Tambourine Week Nine 13


PE: Did you know that you can never teach a child to sing out of tune? You will only teach him that singing is a safe, fun, acceptable thing to do. This is why we encourage you to sing in class even if you’re CONVINCED you can’t sing a note. That’s the magic of the Music Together circle. It’s one of the only places you make music, sing and dance and we don’t care how well you do it. Everyone is welcome. If you’ve ever had your child say “Mommy don’t sing” talk to me after class and I’ll let you know why EVERY child will say it eventually even if their mom is professional singer (or “Don’t take it personally because every child will eventually say this even if their mom is a professional singer!! It’s part of their auditiation development and you can get a full explanation of this behaviour at the Parent Presentation we do each term.”) But right now we’re going to get singing so let it out today and so we can create a circle of singing! 

Robin Redbreast - E

  • Part Song
  • Sing unison first
  • Then divide group into parts:
  • Whole group on one part (could be the caws) and teacher sing the song
  • Two groups with teach on third/fourth
  • Divide group into three/four parts and teacher joins or takes a part
  • OR you can do the round
  • Find clear ending either on harmony or come back to unison singing

TP’s major

Good News

  • Good News we’re bouncing around
  • Hiding…Peek a boo!...Peeka peeka boo!
  • Good News riding on my horse (driving in car)
  • Fast Fast trot trot trot trot…
  • Good News we’re bouncing around - macro
  • La la la verse - micro
  • Good News Sleep is a coming….

Ride O – G#

  • Gather ideas first about “doing” or activities. You could tag a theme to it like playing at the park or getting ready in the morning or summer activities (swimming, biking, etc).
  • Then sing and do! Can use one word like biking biking biking and/or stay on vocables.
  • Start sitting and then get to standing. If you’ve gathered a lot of big ‘doing’ ideas, you could start with getting on your shoes on or driving to the park or a couple of your own sitting activities before you get to standing. Be creative with it. This and That will be all up so I recommend a few sitting verses.

Sit Sit Sit with Sticks

Tricks with Sticks -E

  • Stick play
  • Alternating skat patterns with signing verses
  • Skat patterns – skat patterns from the CD or make up your own or you could have a little rhyme between tune verses like “how do you do and what about that, Jacob has sticks let’s play like that!” Or some combination of the above.
  • Singing Verses – doing what the kids are doing or basic stick actions (clicking, drumming, scraping, rolling)
  • At the end you could invite parents to offer a skat pattern or do the animal skat! It would be an invitation to play around with rhythm. “You’re modeling for the kids how they can express the music later at home!”

RP’s and 1-8 play

One Little Owl – D (dfa)

  • Start with owl (and a few more from the song if you think suggestions will be thin)
  • Then take suggestions from the group about what to put in the tree – take ANYTHING. You can ask the child or get ideas from the group if you’re not sure what ‘it’ says. 
  • Finish with tree falling over.

TP’s Minor

This and That – CD (could have This and That, RP’s and FM all on one play list for flow)

  • Naa naa – small movement
  • Dance with me – conga arms
  • Spanish – to standing (can sing the English)
  • Move your hips like this..
  • La la la
  • La la la – new action
  • Can you go like this? – (IE. jumping, wiggling, marching, courtesy/then bow)
  • We can go like that
  • Na na na – same action different beat or new action
  • Sing a Song like this…(la la la) – pretend micro phone
  • Spanish – pretend micro phone
  • La la la la – new action
  • La la la la
  • Dance with me like this into free dancing….
  • Could also have RP’s from the CD play and keep group (feet) moving on the beat while you do the RPs with the CD.



Scarborough Fair

  • 1 more class! Last class next week.
  • All Request Next Week! Decide what your favourite song is from this CD and come and tell me next week.  (or gather your requests from families this week)
  • Don’t forget about Summer and Fall registration!
