April 4th, 2017


7:04 PM

Attendees: B. Mori, D. Bateman, J. Wright, F. Fenwick, F. Wray, T. Clarke, S. Vaughan, C. & V. Morelli, R. Watkins, J. & B. Higgs, P. Mazzullo, R. Watson, D. Lyons, T. Klinefelter, L. Ulm and special guest C. Vannatta.

The April Agenda and March meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. The Treasurer reported $5007 savings and $5136 checking.

The following items were discussed:

1.  Judy reported ticket sales are over $4999. She is still looking for help to sell chances at Leonardtown, Hollywood and Charlotte Hall McKay’s. If you need tickets or would like to sign up to volunteer for ticket sales contact Judy at 301-994-9666.

2.  To date we have 87 pre-registrations, 7 registered vendors, 67 trophy sponsors and 5 pending. We need 71 trophies.

3.  Walt, Mike and Ralph will be working the registration table.

4.  We still need door prizes. Please bring them to the SPECIAL MEETING on APRIL 17th, see Carolyn and Mary.

5.  Town contract is in place, insurance certificate has been given to Maria.

6.  Mark Muir confirmed with Optimists about the Kids Tractor Pull.

7.  Parking: John Vannatta, Frank, Tom, Steve and Larry.

8.  Volunteer judges - Mike, Walt, John Wright and Fritz.

9.  Gate: Judy, John Lallande and Vince up front.

10. 50/50: Still looking for volunteers to sell

11. Please bring tents, tables and a chair if you have them.

Upcoming Events:

April 8th - Hospice Walk/Run 7-11 a.m. Billy will be selling chances and some club cars would be nice.


April 23rd – Earth Day on the Square in Leonardtown, 12-4:30, parking in front of Winegardner’s.


A Donation of $500 was made to the club in appreciation to Billy for checking out a 69 Chevelle at Winegardner‘s for Tim Cunningham of Kansas. Thank you, Billy!!!

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM Regards, Carol Morelli