{0>Mag.<}0{>M.Sc.<0}{0>Darja Topolšek, univ. dipl. inž. prometa<}0{>Darja Topolšek<0}

{0>Center za interdisciplinarne in multidisciplinarne študije in raziskave<}0{>Center for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Research<0}

{0>Krekova ulica 2<}0{>Krekova ulica 2<0}

{0>2000 Maribor<}0{>2000 Maribor<0}



{0>tel.:<}0{>tel.:<0} ++386 40 463 700


{0>Traffic accidents on freeways are, because of driving speed, often tragically.<}0{>Traffic accidents that occur on freeways often end tragically because of high driving speed.<0}{0>One of the cause of traffic accidents on freeways is also the wrong-way driving.<}0{>Wrong-way driving is also one of the causes of accidents on freeways. <0}

{0>Research is based on the analysis of traffic accident data caused by wrong-way driving on freeways, and considering valid technical specifications for connections and junctions project elements.<}0{>Research is based on the analysis of the data of traffic accidents that occurred because of wrong-way driving on freeways and on the consideration of valid technical specifications concerning connections and junction project elements.<0}

{0>The thesis presents possible countermeasures for the prevention of wrong-way driving on freeways and consecutive reduction of traffic accidents.<}0{>The thesis presents possible countermeasures for prevention of wrong-way driving on freeways and consequential decreasing of the traffic accidents numbers.<0}{0>The proposed countermeasures for wrong-way driving prevention on freeways could greatly reduce incorrect traffic vehicle movements which are the consequence of wrong-way driving, and thus positively enhance traffic safety level on motorways.<}0{>The proposed wrong-way driving on freeways prevention countermeasures could greatly reduce incorrect traffic vehicle movements that are the consequence of wrong-way driving, and thus positively enhance traffic safety level on freeways.<0}

{0>Key words:<}0{>Keywords:<0}{0>wrong-way driving, motorway, multilevel connections and junctions, traffic safety, traffic accidents, countermeasures<}0{>wrong-way driving, freeway, multilevel connections and junctions, traffic safety, traffic accidents, countermeasures<0}


{0>Vožnja v nepravilni smeri po cestah s prostorsko ločenimi smernimi vozišči je povsod po svetu resen in aktualen problem.<}0{>Wrong-way driving on the roads with physically separated directional road surfaces is a serious and topical problem in the world,<0}{0>Vozniki namreč iz največkrat neraziskanih razlogov (pre)pogosto vozijo v nepravilno oz. prepovedano smer in s tem po smernem vozišču ali prometnem pasu za vožnjo v nasprotno smer, zaradi česar neposredno in resno ogrožajo svoja življenja ter življenja ostalih udeležencev v prometu.<}0{>as drivers (too) often drive, mostly out of unresearched reasons, in wrong or prohibited direction on one-way traffic line or on an opposite direction carriageway and thus threatening their own and lives of other traffic participants.<0}{0>Vzrok za takšno ravnanje praviloma ni vedno voznik, ampak tudi pomanjkljiva in nedorečena izvedba voznih površin na določenih mestih, vključno s prometno signalizacijo.<}0{>The cause of such action is not always necessary the driver, but also the insufficient and indeterminate realization of driving surfaces on certain locations, including the traffic signalization.<0}

{0>Za preprečevanje nastanka teh izjemno nevarnih prometnih situacij in s tem posledic posledičnih tragičnih nesreč, je potrebno spoznati in uvesti primerne, predvsem preventivne ukrepe, ki bodo sistemsko preprečili vožnjo v nepravilni smeri ali pa vsaj zadovoljivo opozarjali voznika, da vozi v nepravilni smeri in ga od tega odvrnili.<}0{>In order to prevent the occurrences of these extremely dangerous traffic situations and the consequences of consecutive tragic accidents, it is necessary to identify and introduce the appropriate measures which would systematically prevent driving in the wrong way or at least properly warn the driver about his driving in the wrong direction and to discourage him from continuation of such behaviour.<0}

2{0>determiniranje parametrov modela preprečevanja nepravilne smeri vožnje na avtocestah<}100{>Determination of freeway wrong-way driving prevention model parametres <0}

2.1{0>klasifikacija izvora konfliktnih situacij<}100{>classification of the conflict situations source<0}

{0>Na območju križišč so prometni manevri kompleksnejši in za voznike zahtevnejši, kot na odprtih odsekih cest.<}0{>At the crossroad areas the traffic manoeuvres are more complex and difficult for the drivers then on open road segments.<0}{0>Zaradi tega so ta območja, zaradi spremembe smeri vožnje, potencialna območja konfliktnih točk oz. konfliktnih situacij.<}0{>Therefore because the driving direction changes these areas are considered as potential conflict points or conflict situation areas.<0}

{0>V pričujočem delu bodo prikazane, včasih navidez tudi povsem teoretične možnosti, da voznik, ki sprva vozi pravilno opravi nepravilni prometni manever in prične z vožnjo v nepravilni smeri.<}0{>In the present section possibilities will be presented that sometime seem almost only virtually theoretical, of driver who is at first driving correctly making an erratic manoeuvre and begin to drive in the wrong way.<0}{0>Ta pojav se imenuje nepravilna smer vožnje (NSV).<}0{>This phenomenon is called wrong-way driving (WWD).<0}{0>Pripadajoči prometni manever pa je izbira nepravilne smeri vožnje.<}0{>And manoeuvre appurtenant to it is called wrong-way driving selection.<0}

{0>Za iskanje virov NSV je potrebno poznati zasnove tipov večnivojskih priključkov in vozlišč.<}0{>To search for WWD sources it is necessary to be acquainted with the multilevel connections and junctions scheme.<0}{0>Na tem mestu je potrebno poudariti, da so v obravnavanem primeru vozlišča, zaradi njih projektnih elementov, za nastanek NSV manj ali celo neproblematična in bodo zato vključena v obravnavo le v tistih primerih, ko je na posameznem od njih uporabljena katera od prometno-tehniških rešitev, značilna sicer za priključke.<}0{>Here the need arise to make the point that junctions are less- or even un- problematic in the matter of the concerned case’s WWD because of their project elements, and will therefore be included into this case only on instances when a traffic-technical solution, otherwise typical for connections, is used on a junction.<0} {0>Skratka:<}0{>In short:<0}{0>iz vsega predhodno navedenega izhaja, da je treba nevarna mesta iskati predvsem na območju krakov priključkov in na nivojskih križiščih, s katerimi so le ti povezani s podrejeno cesto.<}0{>What can be deducted from all of previously mentioned facts is that the dangerous locations are to be looked for in the areas of connection ramps and on the crossing-free junctions that connect them to subordinate road.<0}

2.2{0>analiza podatkov o prometnih nesrečah zaradi nepravilne smeri vožnje na avtocestah<}0{>data Analysis of traffic accidents occurred because of the wrong-way driving on freeways<0}

{0>V tem delu so na kratko povzete analizirane značilnosti in posledice voženj v nepravilni smeri na avtocestah (AC).<}0{>This part shortly summarizes the analyses the characteristics and consequences of wrong-way driving on freeways (FW).<0}

{0>Vir podatkov, o prometnih nesrečah zaradi NSV, za področje Slovenije je bila baza podatkov o prometnih nesrečah za obdobje od leta 1998 do leta 2002. Uradni vir so podatki o prometnih nesrečah, ki jih zbira Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.<}0{>Data source of traffic accidents that occurred because of WWD for Slovenian region is the traffic accidents database in period between 1998 and 2002. The official source is traffic accidents data collected by Ministry of the Interior.<0}{0>Podatki o prometnih nesrečah v Avstriji so izvlečki projekta »K., Robatsch:<}0{>Austrian traffic accidents data are extracted from project »K., Robatsch:<0}{0>Untersuchungen zur Verhinderungen von Geisterfahrten, Bundesministerium fur Verkehr, Inovation und Tehnologie, Wien, 2000«, podatki o prometnih nesrečah v Švici so pridobljeni od »Schweizriche Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung – BFU«, podatki o prometnih nesrečah na Danskem so pridobljeni od » The Danish Road Directorate, podatki o prometnih nesrečah v Franciji so pridobljeni od »Service d'Etudes Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes - SETRA« in podatki o prometnih nesrečah v Združenih državah Amerike so pridobljeni od »Washington State Department of Transportation«.<}0{>Untersuchungen zur Verhinderungen von Geisterfahrten, Bundesministerium fur Verkehr, Inovation und Tehnologie, Wien, 2000«, Swiss traffic accidents data have been acquired from »Schweizriche Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung – BFU«, <0}{0>Pridobljeni podatki so osnova za ugotavljanje značilnosti prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV in tudi nujno potrebni za ugotavljanje primerljivosti vzrokov za nastanek omenjenega fenomena.<}0{>The acquired data are the basis of characteristics assessment of traffic accidents that occurred because of WWD and are also necessary for the considered phenomenon occurrence causes comparativeness assessment.<0}

{0>V nadaljevanju sledi, na osnovi dostopnih uradnih virov podatkov, povzetek analize splošnih značilnosti prometnih nesreč, povzročiteljev prometnih nesreč, okoliščin ob nastanku prometnih nesreč, časovna analiza nastanka prometnih nesreč in analiza mest nastanka prometnih nesreč na avtocestah.<}0{>Hereafter follows the summary of analysis of traffic accidents general characteristics, persons responsible for traffic accidents, traffic accidents momentary circumstances, traffic accidents occurrence time analysis, and freeway traffic accidents occurrence location analysis. <0}

{0>Ker je prav voznik tisti, ki namerno ali pa nenamerno začne z vožnjo v nepravilno smer, je potrebno poznati njegove »značilnosti« in psihofizične dejavnike, ki nanj delujejo negativno.<}0{>As the driver himself is the one who intentionally or unintentionally begins to drive in the wrong way, it is necessary to learn about his “characteristics” and psychophysical factors affecting him negatively. <0}{0>Več kot 80 % prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV na AC povzročijo vozniki osebnega avtomobila, sledijo jim vozniki tovornega vozila, ki predstavljajo le slab 10 % delež.<}0{>More than 80 % of traffic accidents which occur because of wrong-way driving on FW are caused by personal vehicle drivers, followed by the lorry drivers with a mere 10 % share. <0}{0>Zaradi tega dejstva bodo ukrepi za preprečevanje NSV na AC osnovani le na osnovi voznikov osebnih avtomobilov oz. osebnih avtomobilih.<}0{>It is because of this fact that the prevention measures for WWD on FW are based only on the personal vehicle drivers or personal vehicles.<0}{0>Moški so glavni povzročitelji vseh prometnih nesreč na AC.<}0{>Males are the main causers of all traffic accidents on FW.<0}{0>Le slabih 20 % prometnih nesreč povzročijo ženske.<}0{>Only less than 20 % of traffic accidents are caused by females.<0}{0>Podoben fenomen je moč opaziti v primeru prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV na AC, kjer moški povzročijo več kot 80 % prometnih nesreč.<}0{>Similar phenomenon is also observable in the cases of traffic accidents thatoccurred because of WWD on FW, where males are causers of more than 80 % of traffic accidents. <0}{0>Zanimiv pa je podatek, da največ prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV povzročijo vozniki starejši od 64 let (58,8 %) in vozniki stari med 35 in 45 let (19 %).<}0{>Also interesting is the piece of information that the most of traffic accidents that occurred because of WWD on FW is caused by drivers older than 64 years (58.8 %) and those of age between 35 and 45 (19 %).<0}{0>Vzrok takšne porazdelitve povzročiteljev prometnih nesreč je moč poiskati v slabši dojemljivosti in večji zmedenosti starejših voznikov.<}0{>The cause of such a distribution of the traffic accidents causers can be found in the lessening of comprehension abilities and higher confusion levels of older drivers.<0}{0>Le ti lahko zaradi nejasne ali slabo vidne prometne signalizacije in zaradi neprimernih projektnih elementov ceste začnejo z vožnjo v nepravilno smer.<}0{>It can be because of unclear or badly visible traffic signalization and because of unsuitable project elements that they begin to drive in the wrong way.<0}{0>Zaskrbljujoč pa je tudi podatek o vsebnosti alkohola v krvi voznikov.<}0{>What is also alarming are the alcohol levels in the blood of drivers.<0}{0>V Združenih državah Amerike je namreč vsak drugi voznik, ki vozi v nepravilni smeri pod vplivom alkohola ali drog.<}0{>In United States every second driver who is driving in the wrong direction is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.<0}{0>Tudi v Evropi je vsak tretji, včasih celo vsak drugi, povzročitelj prometne nesreče zaradi NSV na AC, pod vplivom alkohola.<}0{>Also in Europe every third, sometimes every second even, causer of traffic accidents that occurred because of WWD on FW is under the influence of alcohol.<0}

{0>Podatki o stanju prometa ob nastanku prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV na AC kažejo na to, da je bil le v 7 % primerov prometnih nesreč promet gost.<}0{>The data about the traffic level at the WWD on FW type of accident occurrences show that traffic was heavy only in 7 % of traffic accidents.<0}{0>Ta podatek ima velik pomen saj kaže na to, da gostota prometa ni primarni vzrok nastanka prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV na AC.<}0{>This piece of information has a great importance as it states that the heaviness of the traffic is not the primary cause of WWD on FW type of accident occurrences.<0}{0>Prav tako je bilo v 60 % prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV na AC jasno vreme.<}0{>Another thing is that the weather was clear in 60% of traffic accidents that occurred because of WWD on FW.<0}{0>Cestišče pa je bilo v 70 % primerov prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV na AC suho.<}66{>And traffic lane was dry in 70 % of traffic accidents that occurred because of WWD on FW.<0}{0>Le v 3 % primerov prometnih nesreč je bilo cestišče delno pokrito s snegom.<}0{>Only in 3 % of the traffic accident cases the traffic lane was partly covered with snow.<0}

{0>Na osnovi podatkov o periodičnosti spreminjanja števila prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV na AC je moč ugotoviti, da se največ prometnih nesreč pripeti ob koncu tedna in čez vikend.<}0{>On the basis of the periodicity numbers changing data about traffic accidents occurred because of WWD on FW it is possible to establish that the most of traffic accidents occurred at the end of the week and during weekend. <0}{0>Vzrok tega je delno tudi v večjem številu potovanj in v utrujenosti voznika ob koncu delovnega tedna.<}0{>Part of the reason for that is also in higher number of travelling and in the drivers fatigue at the end of the week.<0}{0>Nikakor pa ni moč trditi, da se ponoči pripeti več prometnih nesreč kot po dnevi.<}0{>However, it is by no means possible to claim that there are more traffic accidents at night than in daytime.<0}{0>Torej tudi tema ni primarni vzrok nastanka prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV na AC.<}0{>Therefore, also the darkness is not the primary cause of WWD on FW type of accident occurrences.<0}

{0>Pri določanju faktorja »nevarnosti« posameznega tipa vozlišča pa je moč zaključiti (na osnovi podatkov o PN v Avstriji in Sloveniji), da velja »trobenta« za enega od nevarnejših tipov priključkov, in da sta se »polovična deteljica« in »romb« izkazala za najvarnejša tipa priključkov.<}0{>In defining the "unsafety" factor of particular type of junctions it is possible to conclude (on the bases of data on traffic accidents in Austria and Slovenia) that the “trumpet” stands for one of more unsafe junctions and that the safest types of junctions appear to be the “quadrant cloverleaf interchange” and the “diamond”.<0}{0>Iz tega sledi pomembnost posamezne oblike projektnih elementov priključka.<}0{>This shows the importance of particular junction project element shape.<0}

Diagram21: Share of traffic accidents which occurred because of wrong-way driving on freeways according to junction types in Slovenia and Austria.

{0>Ob upoštevanju ugotovljenih značilnosti prometnih nesreč in ob upoštevanju možnih nepravilnih prometnih manevrov na enotnih površinah avtocest, na krakih in na križiščih priključka s podrejeno cesto, je moč podati nabor možnih ukrepov za preprečevanje nepravilne smeri vožnje na avtocestah.<}0{>After consideration of the established traffic accidents characteristics and of possible erratic manoeuvres on the uniformed freeway surfaces, on the ramps and on the subordinate road connection crossroads it is possible to offer a list of feasible measures for prevention of wrong-way driving on freeways.<0}

3{0>predvidevanje poteka dogodkov nepravilne smeri vožnje na avtocestah<}51{>Anticipation of the course of events in wrong-way driving on freeway <0}

{0>V pričujočem delu bodo prikazane le teoretične možnosti, da voznik, ki sprva vozi pravilno opravi nek nepravilen prometni manever in prične z vožnjo v nepravilni smeri, saj je eksaktno določanje poteka dogodkov nemogoče.<}62{>In this section only theoretical possibilities of a driver, who is at first driving correctly making an erratic manoeuvre and begins to drive in the wrong way, will be presented as exact defining of the course of events is impossible.<0}

{0>Glavni vzroki za nastanek prometnih nesreč zaradi NSV na AC in avtocestnih vozliščih oz. priključkih temeljijo na nezadostnosti oz. neustreznosti vertikalne in horizontalne prometne signalizacije; tako v križiščih priključka s podrejeno cesto, kakor tudi na krakih priključkov in AC.<}0{>Main reasons for the traffic accident occurrences with WWD on FW and freeway junctions or connections are based on the insufficiency or inappropriateness of vertical and horizontal traffic signalization on a crossroad of connection and a subordinate road as well as on freeway and connection ramps.<0}{0>Voznik lahko zaradi slabo vidne in nepravilno locirane talne označbe ter pomanjkanja prometnih znakov, njihove napačne namestitve, stresa ali utrujenosti ter vpliva opojnih substanc in zdravil (psihofizičnih dejavnikov, ki v tej magistrski nalogi ne bodo posebej obravnavani saj je to specialno področje drugih strok) namerno ali nenamerno izvede nepravilen prometni manever in posledično prične z vožnjo v nepravilni smeri.<}0{>The driver can intentionally or unintentionally make an erratic manoeuvre and begins to drive in the wrong way because of incorrectly placed road surface marks, because of lack or misplacement of traffic signs, because of stress or fatigue, and because of intoxicating substances and medicaments (psychophysical factors which will not be specifically discussed in this article as this is a special field of other disciplines).<0}

{0>Voznik lahko torej izvede nepravilen prometni manever in začne z NSV, če:<}0{>So, the driver can make an erratic manoeuvre and begins with a WWD, when:<0}

  • {0>zamudi oz. zgreši načrtovan izvoz iz AC; to napako poskuša popraviti na naslednjem kraku, s čimer velikokrat (zaradi zaporedja izvoznega in uvoznega kraka) uvozi na uvozni krak;<}0{>he is late for or misses the planned off-ramp on FW; he tries to correct this error on the next ramp and thus often tends to drive on the on-ramp (because of the on-ramp succession of off-ramp);<0}
  • {0>ugotovi, da se ni pravilno priključil na AC; voznik namesto, da bi npr. vozil proti Mariboru vozi proti Ljubljani in, da bi popravil svojo napako, izvede nepravilno polkrožno obračanje (U manever);<}0{>he determines that he had had erratically connected unto the FW; the driver is i.e. going towards Ljubljana instead of Maribor and to correct this error he makes an erratic semicircular manoeuvre (U manoeuvre);<0}
  • {0>zaradi neustreznosti prometne signalizacije in posledične zmedenosti, nepravilno izvozi iz parkirišča, počivališča ali bencinskega servisa;<}0{>he erratically drives from the parking lot, lay-by or a petrol station because of unsuitable traffic signalization and consecutive confusion. <0}
  • {0>v križišču priključka s podrejeno cesto, zaradi neustreznosti prometne signalizacije in posledične zmedenosti nepravilno uvozi na krak priključka;<}0{>he erratically drives into a connection’s on-ramp on the crossroad of a connection and a subordinate road because of unsuitable traffic signalization and consecutive confusion;<0}
  • {0>na območju prehoda iz fizično ne-ločenih v fizično ločena kraka, zaradi neustreznosti prometne signalizacije in posledične zmedenosti, »preide« iz uvoznega na izvozni krak, ali <}0{>he passes over from an on-ramp to an off-ramp at the area of crossing of physically non-separated to physically separated ramps because of unsuitable traffic signalization and consecutive confusion;<0}
  • {0>vozi pod vplivom stresa, alkohola ali drugih opojnih substanc.<}0{>he is driving under stress, alcohol or other intoxicating substances.<0}

{0>Predvidevanje poteka dogodkov NSV na AC je osnovano na osnovi podatkov o prometnih nesrečah zaradi NSV na AC.<}0{>The anticipation of the course of WWD on FW events is based on the data of traffic accidents that occurred because of WWD on FW.<0}{0>Na osnovi teh podatkov je moč določiti mesto oz. lokacijo nastanka prometne nesreče oziroma mesto nastanka nepravilnega prometnega manevra.<}0{>On this data base it is possible to define the point or location of traffic accident or erratic traffic manoeuvre occurrence. <0}{0>Mesto nastanka nepravilnega prometnega manevra je osnova za določevanje problematičnih mest na avtocesti.<}0{>The point of erratic traffic manoeuvre occurrence is the basis of defining the freeway problem locations. <0}

Table31: Possible anticipated erratic traffic manoeuvres

Possible erratic traffic manoeuvres as to erratic traffic manoeuvre areas
Uniform freeway surface
Passage unto the opposite carriageway

Connection ramps
Erratic freeway exit

Erratic freeway entrance

Erratic-prohibited passage unto the opposite carriageway

Grade-separated junction crossroad with a subordinate road
Erratic movement from subordinate road to the connection ramp

Lay-bys, parking places and petrol services
Erratic entrance on a lay-by, parking place or petrol service or
Erratic-prohibited turning at the lay-by, parking place or petrol service area

Out of presented possible erratic traffic manoeuvres it can be reasoned that some traffic manoeuvres are performable only with extra vehicle manoeuvring. This kind of behaviour of the driver can be declared as intentional and basically cannot be prevented. But the cause of unintentional erratic manoeuvre can be deficiencies and errors of traffic signalization and particular project elements realization. Intentional as well as unintentional erratic traffic manoeuvres can lead to serious traffic accidents.