rev. 10/11


Gateway Seminary

E1113 Principles & Approaches to Bible Teaching

Number of Credit Hours: 3

Grade Type: A/F

Prerequisites: None

Required for Degrees: MDiv, MAEL, DpTh, DEL

Listed Faculty: Dr. Dodrill, Dr. Kelly, Dr. S. Melick

Course Template Approval/ Revision Date: 9/11


This course includes a study of the principles and methods of preparation, delivery, and evaluation for effective Bible teaching in diverse cultural settings. The course content includes a discussion of appropriate handling of the text and effective application of biblical principles. Attention will be given to learning styles and appropriate teaching methodology.


1)At the conclusion of the semester, the student will be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of scripture, theology, hermeneutics, and Church History.(J1, C6, M15, MAEL degree objective 1)

  1. Inductive Bible Study: The student will study a passage of scripture inductively in preparation for teaching.
  2. The student will demonstrate the ability to use appropriate tools for Bible study.

2)At the conclusion of the semester, the student will be able to demonstrate competence in the following practical skills for Christian Educational Ministry. (C9, R18, R19, R20, MAEL degree objective 4)

  1. Curriculum: The student will be able to create a lesson plan for Bible Study from a scripture passage and evaluate curriculum created by others.
  2. Teaching: The student will be able to teach the created lesson plan.


The student will be exposed to the following information:

  • Educational Ministry
  • Teaching Methods
  • Cultural sensitivity
  • Creative Communication
  • Learning Styles
  • Assessment

The student will be expected to master the following skills:

  • Inductive Bible Study
  • Use of Bible Study tools
  • Construction of a Lesson Plan
  • Effective lesson delivery
  • Evaluation

The student will be expected to develop a conceptual framework for:

  • Correctly handling Scripture
  • Effective Bible Teaching

The student will demonstrate affective growth in:

  • Cultural awareness for relevance of application
  • Appreciation for multisensory communication
  • Appreciation for creative expression in teaching
  • Appreciation for the evaluative process.

REQUIRED ASSESSMENT MECHANISMS (E1113 Principles and Approaches)

Artifact evaluating EL Objectives 1 and 4:

The student will create a comprehensive lesson plan for teaching an adult or youth Bible lesson. Components will include all visual elements (Study Sheets, Power Points, etc.) The plan must be complete enough for another teacher to use it to teach the lesson. The plan must define the time frame for presentation. The lesson plan will be uploaded to document section of his/her e portfolio. These artifacts may be evaluated according to the following rubric:

Categories / Below Expectations / Minimal Expectations / Exceeds Expectations / Far exceeds Expectations
10% / Did not include teaching objectives / Governing teaching objective defined. / Governing objective and component objectives clearly defined. / Governing Objective and component objectives clearly defined. Component objectives clearly relate to governing objective.
15% / Did not address, not relevant to topic or learners / Connects the learners with the relevance of the lesson / Skillfully connects the learner with relevance of the lesson / Creatively and skillfully connects the learner with the relevance;
Bible Content
20% / Did not address or incorrect interpretation / Correct basic Bible content / Correct Bible content with evidence of knowledge of background presented in logical, effective dialogue / Superb content that addressed all levels of learners
15% / Did not address or inappropriate application / Appropriate application suggestions / Good application with a plan for active participation. / Creative application including interactive learning.
15% / Did not address or challenge for inappropriate action / Appropriate challenge to action / Good suggestions for action and good plan for accountability. / Creative plan of action with effective plan for accountability.
Use of Modalities
15% / Used only auditory / Used auditory and visual / Used auditory, visual, and kinesthetic / Used auditory, visual, and kinesthetic in creative, very effective manner
10% / No continuity in lesson plan / Some continuity / Learning objectives followed. / Every part of the lesson plan was consistent with learning objectives.


Gateway engages in regular assessment of its academic programs. Student participation is essential to this process through the following activities.

(The text regarding "mandatory assessment activities" above and below must be included verbatim in all syllabi to which they apply. Item #1 must be included with all syllabi. Item #2 must be included in the syllabus of any required class, and #3 must be included in syllabi which stipulate that a learning artifact must be uploaded (check the template and/or with the department chairperson if uncertain).

1. CoursEval Assessments – Each semester a link to a CoursEval survey for each course taken will appear in the student's MyGateway page. Students are required to complete this online evaluation of course/instructor no later than the last scheduled meeting of the class. A summary of results (without student ID) is released to the professor only after grades have been submitted for the course.

2. ePortfolio Reflections - All degree-seeking students must reflect on the work completed as part of required courses by commenting upon the manner in which the course contributed to his/her growth in relation to at least five Essential Leadership Characteristics selected by the student (see for the complete list). These reflections must be recorded in the student's ePortfolio and a copy emailed to the professor no later than the last scheduled meeting of the class.

3. ePortfolio Artifacts – The "signature assignment" specified in this syllabus must both be turned in to the professor for a grade AND attached to the student's ePortfolio as a "learning artifact." The institution reviews these artifacts as a way of judging the effectiveness of the Seminary's academic program. The review occurs after the student graduates and without reference to student identity. Students are encouraged to remove title page or header/footer containing their name prior to attaching the artifact to their ePortfolio.


In all Gateway face-to-face, hybrid or online courses, the Seminary assigns a workload of approximately 45 clock hours of academic learning activities per academic credit hour earned.Traditional in-class format normally apportions 15 hours of in-class instruction and30 hours of instructional exercises to be completed outside of class meetings per credit hour granted. For androgogical reasons, individual courses may adjust the ratio of assignments inside and outside class meeting times.



This course must be taught in a format conducive to each student having practical experience in teaching. A variety of teaching methods and components are acceptable. A combination of all face-to-face activities must equal 45 contact hours and a combination of all assignments must equal 75-90 hours of individual study and preparation. When taught as a hybrid or online course the total quantity of hours still apply.


Faculty may select texts and other resources for this course which will support the learning of students in order to accomplish the course objectives.


Armstrong, T. (1994). Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. Alexandria, VA:Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Baker, B. D. (2003). Play that Preaches: 52 Sermons for Children. Nashville, TN:Abingdon Press.

Bersch, M. J. Storytelling in a Nutshell: Storytelling in Christian Education. Nashville,TN: LifeWay Press, 1998.

Bray, G. (1996). Biblical Interpretation: Past & Present. Downers Grove, IL: IntervarsityPress.

Breckenridge, J. & Breckenridge, L. (1995). What Color is Your God?: MulticulturalEducation in the Church--Examining Christ and Culture in Light of the ChangingFace of the Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Bruce, B.A. (2000). Seven Ways of Teaching Bible to Adults. Nashville, TN: Abington Press.

Bruce, B. (2007). Triangular Teaching: A New Way of Teaching the Bible to Adults. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press.

Buchanan, E.A. (2005). Parent/Teacher Handbook: Teaching Children Ages 10-12 Everything They Need to Know About The Bible. Nashville, TN: Broadman &Holman Publishers.

Caffarella, R. S. (2002) Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide for Educators, Trainers, and Staff Developers. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Campbell, B. (1994) The Multiple Intelligences Handbook: Lesson Plans and More. Stanwood WA: Campbell & Assoc. Inc.

Corley, B., Lemke, S.W., & Lovejoy, G.I. (2002). Biblical Hermeneutics: A Comprehensive Introduction to Interpreting Scripture, Second Edition.Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.

Edge, F.B. (1956). Teaching for Results. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.

Elridge, D. (1995). The Teaching Ministry of the Church: Integrating Biblical Truth with Contemporary Application. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman.

Fee, G.D. & Stuart, D. (1981). How to Read the Bible for all its Worth. Grand Rapids,MI: Zondervan.

Ford, L. Design for Teaching and Training: A Self-Study Guide to Lesson Planning, Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Gangel, K. (1999) Ministering to Today’s Adults. Nashville, TN: Word Publishing, a unit of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Gangel, K.O. & Hendricks, H.G. editors. (1988) The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Teaching: A Comprehensive Resource on the Distinctiveness of True Christian Teaching. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House Co.

Griggs, D. L. (2003) Teaching Today’s Teachers to Teach. Nashville, TN: Abingdon


Haystead, W. (1989). Teaching Young Children: Birth - 6 Years. Ventura, CA: Gospel


James, S. (2005). Sharable Parables: Creative Storytelling Ideas for Ages 3-12.Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing.

Kraft, C.H. (1998). Christianity in Culture: A Study in Dynamic Biblical Theologizing in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.

LeFever, M.D. (1995). Learning Styles: Reaching Everyone God Gave you to Teach. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook Publishing Co.

Loewen, J.A. (2000). The Bible in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Pasadena, CA: W. Carey Library.

Melick, R.R. & Melick S. (2010) Teaching for Transformation: Facilitating Life ChangeThrough Adult Bible Teaching. Nashville TN: B& H Publishing.

Osborne, G.R. (1991). The Hermeneutical Spiral. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press.

Richards, L.O. & Bredfeldt, G.J. (1998). Creative Bible Teaching. Chicago, IL: Moody Press.

Schultz, T. & Schultz, J. (1996). Why Nobody Learns Much of Anything at Church: and How to Fix it. Loveland, CO: Group Publishing, Inc.

Tobias, C.U. (1994). Focus on the Family--The Way They Learn: How to discover and Teach to your Child's Strengths.Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Vella, J. (2002). Learning to Listen Learning to Teach: The Power of Dialogue in Educating Adults, Revised Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Weiss, R.E., Knowlton, D.S., & Speck, B.W. (2000) Principles of Effective Teaching inthe Online Classroom. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Wilkerson, B. (1992). The 7 Laws of the Learner: How to Teach Almost Anything to Practically Anyone! Sisters, OR: Multnomah Press.

Yount, W.R. (1999).Called to Teach: An Introduction to the Ministry of Teaching.Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.

Yount, W.R., (2008). The Teaching Miistry of the Church, 2nd Edition. Nashville TN: B&H Publishing Group.

Zuck, R.B. (1998). Spirit-Filled Teaching: The Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Ministry.Nashville TN: Word Publishing.