UNIT PLAN for M.Ed. (JULY TO DEC 2017)

Dr. Sanjoy Bhuyan

Associate Professor

July / 3-8 July / 8TH July / Nicholls and Nicholls Model and Willes and Bondi Model of Curriculum Development / Role of UGC in quality assurance of teacher development, Assessment of Quality of teacher education programme: Role of NCTE and NAAC
10-15 July / Futuristic Model and Need assessment model of Curriculum Development / Cognitive Characteristics of leadership: Intelligence and other intellectual functions, knowledge, problem solving.
17-22 July / Principles for selection of learning experiences.
Criteria for selection of learning experiences. / Affective characteristics of Leadership: Personality, Motivation, Social Appraisal Skills, Emotional understanding, Values.
24-29 July / Designing of integrated learning experiences.
Designing of inter-disciplinary learning experiences / Leadership behavior: Dimensions, Risk taking behavior, vision building
August / 31-5 Aug / Infusion of Socio-cultural and economic issues in learning experiences / Core leadership practice: setting directions, developing people.
7-12 Aug / 7th Aug / Infusion of environmental issues in learning experiences. / Core-leadership practice: Redesigning the organization, managing the instructional programme
14-19 Aug / 14-15th Aug / School visit for observation / Data Collection for dissertation work
21-26 Aug / 25th Aug / School visit for observation Making learning experiences local specific for the learners / Leading and managing the individual and groups for an organizational climate.
Management of human resources for goal realization.
September / 28-Aug-02Sept. / 1-2nd Sept / Internship
Revision and doubt clearing / Ensuring the quality of education.
Liasoning with higher authorities and community for participatory management
4-9 Sept. / 4th Sept / Revision and doubt clearing. / Using technology in leadership and management
11-16 Sept. / Semester Exam / Semester Exam
18-23 Sept. / 19th Sept / Semester Exam / Semester Exam
25-30 Sept. / 25-30th Sept / Puja Holidays / Puja Holidays
Month / Week / Holiday / SEM I / SEM III
October / 2-7 Oct. / 2nd Oct. / Philosophy: Meaning, nature and function (western and eastern point of view / Bases of Curriculum: Philosophical, Sociological, Psychological and Ideological.
9-14 Oct. / Structure of Philosophy: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Axiology (Ethics and Aesthetics) / Integration of bases of in developing curriculum.
Components of Curriculum: Objetives , contexts (selection)
16-21 Oct / 17-21st Oct / Structure of Philosophy: Logic.
Dhanteras and Deepawali Holiday / Components of Curriculum: contexts( organization) Dhanteras and Deepawali Holiday
23-28 Oct / 23-28th Oct / Chhatt holiday / Chhatt holiday
Oct/November / 30th Oct-04 Nov. / Philosophical methods: Contemplation, Speculation, Enquiry and analysis / Components of Curriculum Transaction: transaction modes and assessment.
Types of Curriculum: Formal and informal.
6-11 Nov. / Philosophy and Education: Their Interrelationship; Educational Philosophy – Emergence, meaning, nature, functions and scope. / Types of Curriculum: Planned and received, hidden, centralized and decentralized
13-18 Nov. / 15th Nov. / Social system: concept, nature and components.
Concept of Sub-system of Social system / Curriculum and Knowledge: Different kinds of knowledge- their refection in curriculum. Integration of knowledge and information in curriculum
20-25 Nov. / Sub – system of social system: Their interrelationship.
Education as a system and sub-system- components and their interrelationship / Theories: Curriculum as process ( Robin Barrow-1984); Curriculum as a product (Franklin Bobbit and Tyler-1949), Diffusion Theory, Stenhouse Model Theory 1975
27 Nov-02 Dec. / 2nd Dec. / Education and other systems: their interrelationship. Levels of education system and their linkages / Approaches to curriculum development: Traditional, Conceptual-Empiricist and Constructivist.
December / 4-9 Dec / Conceptual framework of understanding dimensions of differences in individual learners( with reference to individual attributes and socio cultural contexts.) / Models of Curriculum Development: Tyler Model, Wheeler Model, Kerr’s Model.
11-16 Dec. / Differences in learners based on predominant ‘learning styles’ / Havelock’s Model of Curriculum Development.
Curriculum design: Concept, patterns and steps.
18-23 Dec. / Internal Assessment / Internal Assessment
25-30 Dec. / X-mas holidays / X-mas holidays