Baccalaureate Review Exercises

Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form

  1. Don't forget (phone) ………………………. him before you leave the office.
  2. This exercise is not easy (solve) ……………………….
  3. “Would you mind (open) ………………………. the window, please?.
  4. I feel like (go) ______to the movies tonight.
  5. Barak Obama has promised (stop) ………………………. All conflicts in the Middle East.
  6. Soon after I had dropped out of school, I began (work) ______for a non – governmental organisation.
  7. They had planned (leave) ______on Friday.

Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense

  1. She did not fail her final exam because her father (help)…………………… her revise her lessons.
  2. I think that by the end of 2014, scientists (find) …………………………. an effective cure for all sorts of cancers.
  3. When Fatima joined the literacy class in her neighbourhood, she wasn’t altogether illiterate. She (received / already) ………………some basic education.
  4. Women are improving remarkably in all domains. By the next decade, they (achieve) …………….much more progress.
  5. He (live) ……………… to Fez, before he came here in 2003.
  6. By next month, I (complete) ……………… reading my second novel.
  7. Mr. Mohammed Alaoui (get)………….....…...... …….his B.A degree before he left to USA. In 2001, he (come)…………...... …..back to Morocco.

Rewrite these sentences as suggested

  1. Many NGOs sent letters of indignation to UN secretary.
    Letters of indignation ………………………………………………………......
  2. “Do we need a lot of money for the project?” Some villagers asked the manager.
    Some villagers asked the manager……………………………………………………
  3. “Why didn’t Brian come to the party yesterday?”
    They wanted to know………………..
  4. They took the dead soldier to London.
    The dead soldier......
  5. “Do you know how to install an antivirus?” the shop assistant asked Mike.
    The shop assistant asked Mike......
  6. The school administration will give the exam results this afternoon.
    The exam results......
  7. “I was revising my lessons yesterday evening when I heard a terrible noise”
    Amal told me………………

Match the following to form a collocation


  1. Information
  2. Renewable
  3. Formal
  4. Adult
  5. Cultural
  6. Responsible
  7. Sense of
  8. Generation
  9. Equal
  10. Problem
  11. Boarding
  12. Note
  13. Have
  14. Civil
  1. Rights
  2. School
  3. Access
  4. Illiteracy
  5. Gap
  6. Taking
  7. Education
  8. Energy
  9. Humour
  10. Solving
  11. Diversity
  12. Technology
  13. Society
  14. Citizen


Match each sentence with its function


1- Enough is enough! I can’t tolerate your behaviour anymore.

2- If I were you, I wouldn’t waste my time chatting.

3-I should have thought well before taking that decision.

4-Sounds great! You managed to find the right girl.

5- I am terribly sorry, sir.

6- I can’t agree more!

7- That’s not true!

a-Asking for advice.


c-responding to good news.

d-expressing regret.

e-expressing purpose.

f-giving advice.

g- apologizing

h- agreeing

i- disagreeing


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs

Look after take after find out come across take off make up

1-He could not ………….the secret his wife has been hiding.

2-The babysitter’s job is to ……………… the babies.

3- He just ...... that story because he xwas late and didn’t want the teacher to be angry.

4- I ...... my friend Nabil when I was walking in the street yeterday.

5- The plane will ...... soon and will land in Paris in three hours.

E. Join the following sentences with the words given

1. the government has launched a project. The government wants to reduce illiteracy rates. (in order to)


2. Aziza did a nice project. The teacher rewarded her. (because)


3. Many African countries have natural resources. They still suffer from poverty. (however)


4. No cure has been invented. Researchers have worked for centuries to find a remedy. (Although)


5. They separated the 99 types of cold into 15 different branches. They wanted to spot the things these branches have in common. (so as)


6. I suffer from terrible headaches. That’s why, I’m going to have a medical check-up. (Since)


7.The young man is getting very weak. He keeps on taking drugs. (despite)......

8. People continue to buy more disposable products. The environment is getting more polluted. (consequently)


9. The State and NGOs aim at improving the social status of the population. They aim at improving the economic status of the population. (as well as)
