Week beginning: 4th February 2013
AREA / ACTIVITY / FOCUSSand/Water Tray / Sand tray with tools and shells / Using the tools and shells to create patterns in the wet sand
Modelling / Playdough
Free junk modelling/cutting / Making patterns with different tools in the playdough
Using a variety of materials to carry out free choice
Baking/Cooking / Fairy Cakes / Following a set of instructions to make colourful fairy cakes and display them in a pattern
Painting / Shape sponges
Hand painting / Using a variety of colours and sponges to create their own patterns
Using our hands and a variety of colours to create patterns
Construction / Lego
Construction blocks / Using a set of instructions to create patterns
Using a variety of shapes to create patterns
Free play (Children’s request)
Arts and Crafts / Pattern Train
Valentine Pattern Hearts / Using a variety of shapes and colours to create a pattern train
Creating patterns for hearts to go on our invitations
Sorting / Patterns
Shapes / Pattern bingo – colours and shapes
Sorting (and naming) a variety of shapes within patterns
Writing Table / Letters from name / Recognising and naming letters from their name
Mathematics / Patterns
Days of the week, months, etc / Recognising, completing and creating patterns
Working on the days in our week
Puzzles/Board Games / Colorado
Animal Skin Texture / Creating patterns using a variety of colours
Matching the skin patterns to the correct animals
Stories / Pattern related
Rosie’s Walk / Listening to a variety of pattern related stories of different lengths
Songs/Action Songs/Rhymes / Pattern related
Days of the Week / Fully participating throughout
Small World / Free play (children’s request) / Sharing the resources and taking turns
Cutting / Free cutting (junk and cutting area) / Free cutting and junk modelling with a variety of materials to create masterpieces
Home Corner / Home Corner (Children’s request) / Recognising patterns from around the home (i.e. wallpaper, curtains, etc)
Physical Play / P.E. with Mr Williamson / Obstacle courses
Music / Music with Mrs Johnson / Valentine’s related (Coffee Afternoon performance)
Outdoor Play / Patterns outdoors / Recognising patterns outside (i.e. coloured fence) and creating our own patterns (chalks)
ICT / Free Play / Choosing games from Busy Things
Numbers / Individual / Recognising numbers and ordering numbers
Letters / Individual / Recognising letters and sounds
Circle Time / Patterns / A variety of activities, stories, pattern hunts and discussions on patterns and where we might find them
Visits/Visitors / Patterns in our Community / Looking for patterns outwith the school grounds
Learning Stories/Targets / Individual / Update learning stories
Discovery Table / Fair Isle Patterns / Looking at a variety of Fair Isle patterns
Corridor / Variety of games/activities / Fun games for the children to play with
Home Link
Co-operative Learning / Pattern Group activity / Working together in small groups to create a poster based on the set of instructions given where they have their individual roles to do
WALT / Patterns