A Division of the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association

MAY Minutes

Meeting Agenda for the Nevada Association of StudentCouncilsState Board

May 18th, 2009

  1. Call to Order
  2. The meeting was called to order at 11:43 a.m. on May 18th, 2009.
  3. Roll Call
  4. All were in attendance
  5. Approval of Minutes
  6. There were no new minutes to approve
  7. Officer Reports
  8. President: Kwabena Boateng
  9. Vice Presidents:
  10. A Vice: Melora Weeks
  11. AA Vice: Jonica Fortune
  12. AAA Vice: Sarah Melia
  13. AAAA 1 Vice: Morgan O’Brien
  14. AAAA 2 Vice: Catherine Cabo

Zhan Okuda-Lim moved to recess at 11:55am

Meeting called back into Order at 12:55pm

  1. Regional Representatives:
  2. Northern: Meleigh Groff
  3. Southern: Taylor Ashton
  4. Western: Constanza Ponce de Leon
  5. Conference Organizers
  6. Conference Chair: Jema Gallio
  7. Conference Chair: Patrick Harris
  8. Conference Chair: Jenna Pallach
  9. Conference Host: Mr. Andy Hendrickson
  10. Middle Level
  11. Middle Level Liaison: Loralee Price
  12. Communication Directors
  13. Newsletter Editor: Mason Dettloff
  14. Webmaster: Jordan Barr
  15. Secretary: Shannon Larson
  16. Governmental Affairs
  17. NV State Board of Education Student Representative: Zhan Okuda-Lim
  18. Executive Directors
  19. Northern: Mr. Hugh Rossolo
  20. Southern: Mrs. Sandy Ginger
  21. Western: Mrs. Cheryl Stoddard
  22. New Business
  23. Presidential Goals
  24. Increase communication between NASC officers and Nevada student councils

Points of Discussion:

Vice Presidents: send reminders, updates and congratulatory notes to schools that complete criteria for awards.

Communication Directors: Communicate with entire state, not just your specific region

Education Representative: Create a Wiki to update schools

Cross Communication: Vice President’s should communicate with regional representatives about the school’s accomplishments

When e-mailing: title all subjects of e-mail and include your name and office as a signature

Zhan Okuda-Lim moved to adopt the goal

Motion was seconded by Meleigh Groff

The motion was unanimously approved

  1. Increase participation of inactive schools

Points of Discussion:

Inactive schools: Schools that pay money to the NASC but do not participate in requirements for awards

Compare active schools to inactive schools to share successful ideas and help inactive schools become more involved

Post a bulletin of events of the NASC to get the attention of inactive schools

  • Include pictures and videos

Possible problems inactive schools face: fees and financial difficulties

  • Provide incentives for inactive schools to come to conferences (discounts, ect.)

Jordan Barr moved to adopt the goal

Motion was seconded by Taylor Ashton

The motion was unanimously approved

  1. Increase the amount of schools participating in the RSVP program

Points of Discussion:

Use communication to advertise program (via phone, e-mail, website)

Increase attendance at the RSVP training sessions in regions

Trainers should speak at conferences about successes in program/inform advisors about the benefits

Increase communication between schools with a smaller amount of students and schools with a larger amount of students

Loralee Price moved to adopt the goal

Motion was seconded by Taylor Ashton

The motion was unanimously approved

  1. Increase the amount of National Council of Excellence Award winners

Points of discussion:

Award provides recognition to schools for their hard work

Requirements for National Council of Excellence Award easily correspond with requirements of regional awards

Advertise more to the North and West schools

  • Use website/newsletter (post links to website and deadlines)

Divide requirements up between committees in a Student Council (54 requirements)

Zhan Okuda-Lim moved to adopt the goal

Motion was seconded by Catherine Cabo

The motion was unanimously approved

  1. Improve regional communication

Points of discussion:

Separate newsletter by region

Invite presidents from other regions to regional conferences to share ideas

5th goal is too similar to 1st goal

Zhan Okuda-Lim moved to amend 1st presidential goal: Increase regional communication and communication between NASC officers and Nevada student councils

Motion was seconded by Melora Weeks

The amendment was unanimously passed

Zhan moved to table indefinitely the 5th presidential goal

Motion was seconded by Sarah Melia

The motion for table was unanimously approved

  1. Increase recipients of the Certified Student Leaders Award in Nevada

Points of discussion:

Helps students create a well-rounded college application

Provide incentives for students to participate

Jema Gallio moved to adopt the goal

Motion was seconded by Patrick Harris

The motion was unanimously approved

  1. State Goals: Charitable Contributions
  1. Goal in 2008/2009 was $150,000

Points of Discussion:

Make state goal more achievable: high schools not able to reach goal without help of middle school charitable donations

Use a timeline to see how long it takes schools to raise money

Spirit of Nevada Award now includes 2 charitable contributions

Jema Gallio moved to change the state goal regarding charitable contributions to $125,000

The motion was seconded by Zhan Okuda-Lim

The motion was unanimously approved

  1. 2010 NASCState Conference


Date for State Conference needs to be decided

Slogan for Conference: “It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No it’s a leader!’

Logo on website (Superman)

Zhan Okuda-Lim moved to refer to the Executive Directors and Mr. Hendrickson regarding dates of the State Conference

Motion was seconded by Melora Weeks

The motion was unanimously approved

  1. Approve Regional Award Criteria
  1. Meleigh Groff: Northern Award = Golden Nugget

Changes: 3 School Spirit Activities instead of 2

Possible addition: One of requirements could be waived if schools help Spring Creek prepare for State

  1. Taylor Ashton: Southern Award = Southern Star

Changes: Brother school contact/verification

Schools must have 1 Activity or 2 contacts with brother schools

  1. Constanza Ponce de Leon: Western Award = Wild West

Changes: schools can use Facebook to communicate their ideas/ progress regarding the award

Make a Difference Week with BrotherSchool

Chain Canvas

2 Presidents Meetings (Representation is mandatory)

Zhan Okuda-Lim moved to approve all changes to the Regional Award Criteria

Motion was seconded by Morgan O’Brien

The motion was unanimously approved

  1. Newsletter Proposal

Regional Conference edition to unify regions and update all regions on progress

  • Would be sent out before State Conference
  • Give recap. copies to delegates at Regional Conferences (sent out electronically to everyone else)

State Conference edition to inform schools what to expect at state

Regional Insider edition to unify schools and share ideas

  • Each region submits articles on what student councils accomplish and how they accomplish it
  • Suggestion: write a testimonial about community involvement

Morgan O’Brien moved to approve all proposals of the Newsletter

Motion was seconded by Zhan Okuda-Lim

The motion was unanimously approved

  1. Goal Packet Concerns

Make sure goal packets are forwarded from the student to the advisor to the NASC Vice President

Schools must include all components on goal sheets/retrospects even if they do not use the provided format

The goal packets turned in at State should be updated on the Wiki

  1. 09/10 State Board Meetings
  2. State Board Meeting: August 30-31, 2009 in Elko, NV

Mark dates you cannot make on the Wiki calendar

  1. State Board Meeting: November 22-23, 2009 in Las Vegas, NV
  2. State Board Meeting: February 28-March 1, 2010 in Elko, NV
  1. State Conference Date

April 22-24, 2010

  1. Mid Level Award
  1. Loralee Price: Mid Level Award = Spirit of Nevada Award

Changes: Added 1 Charitable Contribution

Increased minutes/agendas

Newsletter emitted

Loralee Price moved to approve the Mid Level criteria

Motion was seconded by Jema Gallio

The criteria were unanimously approved

  1. Privilege of the Floor
  1. Mrs. Ginger
  2. Professional Dress
  3. Goal Packets: Due June 1st
  4. E-mail: do not use auto delete
  5. Acceptable facebook/myspace pages
  6. Jordan Barr
  7. E-mail personal info by June 10th and a picture for the website
  8. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 3:53 p.m.

Nevada Association of Student Councils

Dedicated in unifying the state through effective communication

and assisting all Nevada Student Councils in achieving their goals.