Name ______Period ______Date ______
Topic 6: Human Physiology Review Questions
6.1 Digestion and Absorption
- What is the purpose of the contraction of circular and longitudinal muscles in the small intestine?
- What is the function of the pancreas?
- How are macromolecules in food broken into monomers in the small intestine?
- Explain the purpose of villi in the intestine.
- How does glucose cross into the villi and then the blood capillary?
- How do fatty acids cross into the villi and then into the lacteal?
- Explain the process of starch digestion from the mouth to the liver.
- Draw and label a diagram of the digestive system.
- Be able to identify tissue layers of the small intestine. →→
6.2 The Blood System
- Describe the structure and function of arteries.
- Which components of arteries help maintain blood pressure between pump cycles?
- Describe the structure and function of capillaries.
- Describe the structure and function of veins.
- What is the purpose of valves in the veins?
- Be able to identify blood vessels such as arteries, capillaries and veins from diagrams.
- Be able to label the heart and trace the flow of blood through the heart.
- How do pressures change in the left atrium, left ventricle and aorta during the cardiac cycle?
- Differentiate between systemic and pulmonary circulation.
- Which cells initiate heartbeat and where are they located?
- How does the sinoatrial node act as a pacemaker?
- How does the sinoatrial node work?
- Which part of the brain is influential in increasing and decreasing heart rate?
- What is the purpose of epinephrine?
- Explain William Harvey’s discovery of circulation.
- Describe the causes and consequences of occlusion of the coronary arteries.
6.3 Defense against infectious disease
- What are two examples of the body’s primary defense against disease?
- Explain the process of blood clotting.
- What are the causes and consequences of blood clots in coronary arteries?
- Are pathogens being ingested by phagocytic white blood cells an example of specific or non-specific defense?
- What is an example of a specific immunity response?
- Do antibiotics block processes in prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells? How?
- Why don’t antibiotics work on viruses?
- How does antibiotic resistance develop?
- What is HIV?
- How does HIV affect the immune system?
- How is HIV transmitted?
- Describe Florey and Chain’s experiments on mice.
6.4 Gas Exchange
- Describe the concentration gradients maintained by ventilation.
- Describe the structure and function of Type 1 pneumocytes.
- Describe the structure and function of Type 2 pneumocytes.
- Name the parts of the respiratory system as air travels to the lungs.
- Muscle contractions cause ______changes inside the ______that force air in and out of the ______to ventilate them.
- Why are there different muscles used for inspiration and expiration?
- Explain why external and internal intercostal muscles are examples of antagonistic muscles.
- Explain why abdominal muscles and the diaphragm are examples of antagonistic muscles.
- Outline the causes and consequences of lung cancer.
- Outline the causes and consequences of emphysema.
6.5 Neurons and synapses
- What is the function of neurons?
- Explain the purpose of myelination of nerve fibers.
- To establish a neurons resting potential, which way are sodium and potassium ions pumped?
- Outline an action potential including depolarization and repolarization.
- Be able to identify resting and action potentials on a graph.
- What is a nerve impulse?
- Use local currents and threshold potential to explain how propagation of nerve impulses occurs.
- Define synapse.
- Describe synaptic transmission between neurons.
- How is acetylcholine secreted and reabsorbed at synapses?
- Explain how neonicotinoid pesticides work on the nervous system of insects.
6.6 Hormones, homeostasis and reproduction
- Which cells secrete the hormones insulin and glucagon?
- What are the roles of insulin and glucagon?
- Outline the causes and treatments of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
- Which gland secretes thyroxin and what is its function?
- Which tissues secrete leptin and what is its function?
- Outline testing of leptin on obese patients and reasons for failure to control the disease.
- Which gland secreted melatonin and what is its function?
- Outline causes of jet lag and use of melatonin to alleviate it.
- Annotate diagrams of male and female reproductive systems including their functions.
- What is the function of the SRY gene?
- Which hormone causes prenatal development of male genitalia and sperm production during puberty?
- Which hormones cause prenatal development of female genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics during puberty?
- Describe the negative and positive feedback mechanisms of the menstrual cycle.
- Which hormones are secreted by the ovaries and pituitary during the menstrual cycle?
- Outline the process of IVF.
- Describe William Harvey’s investigation of sexual reproduction in deer.