Commercial License number: 593


Ministry of Commerce



Transportation to any location at any time

Cell phone: 0797340130


The company “ACCESS GROUP Ltd” has been designed to fully comply with all transportation requirements within Afghanistan and all the neighboring countries. The management is a fusion of International and Afghan experts in their fields. Should you wish to ship goods to a dangerous location anywhere in Afghanistan our partner Consultancy Company“CMR Afghanistan” will deal with all permissions and tribal negotiations to ensure delivery of your goods in a timely and cost effective manner?

“ACCESS GROUP Ltd” will ensure that the transportation of the goods will be delivered on vehicles which are of a standard acceptable to the client with the well being and security of our drivers being utmost in our company ethos. With this in mind we have secured the services of a number of security in transit companies who have the tribal and regional challenge awareness and compliance with cultural sensitivities.

There is no need to compile a list of documentation for any potential client to view as in Afghanistan this can all be forged and falsified. We operate on the reputation of the management team and the past performance within their fields. The company is custom designed and developed to satisfy the demanding requirements in an ever changing operational environment. However our Afghancompany president has a successful track record of serving the international community in Afghanistan and the senior foreign partners have extensive knowledge of the security situation and the necessity to communicate with the clients clearly and concisely to ensure peace of mind.

Should a client wish to see past performance records and résumé’s of the management team this will be provided on a confidential basis due to the security situation in Afghanistan it is imperative to retain commercial sensitive information and operational security for the team involved?

Any potential client can rest assured that the information about their cargo is held with utmost operational confidentiality to ensure the safety and delivery of the goods. Afghanistan is a dangerous location to transport high value equipment and we intend to treat the cargo as our own personal belongings whilst it is in our care.

With this in mind we operate as the sub license holder for the tracking service which is linked to tapestry the US Military tracking system. please visits our website.

You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.

Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983)