attendees will lodge on church premises and will be expected to maintain a high level of discipline. The schedule and curriculum will be finalized in Jun and be made available to you.
Please note that registration will be on paper only, minors must return paper copies of the parental consent and emergency contact information form (complete with guardian signature). Enclosed is a “General Information Sheet” that attendees must read prior to the convocation. We request that R.E. Coordinators (or Religious Affairs) make announcements in each local church, make copies of the attached forms and sign-up sheets, collect all the completed forms and return them before Jun 7 to Brother Daniel Wu, Dallas Church, 1111 W. Belt Line Road, Richardson, TX 75080. We would like to ask for your favor in entering all the student registration information in electronic form (the blank form of a Group Registration will be sent via email format to all the churches and RE coordinators) as well to increase the accuracy of the students’ information. The group registration form is to be sent to Daniel Wu, . The deadline for registration is Jun 7, 2009. Please honor the deadline, as sufficient time is needed to finalize planning of the SSC.
This year’s coordinators will be as follows:
General Coordinator: Pr. Wen-Chuan Yeh ()
Counseling Coordinator: Sister Chin-Li Chou
Curriculum Coordinator: Sister Janet Kuo ()
Registration Coordinator: Daniel Jeng ()
Please pray for the success of this important spiritual event. May God bless you!
Yours in Christ,
Paul Ho,
Central Region Coordinator, USGA
Encl: General Information Sheet, SSC Registration Form
cc: RE Coordinators, Resident Ministers,
USGA Council Members,
District Coordinators of the Central Region,
Canadian Coordination Center