Flower City Pickers
August 10, 2016 Board Meeting
Attendees: Khoury Humphrey, Tricia Banks, Charles, Scott Hefner, Paul Banks, Denise
Thank you for participating in the June board meeting. Below are the key topics covered during our session:
- Re-cap of Guest Chef and Appreciation Shindig
- What’s up with the bus
- Data – weighing food
- St. John Fisher – 5 Students from St. John Fisher will put together a business proposal in how we can improve our outreach initiatives, fund raising and social media.
- Review funding priorities
- Khoury shared with us that he is going on a sabbatical (Hawaii) for six months starting in October. He will continue to be involved with Flower City Pickers remotely and will hopefully bring back ideas on how to improve the work processes and efforts of Flower City Pickers
- Reviewed actions below
Action / Lead / Advisory Committee / Status – 8/10/16
- FCP Logo
- Poster
- Tri-Fold
- Create & update online calendar
- Identify tasks for one year anniversary (including announcement)
- Facebook updates (Need to get more feedback)
- Need a volunteers only signs
- Update about us
- Sign for one side of the bus
- Logo and web-site on bus
Set up a T-Shirt making party to have shirts on hands / Tricia / APO Organization at U of R has volunteered to do T-shirts for us.
Do a better job organizing boxes / Paul / Tricia / Have volunteers tear down boxes that cannot be used again to minimize clean-up efforts at the end of the day.
When contacting shelters see if they have a talented individual to help with collecting. / Paul / Paulie
Need to start weighing food again to track lbs. of food by category. Need to purchase a scale and have a reliable volunteer help each week / Khoury / Tricia
Explore additional fund raising activities to sustain us through the winter. / Hannah
Set up media workshop – need help updating Facebook, web-site, Instagram, twitter, etc., need advisory committee for media. / Tricia
Send official letter requesting a permanent parking space for the bus / Completed – have yet to obtain approval.
Bus – 4 options
-Shop Fix - $1.500 – 2,500
-Scrap - $1,000
-Yovi – Parts only – exhaust, brakes - $1,000
-Do not fix and just paint bus – and leave at the market. Need help from market to allow us to keep the bus parked at the market. / Recommendation – leave the bus at the market. Goal is to paint bus once it cools down and use as an educational tool to educate the public.
Hannah to contact Ann Moore Food Photographer and ask her to drop off food on Saturdays between 1:30 and 2:30 / Hannah
Need Announcements at the market / Tricia / Write ups about the FCP, need more volunteers
Collections / Khoury / Scott / Explore using a bell and wear tie dye shirts so vendors recognize Flower City Pickers and getting back up collectors
Tool created for online volunteer sign up
Need to provide more description about the tasks. Need to include info asking if they have additional questions or needs. Give Khoury info log in and password info. / Tricia / Reinforce with volunteers to use the tool to help assess number of volunteers each week.
Manage public relations (articles, news updates) / TBD
Kathleen has created an initial spreadsheet to track expenses and donations and reporting. Document to include Insurance - $65/month, liability insurance - $400/year, collaterals/flyers, bus repairs, etc.,(document to be updated to include receipts from Khoury) / Board Members / Check with Gary to see if he would be interested in being treasurer
Set up FCP as a 501© / Tricia / Hannah Farley / Denise provided a link (1023-EZ Form Makes Applying for 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status Easier;) and contact name to help get the process going
- Create quarterly newsletter
- Develop annual report to solicit funding and for education
Safety Waivers / Tricia / Khoury /
- Include safety waiver statement in volunteer sign up notebook.
- Update volunteer sign-up sheet with checkmark indicting volunteer read waiver and understand.
- Copy of waiver to be available via FCP web-site.
Create By-Laws / To be determined / All trustees / First draft 80% completed
Backfill / All Officers and Coordinators / Officer / coordinator to identify backfills – Identified a media coordinator, need collections and treasurer.
Completed Items
Trustees & Officers to send President desired name to create FCP email account / Khoury / No advisory necessary / Completed
Volunteer Appreciation Event / Tricia / Hannah / Completed - Tricia to put together notification and Khoury to update the web-site
Participation in Guest Chef at the Market / Tricia / Completed – Julie Khoury to help
Tricia to follow up with insurance to make sure that the $325 covers an annual policy and that we are already approved. / Tricia / Completed – Insurance policy in place
Create Drop Box as central repository to share information / Hannah Folkert / NA / Completed - Set it up under the Administrative e-mail.
Hang the first aid box in the bus / Charles/Scott / NA / Completed
Review MOU & obtain legal input / Tricia / NA / Completed – MOU provided to Evan L.
Provide Hannah Farley a list of current shelters / Paul / Hannah Farley / Completed
Thank you again for your participation. If you have any corrections or questions, please contact me. Thank you for all you do.
Our next meeting is scheduled for September 14at 6:00 PM at Boulder Coffee on Alexander Street. Below is a rough draft of the agenda. If there are other topics you would like to cover, please let me know. If you have any corrections or questions, please contact me. Thank you for all you do.
SeptemberMeeting Agenda
- Bus Painting and Parking
- Data – weighing food
- Review funding priorities
- 501(C)
- Leaders to provide status on actions identified at August meeting – All