Children’s Ministry


Care for our infants and toddlers (0-3 years) during the worship service. Each Grace DC member serves in the nursery about once every six months. Contact Emily Baldwin at .

Children’s Church

Teach class for kids 4 years to 5th grade during the worship service. Teach once every 3 months. Contact Cindy Moore at .

Children’s Education

Teach class for kids 4 years to 5th grade before the worship service. Class runs from 4pm to 4:45 on Sunday before the service.

Contact Allison Merritt at .

Fellowship Team

Fellowship Team

Plan events to encourage community such as retreats, picnics, socials, and sport events. Participate in planning 2 events per year. Contact Betsy Blackwell at or Jon White at .

Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour occurs following the service on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Host one coffee hour, every two months, which includes 30 minutes for set-up before the service and 30 minutes after for clean-up. Contact Karen Groen at .

Eat and Meet

Help lead and organize dinners following the service on the first and third Sundays of the month. Organize a dinner once every 2-3 months. Contact Elizabeth Reynolds at .

Fourth Friday Dinners

FourthFriday Dinners, dinners of 8-12 people hosted across the District at the homes of GraceDC attendees, occur each month on the

4th Friday of the month. The dinners are a great way to connect with others at Grace. For members and long-time attendees, this is a flexible commitment to provide and grow in hospitality at Grace. If you’re new, this is an easy, low-key way to meet people. Contact Yan Lee at .

Mercy Ministries

Care Team

Address needs within our church community. Each Community Group has a Care Team coordinator, plus we are exploring avenues to meet needs for those not currently in CGs.

Contact Brandi Yee at .


Global Outreach (GO) Team

Envision and equip our community for mission, care for the missionaries we send and partner with, facilitate short-term mission outreaches, and pray for the impact of truth and mercy on the communities we serve. Meet once every 3 months and help facilitate the ministry. Contact Kara Callaghan at .


Music Team

Lead our community in musical worship.

Sing/Play once every 3-6 weeks, rehearse on Wednesday of week you’re scheduled and every first Saturday of the month.

Contact Cheryl Francis at .


Prayer Team

Prays for the ministry of the church, facilitate times of prayer, and encourage the body to pray. Participate in prayer meetings and facilitate ministry.

Contact Katie Sheerin at .

Sunday Operations

Lending Library

Offer books for those looking into Christianity for the first time and those wanting to grow in their faith. Tend the table during coffee hours, generally on the second and fourth Sundays after the service. Contact Richard Boles at .


Set up communion: Pour wine and juice, set the table, and clean up after the service.

Serve once a month, arrive at the church by 3:50pm, finish by 7-7:30pm.

Contact Ian and Allison Milne .

Wash cups: Take cups home to wash and return to church the following Sunday by 4pm. Help with set-up and clean-up.

Wash cups once every six weeks.

Contact Ian and Allison Milne .

Greeting Team

Welcome those entering our service, hand out bulletins, and reach out to newcomers.

Greet one-Sunday-per-month, arrive by 4:00 pm and greet until 5:15pm.

Contact Michelle DeYoung at .

Work closely with the diaconate to care both for the congregation during the service and address the needs of the homeless who enter our doors looking for help. Training and support are provided. Serve once every 6-8 weeks from 3:45pm-theend of the service. Contact Randall Spadoni at .

Info Table

Staff information table and greet newcomers and regular attenders. Point out service and fellowship opportunities, and answer questions. Volunteer one Sunday every 1-2 months. Arrive by 4:15 pm to set up table. Staff until service begins and after service until 7:00 pm. Contact Janae Barker at .

Set Up Team

Set up for the worship service by moving equipment from storage to its assigned locatiion, set up tables, signs, music/sound equipment, and deliver the communion kit,info table kit, book table kit,and nursery gear. Serve once every 2-3 months.Arrive at church by 3:30, and finish up after church by about 7:30. Contact Greg McClurkin at .

Sound Team

Set mic levels, mix voice and instrument levels for worship, and record sermons.

Serve once a month. Arrive to church by 3:45 to set up and serve throughout the service. Contact Danny Garcia at .