Memorandum to Principals DN/16/00118
Secondary and Central Schools
School to Work Program: 2016 School ReportING TEMPLATE - FOR COMPLETION BY Friday 9 dECEMBER 2016
The School to Work Program is a NSW government school initiative that supports secondary students to become capable and enterprising young people. Students develop skills and confidence in planning their pathways through school and on to further education, training and employment.
As in previous years, your school is asked to complete the School to Work Program 2016 (School Report) using the online template. The School Report provides a reflective tool that assists school leaders to strategically support the career and transition planning needs of students.
It is important that all schools with secondary enrolments participate in the reporting for 2016.
Individual school data is automatically consolidated into an online report. School data is submitted to Secondary Education-Senior Pathways for collation into the School to Work Program Annual Report.
The 2016 School Report template is located on the DEC Portal. A teaching staff member should be allocated the task of completing and submitting the report. Instructions for completion of the report are as follows:
1) The staff member logs on the DEC portal. They must use their DEC User Account.
2) Once in the portal, access My Applications and click onto School to Work Program 2016 (School Report).
When the School to Work Program 2016 (School Report) is submitted, principals will receive an email requesting approval of the report. To do this, please log on through the DEC Portal as above and follow the prompts. Once approved, Senior Pathways Officers in Operational Directorates will automatically be notified.
Your school is asked to complete and submit this report by Friday 9 December 2016.
An overview of the School to Work Program can be accessed at:
For further information or for assistance with the School to Work 2016 (School Report), please contact your Senior Pathways Officer or Robert Lawson, Student Pathways Advisor in Secondary Education - Senior Pathways, telephone (02) 9244 5425 or email .
Lila Mularczyk
Director Secondary Education
19 October, 2016
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