PRESENT: Mickey Thompson, member, and Warren V. Nash, president. Cheryl Cotner-Bailey, member, was not present.

OTHERS PRESENT: Fire Marshal Koehler, Michael Hall, Larry Summers, Fire Chief Juliot, Police Chief Bailey, Chris Gardner, David Hall, Courtney Lewis, Alicia Meredith, Brandon Sailings, David Duggins, Joe Ham, Jessica Campbell, Wes Christmas, Dave Brewer, and Vicki Glotzbach


Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.



1.  Vectren re: Cut permits for 619 E Main Street (12937146) Sidewalk and Street Permit.

Mr. Philpot stated that this 619 East Main is for a renewal instead of a new service.

Mr. Thompson stated that he would approve it but they want to make sure there isn't another way.

Mr. Philpot stated that they could approve it and he would research it and get back to Mr. Thompson as soon as possible. He presented a cut request for W. 8th Street and Commerce Street (Street Cut), 418 W. 7th Street (Sidewalk Cut), and 1927 Center Street (Sidewalk Cut)

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mr. Nash second, motion carries.


Jason Copperwaite presented a drawing of the Mall Development Subdivision and reviewed it with the board. Said drawing is on file with the City Clerk's Office. He explained that they are trying to separate a piece of property he owns at State Street & I-265 and they need signatures from the board to get the plat recorded. He stated that they did receive preliminary approval from the Plan Commission and they will be taking this to the Sewer Board tomorrow before they go back to the Plan Commission for final approval.

Mr. Nash asked where the access to the property is.

Mr. Copperwaite stated it will eventually be an extension through Daisy Lane.

Mr. Duggins stated that Redevelopment is aware of this project and it is in the TIF District for that area.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the Mall Development Subdivision, Plat 1446, Mr. Nash second, motion carries.

Bill Springston, Bellewood Condos, stated that he and Sam Gwinn own their roads and have had an ongoing problem with the increased weight of the garbage trucks. He explained that they have spoken with Bryan Slade from ECOTECH and asked that they use lighter weight trucks in their area, but they will not change the trucks that are coming into the area and their roads are deteriorating quickly. He explained that he spoke with Mr. Robison about how to address this issue and he suggested that they start with the Board of Works. He explained that they have had several estimates done on the damage and they are all of the opinion that the weight of the trucks is what is causing the damage.

Mr. Nash asked if everyone’s garbage is picked up separately.

Mr. Springston replied yes and explained that ECOTECH offered to locate a pad and install a dumpster in the area but it isn't a solution for them.

Mr. Gwinn explained that he understands that ECOTECH has lighter trucks and their solution is a dumpster which is not feasible because there are a lot of elderly residents that may not be able to get to the dumpster and lift the can to dump the trash. He stated that from their standpoint they are going to have to look at this problem in the amount of what it will cost to fix their roads and see if it isn't more cost effective to ask ECOTECH not to come back into the area and pay a private service, but that will mean that they are paying twice because they get a monthly bill from the city for garbage pickup. He explained that they resurface the streets fairly regularly but nothing seems to be holding up.

Mr. Nash asked how long ago the roads were resurfaced.

Mr. Springston stated that they have been patching for the last seven years and areas that are just five years old, you can see the indentations of the trucks. He explained that it doesn't make sense for them to repave the entire area if they trucks are just going to tear up the road, and the trucks that they are test driving right now are 56,000 tons with more weight when they are full of garbage. He explained that they are looking to the board for some relief. He stated that ECOTECH has been very nice and polite about the entire situation they are just looking for an alternate solution than what was presented to them.

Mr. Thompson stated that he would like to have the opportunity to discuss this with the administration and speak with ECOTECH to see what they can come up with.

Jean Absher, 1822 E. Oak Street, stated that she is having a problem with people parking across the alley from her garage which is preventing her from accessing her garage. She requested that the area be repainted as it has faded over the years and it helped after the city first came out to paint it.

Mr. Nash stated that we will have Mr. Thompson take a look at it.

Police Chief Bailey stated that he will have a dialogue with the residents to reinforce the issues with parking and blocking an entrance.

Nick Jones stated that he would like to put a driveway next to 718 and 719 W. Spring Street because there is no parking on the street. He explained that he is fixing up a rental property and parking has been a nightmare and this will alleviate that issue.

Mr. Thompson stated that he would like to go out and take a look at the area before final approval.

Mr. Nash moved to approve the driveway request subject to inspection and final approval by the Street Commissioner, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.


1.  Street light on Beechwood Avenue

Mr. Thompson stated that he will have to make an appointment with a Duke engineer to see if there is a place there capable of having a light installed on it.



Mr. Duggins stated that he has two emergency repairs that he would like to make the board aware of at the I-265 interchange and on Daisy Lane. He explained that they will be doing emergency repairs there on base failures before the end of the paving season. He stated that they have an emergency slope repair on Falling Run Creek where we are losing some of the bank. He explained that they have had a geotechnical engineering firm to determine the best course of action and that is to commence work as soon as possible. He stated that Corp of Engineers, DNR, and IDEM concur with this assessment and expedited all the permits necessary.

Mr. Thompson stated that the State did their part and this is the part that has been turned over to the city.

Mr. Nash asked where on Daisy Lane.

Mr. Duggins replied at the bottom of Daisy Lane and Grantline.

Mr. Duggins presented a federal aid program for a consulting contract with Clark Dietz in the amount of $78,000.00 dollar with the city being responsible for $7,800.00

Mr. Nash asked what this is for.

Mr. Duggins replied the Spring Street and Silver Street area.

Mr. Nash asked what the timeframe is on these projects.

Mr. Duggins explained that they repairs will being immediately to get them fixed before winter and the construction in the area of Spring and Silver will begin in the spring.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the contract with Clark Dietz in the amount of $78,000.00, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.

Mr. Thompson stated that there will probably be some lane shifts involved in those emergency repairs and with the nature of what is being done they will most likely not be able to come back to the board before hand.

Michael Hall stated that Holiday Fest/ Jingle Walk begins at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 28th and the light-up festival will begin 6:30 p.m. He explained that the children's activities at the YMCA will begin at 3:00 p.m. and that the municipal officeholders will be sworn in at Bicentennial Park at 4:30 p.m.

Mr. Nash asked if he could explain what the Jingle Walk is.

Mr. Hall stated that it has grown to include many of the downtown businesses that host a different wine maker from the state/region and have holiday specials for everyone that signs up.

Mr. Nash asked where you can sign up.

Mr. Hall stated that you can sign up on Develop New Albany's website or at their main headquarters.




Mrs. Moeller presented the following claims for the period of 11/5/15-11/23/15 in the amount of $1,729,052.00:

General Claims: (Bank 1) / 531,016.66
Fire Department: / 2,487.59
Police Department: / 25,896.12
Street Department: / 9,448.48
Parks Department: / 30,021.75
Total From Above: / 598,870.60
Redevelopment: / 117,652.09
Medical/Drug Fund: (Bank L) / -
Payroll Claims: (Bank 2) / 767,748.92
Sanitation Fund: / -
Thursday Utility Claims: / 244,780.39
Total From Above: / 1,130,181.40
Grand Total: / 1,729,052.00

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the above claims, Mr. Nash second, motion carries.


Mr. Nash moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes for November 17, 2015, Mr. Thompson second, motion carries.


There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.


Warren Nash, President Vicki Glotzbach, City Clerk

4 Board of Works

November 24, 2015

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office