Date: February 22, 2017

  1. Call to Order 12:18pm
  2. Roll Call: Alissa Ramirez, Connar Allen, Caleb Pittman, Kyle Fernandez, Jeffery Thomas, Friederike Davis, Justin Bustos, Richard Torres, Jackie Lara, Micah Bachner Saumya Thomas, Allen Graham, Giselle Guzman, Kristin Strittmatter, Elizabeth Carter
  3. Islander Pledge
  4. Introduction of Guests
  5. Approval of Minutes - February 08, 2017, February 15, 2017> approved
  6. President’s Report
  1. Reports

-Thank you to everyone for helping make homecoming and Penny Wars a success. We were able to raise $231.34 towards the scholarship.

-February 21, 2017>Day at the Capitol had a good turnout of people advocating for the university

V. Vice President’s Report

  1. UCSA Advisory Committee Meeting

-Discussed cancelation/no show policy. Attempt to get people to reserve what they actually need for events

-Discussed printing services and looking into new software/computers to make services more efficient. Next meeting will be March 3rd, 217

  1. Friday Fiesta - Homecoming Events

-Thank you again to everyone for helping out! Lots of stuff were left out and left here in the office. If you need office hours stop by and help clear things out!

  1. Spring 2017 SGA Open Forum - Monday, March 6th, 2017
  2. Tejas Lounge (2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. timeslot)> sign up on Doodle!
  3. Committee Chair Meeting

VI. Treasurer’s Report

Student wages $1,099.63
FICA $31.53
Workmans Comp $2.54
Unemployment Insurance $1.65
Dugan Mats for Friday Fiesta $225.00
Account Balances
Student Wages: $13,950.95
Other Expenses: $13,953.51

VII. Chief Justice’s Report

-Introduction of new Associate Justice, Sara Elharoun>motion by Sen. Davis, seconded by Sen. Bachnar. 16 for, 0 against, 0 abstain, motion approved

-Second Associate Justice chosen, Jack Reynolds, > motion by Sen. Allen, seconded by Sen. Davis. 16 for, 0 against, 0 abstain, motion approved

VIII. Speaker’s Report

-There are open senator spots for College of Graduate Studies, Nursing and Health Sciences, and Education and Human Development

-Keep any agendas or special notes you may have organized in your binder for future use!

IX. Secretary’s Report> There is nothing to report at this time

X.Senator Reports

  1. Graduate Studies>see attached report
  2. Discussed upcoming Student Government Events
  3. Discussed homecoming festivities and Islander Alumni
  4. Discussed Grow stress management workshop
  5. Graduate Student Organization Dissolved
  6. A.P.A Writing workshop
  7. Scheduled Dean meetings every third Thursday at 4:30PM

XI. Committee Reports

  1. Legislative Studies

- Texas Student Government Coalition, possible more training on how to advocate on policy

XII. Old Business

  1. College of Liberal Arts
  2. Budget Resolution

-Motion to remove from table by Sen. Allen, seconded by Sen. Lara>16 for, 0 against, 0 abstain>approved

-Motion to approve by Sen. Allen, seconded by Sen. Banaag> 16 for,) against, 0 abstain>approved

XIII.Advisor’s Report

-Search Committee held open forum on Monday February 20th, 2017 regarding new president.

-Ther are 5 open applications for President Ambassadors for next year. The first application deadline is March 1, 2017 and applicants must be graduating May of 2018 or later

-Thanks for all the help during homecoming, the tailgate and block party were very successful!

-Aim to start planning for homecoming as soon as a date is picked

-If you have any comments regarding homecoming please let the Homecoming Committee know.

XIV.Open Forum

-Mobile Sandollar ID (GET Mobile APP) was not being accepted by the American Bank Center at the Homecoming game> Bring to the attention of Tim Doyle, Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing and Promotions

-Possible College of Business social/recognition ceremony prior to graduation


  1. Dulces con la Dean
  2. Wednesday, March 1st, from 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m., in GROW (Library room 220)

B. College of Science and Engineering

a. Dean meeting next week and

b. Meeting with Food and Services next Thursday at 3:30

C. College of Liberal Arts

a. Trombone studio has been invited to a very prestigious conference in March. They will be selling discount cards for $10 to fundraise. If you are interested in purchasing one, contact Sen. Lara.

XVI.Roll Call Alissa Ramirez, Elijah Banaag, Connar Allen, Caleb Pittman, Kyle Fernandez, Jeffery Thomas, Friederike Davis, Justin Bustos, Richard Torres, Jackie Lara, Micah Bachner, Saumya Thomas, Allen Graham, Giselle Guzman, Kristin Strittmatter, Elizabeth Carter

XVII.Adjournment 1:07pm