St Mary the Virgin CE Primary School, High Street, Hartfield, East Sussex TN7 4AA
Tel 01 892 770221 and website
Part 1
Monitor, Evaluate, Challenge, and Discuss = Agree Decisions, Actions and Support / Action1.In the absence of the Clerk, due to illness, minutes for this meeting were taken by Louise Sanders. Good wishes for a speedy recovery were expressed to the Clerk
2.Chair’s Welcome, Updates, and Urgent Business
(a)The Chair was looking at a document which could be used to steer the focus of the Governing Body’s Pre-Meeting Assembly. Hilary Rowberry would circulate suggestionsfor all to consider at the next FGB meeting. / Hilary Rowberry
(b)Once theKey Stage Achievements of the children had been included, the Chair of Governor’s Annual Report would be circulated to parents.
(c)The Governor’s Action Plan had been reviewed alongside the Governing Body’s Self-Assessment. These would be circulated for comment and forwarded to ESCC by the 31 July 2015. / All
3.Apologies for Absence had been received from the Clerk beforehand. An electronic “Get Well Card” had been sent. The Attendance Sheet was signed by Emma Maltby, , Andrea McGlew,Juliet Stirrat, Andy Parkin, Hilary Rowberry, Emma Fulham, Rev. Julie Sear, Louise Sanders, Lorna Simm, and Charlotte MacDougall
4.There were no changes in Business and Pecuniary Interests (which would be renewed at the first meeting of the FGB in the new Academic Year). There were noPersonal/Prejudicial Interestsin specific Agenda items declared.
5.Minutes of FGB Meeting held 22 April 2015 were agreed and adopted. These FGB Minutes can be placed on the school website. Matters arising from these Minuteswere reviewed (see Part 2).
Governance: 2015/2016 Academic Year
6.Election and Appointment of Governors for 12 Months commencing 1 September 2015 was undertaken (see outcomes in Part 2).
7.Terms of Reference for the Governing Body and Committeeswill be reviewedat the FGB meeting in September. Clerk will circulate current Terms of Reference with the Agenda for that meeting. / Clerk
8.Meeting Datesfor the 2015/2016 Academic Year will be considered by Emma Maltby and Lorna Simm and agreed at the FGB Meeting in September. Proposals will be circulated with the Agenda for that meeting.
9.It was confirmed that Sophie Thomas of Newick Schoolwill be working with Emma Maltby from September 2015. Finance will come from the Alliance (with a contribution from the Governors. The Governing Body ratified the decision to appoint Sophie Thomas asa Consultant Headwho will support EM from September 2015..
Discussion led by the Headteacher and Safeguarding Governor to ensure that the Governing Body is discharging its Safeguarding and Child Protection responsibilities with action plan and Ragged Review notes.
10.It was noted that the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policyneeded to be reviewed and Governors needed to ensure it reflected the DfE/ESCC “Keeping Safe” publications.Andrea McGlew had reviewed the policy. Names and amendments needed to be made in September. Action was required to train another member of staff in Safeguarding (as, from September, Emma Maltby will be the only member of staff who is Safeguarding trained). Emma Maltby will ask Anna Slack if she would be willing to be trained. Meanwhile, reciprocal arrangement with Withyham School will be put in place to cover safeguarding by a designated person.Safeguarding training for Governors had recently been completed. Hilary Rowberrysignedoff the Safeguarding Action Plan at the meeting. / Emma Maltby
11.It was agreed that Andy Parkin and Emma Fulham would review the Health and Safety Report and Premises Report by 31st August 2015.
12.Professional Development of Acting Headteacher. Emma Maltby reportedon what she has been doing while she has been out of class (i.e. value for money, review of professional development etc.).
- Governors the Year 6 booklet- which would be a gift from the Governors.
- Community Garden,
- Sports Day,
- Survey Monkey Feedback,
- Presence at the Coleman’s Hatch Flower Show,
- Meeting with Penny Gaunt (External Evaluator)
- Analysis of Term 6 data,
- Research into using Target Tracker for formative and summative assessment.
- Decision taken that Teachers will be trained on Target Tracker in the inset days at the beginning of September,
- Attended Finance meetings and considered Staff/Classroom restructuring options
13.Marketing and Admissions Working Party update. Andrea McGlew providedGovernors withconfirmation of losses/gains and details of the school roll (82 children) for the start of the next 2015/2016 Academic Year. Governors had looked at data analysis from online presence and had agreed that the main marketing focus next year would be:
(a)More clarity of social media links on school website
(b)Greater Governor input into the school newsletters
(c)Increased use of social media.
14.Headteacher Recruitment Working Party.
(a)The appointment of Lorna Simm, Andy Parkin, Rev. Julie Sear, and Hilary Rowberry onto the Working Party was ratified.The Working Party had met twice so far and a verbal feedback from their meetings was given.
(b)It was agreed that the Headteacher Recruitment Working Party (Lorna Simm, Andy Parkin, Rev. Julie Sear, and Hilary Rowberry) will be the Interview Panel..
(c)Governors to receive update on the current situation at the next FGB meeting
- Short List of Candidates = 30 September 2015
- Interview Candidates = 16 October 2015
- FGB Meeting to ratify appointment of new Headteacher 16 October 2015
- Appointment commences January/April 2016 (tbc)
(d)Governors would receive and update on the Jessica Stubbings Collaboration/Federation meeting at the next FGB meeting / Lorna Simm
15.The Outcomes and Recommendations from External Evaluator(Penny Gaunt’s) visit had been incorporated into the School Development Plan.
16.Andy Parkin would provide feedback into a review of theNew Governors Induction Policy and Welcome Pack(by Hilary Rowberry). / Andy Parkin and Hilary Rowberry
17.Off Site Activity – French Trip. Andrea McGlewand Emma Maltby had researched possibilities for reducing the costs, but had been unable to reduce the prohibitive costs.
As a last resort, Emma Maltby was approaching Rotherfield Primary School (which would also help “establish collaborative links with other schools”). / Emma Maltby
Children, Learning and Progress: To receive the Head Teacher's Report and updates on the School Action Plan and SEF (circulated with the Agenda) and Curriculum Changes.The Headteacher will answer questions and challenges.
18.Assessment without Levels. Governorsratified the decision to proceed with Target Tracker
Finance, Staffing, and Premises
19.The Governing body approved the budget plan for 2015/16 but deferred any decision regarding draft budgets for 2016/17 and 2017/18. Further work was required for these years in view of volatile pupil numbers, and the latest estimates differing from those submitted to the Business Committee. A sub group of the Committee had been establishedto consider the budgets for these years and would report back to the Full Governing Body in September.
20.In May 2015, Hilary Rowberry and Lorna Simm approvedthe Clerk working 180 hrs for the school during the 2015/2016 Financial Year. 130 hours of this would be funded by ESCC and Governors ratify the decision for the additional 50 hours (backdated to 1st April 2015) to be funded by the Governors Fund.
Miscellaneous and Clerk’s Corner
21.Andrea McGlewthanked Governors for all their support over the years.
22.Lorna Simmthanked Hilary Rowberry for all her hard work and dedication in support of the Governing Body, the School Staff, and the children over the years as a Governor and a Chair of Governors.
23.9.30 pm = Meeting Finished.
Part 2 – Action List Summary
/ Governance: Governing Body Self Evaluation by 13 July 201516 July 2015: Lorna Simm proposed Governing Training for September aimed at looking at the effectiveness/impact of the Governing Body. Emma Maltby had attended governor training by Andrew Binnel( it was agreed that Lorna Simm would investigate what was available and make recommendations at the next FGB meeting. / Lorna Simm
/ Governor Vacancies – PCC and DBE
16 July 2015: Ongoing / Hilary Rowberry
/ Collaboration and Federation
16 July 2015: Governors would receive and update on the Jessica Stubbings Collaboration and Federation meeting at the next FGB meeting / Lorna Simm
/ New Governors Induction Policy and Welcome Pack
16 July 2015: Andy Parkin would provide feedback into a review of the New Governors Induction Policy and Welcome Pack (by Hilary Rowberry). / Andy Parkin and Hilary Rowberry
/ Off Site Activity – French Trip.
16 July 2015: Emma Maltby had been unable to reduce the prohibitive costs. As a last resort, Emma Maltby was approaching Rotherfield Primary School (which would also help “establish collaborative links with other schools”). / Emma Maltby
/ Policy - Complaints and Concerns
16 July 2015: It was agreed that Andrea McGlew would review and adapt the policy. Andrea McGlew to email this to Hilary Rowberry (copy to the Clerk) by 24 July 2015. Emma Maltby will ensure that training covering this new ESCC policy will be included into the staff inset Day in September. / Headteacher
/ Policy - Crisis Management Policy and Plan (Exercise)
16 July 2015: New crisis management team needs to be identified (some staff have moved on), so policy has been reviewed and the names of new Chair of Governor’s, Senior Members of staff, Office Staff etc. need to be inserted into the policy. The Policy will then be exercised. Emma Maltby to have training on exercising the policy by Andrea McGlew (as part of the Headteacher’s Handover to be completed by 31 Oct 2015). / Robert McGlew and Headteacher
/ Policy -Homework Policy
16 July 2015: Headteacher to send approved Homework Policy to the Clerk. / Headteacher
/ Policy - Social Media and E-Safety Policy
16 July 2015: The E-safety policy has been reviewed by Juliet Stirrat and Andrea McGlew. This will be sent out to all Governors by Sunday 19 July 2015 (and adopted by “close of play” Monday 20 July 2015). It was confirmed that Emma Maltby has delivered E-safety learning to all children this academic year. / Headteacher
/ Pre-Meeting Assembly
16 July 2015: The Chair was looking at a document which could be used to steer the focus of the Governing Body’s Pre-Meeting Assembly. Hilary Rowberry would circulate suggestions for all to consider at the next FGB meeting. / Hilary Rowberry
/ Safeguarding (Lead Member of Staff)
16 July 2015: Emma Maltby will ask Anna Slack if she would be willing to be trained. Meanwhile, reciprocal arrangement with Withyham School will be put in place to cover safeguarding by a designated person. / Emma Maltby
/ School Action Plan - Medium and Long Term Plans
16 July 2015: the new School Action Plan will be circulated and reviewed at first FGB meeting of the new academic year. / Headteacher
/ SEF (relaunched)
16 July 2015: the SEF will be circulated and reviewed at first FGB meeting of the new academic year. / Headteacher
/ Terms of Reference
16 July 2015: Terms of Reference for the Governing Body and Committeeswill be reviewedat the FGB meeting in September. Clerk will circulate current Terms of Reference with the Agenda for that meeting. / Clerk
/ Vision, Mission, and Goals
16 July 2015: Ongoing. / FGB
Part 2 – Completion Log
/ Governor Mark Accreditation
16 July 2015: It was agreed that the Governor Mark Accreditation would be used as Benchmark and, at the appropriate moment, would be brought before the FGB for consideration. / David Ball and Hilary Rowberry
/ School Action Plan - Completion Log
16 July 2015: Updated and Discharged. / Headteacher
/ Vision, Mission, and Goals
16 July 2015: Updated and Discharged. / FGB
/ Working Party – Admissions & Marketing
16 July 2015: On Main Agenda / Discharged
/ Governors’ Action Plan 2015/2016
16 July 2015: The Governor’s Action Plan had been reviewed alongside the Governing Body’s Self-Assessment. These would be circulated for comment and forwarded to ESCC by the 31 July 2015.
31 July 2015: Done and Discharged. / All
Part 2 – Election & Appointment of Officers for 12 months commencing 1st September 2015
Chair / Lorna SimmVice Chair / Andy Parkin
Treasurer / Martyn Jenkins
FGB / Headteacher Vacancy, Andy Parkin, Charlotte MacDougall , Emma Fulham, Emma Maltby, Hilary Rowberry , Julie Sear (Rev.), Juliet Stirrat, Lorna Simm, Louise Sanders, and 2 Vacancies
Committee: Academic / 1.Charlotte MacDougall (Chair)
2.Emma Maltby……..
3.Rev. Julie Sear…...
4.Lorna Simm……
5. Louise Sanders
Committee: Business / 1.Andy Parkin (Chair)
2.Emma Fulham.
3.Emma Maltby
4.David Ball
Working Party to Review Pay & Performance Policy / Lorna Simm, Andy Parkin, Emma Maltby
Panel: Pay & Performance (Teachers) / 1.Emma Maltby.
2.Andy Parkin
3.David Ball.
Panel: Pay & Performance (Headteacher) / 1.Lorna Simm.
2.Andy Parkin.
3.John Annis (External Evaluator/SIP)
Panel: Pay & Performance (Appeals) / Clerk suggests that a cross section of 5 named governors is placed on the Appeals Panel (to pull 3 from to hear any appeals). This should not include the Chair of Governors.
Working Party: Marketing, Admissions, and Fund Raising / 1. Lorna Simm
2. Emma Maltby.
3. Juliet Stirrat
4. Charlotte MacDougall.
Panel: Discipline / Clerk suggests that a cross section of 5 named governors is placed on the Discipline Panel (to pull 3 from to hear any appeals). This should not include the Chair of Governors.
Panel: Complaints / Clerk suggests that a cross section of 5 named governors is placed on the ComplaintsPanel (to pull 3 from to hear any appeals). This should not include the Chair of Governors.
Safeguarding / Julie Sear (Rev.)
EYFS / Louise Sanders
Governor Training / Emma Fulham
Health & Safety / Emma Fulham
LAC / Emma Maltby
Pupil Premium / Lorna Simm
Reading, Writing, Literacy / Emma Fulham
Religious Education / Julie Sear (Rev.)
SEND/Inclusions / Juliet Stirrat (Lorna Simm to hand over by January 2016)
The Governing Body is a Corporate Entity. It is a Challenging, Critical Friend and all discussions are “IN CONFIDENCE”.
Governors consider the impact of their decisions upon the Performance, Education, Enrichment and Safety of the children.