Notes of a meeting of the Youth Council held in the Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Northway, Rickmansworth on Tuesday 23 June 2009 from 5.30pm to 7.00pm.


Georgina McCooke (Chairman) / Jessica Marber / Rachel Marber
Tejal Mehta / Zenib Alia Musa / Elsie Ring
Laura Thompson

Three Rivers District Council:

Councillor Ann Shaw OBE

Councillor Kemal Butt

Emma Robinson

Ranjit Gill

Sarah Haythorpe


The Chairman, Georgina McCooke, welcomed everyone to the Youth Council and thanked them for their attendance. Members were asked to introduce themselves.


The notes of the last meeting held on 7 October 2008 were agreed as a correct record of the meeting.


The Chairman introduced PC Sue Desmond from Hertfordshire Police whose role was to visit schools in Three Rivers to talk to young people about youth crime. The talks involved advising young people on the consequences of crime. Engaging with young people was a key element of the Youth Strategy and the Police were interested in gaining the views of Members on whether the Police stop and searches were being conducted correctly.

With regard to alcohol and drugs, the public were made to believe that all young people were involved in drugs, alcohol or Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) crimes but this was not the case. PC Sue Desmond emphasised to Members the consequences and penalties of being caught with drugs or supplying drugs, which could lead to a criminal conviction or caution.

Members asked questions such as what would be the consequence if chocolate purchased in another country, which contained an illegal substance as an ingredient, was brought into the UK. PC Sue Desmond advised that the person would have to prove they did not know an illegal substance was part of the ingredients in the chocolate.

Members were provided with a pair of eye goggles to wear which gave the perception of being under the influence of alcohol. Some Members felt the feeling was quite scary, although other Members said it could encourage some young people to drink alcohol. This was one of the demonstrations the Police used in schools to get the message across on the dangers of drinking alcohol. Members were also shown a display cabinet which had replica models of illegal substances.

The Chairman thanked PC Sue Desmond for a very interesting talk.


The Chairman introduced Ranjit Gill, from the Three Rivers Community Safety Team,who was providing a presentation on the work the team did with the Police, Local schools, the Fire Service, Herts County Council, PCTs and other organisations to keep Three Rivers safe. The Chairman invited Members to advise Ranjit on their views on safety in their area and what could be improved or changed.

Ranjit advised Members that in order to reduce ASB in Three Rivers a number of initiatives had been put in place, for example, an Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC) and an Anti Social Behaviour Order (ASBO). If the ASBO was breached itwould be a criminal offence. An ASBO could be made if a person was rowdy, caused nuisance behaviour, graffiti writing, litter dropping, hoax calls or dog fouling. The minimum term of the ASBO was 2 years but usually the order would be reviewed after one year, especially if the person was under 17. An ASBO would not go on your record unless the order was breached.

Crime in Three Rivers was very low but young people could take extra precautions by not walking on their own, advising their parents of their travel plans, planning their journeys, using well lit routes, keeping personal possessions safe and out of view (including wallets, purses and mobile phones). A Member of the Forum advised that they had felt intimidated by the older children using the skate park on Saturdays.

Members of the Forum expressed concern that they were being asked by the security staff at the Harlequin Shopping Centre in Watford to leave the Centre even if they were just sitting talking. Members felt they were being targeted by the security staff without any reason. One Member of the Forum had been challenged when leaving a store when the shopsecurity door alarm had been initiated but the adults leaving the store at the same time had not been challenged.

The following information was provided to Members:

The amount a person could get fined for making hoax telephone calls was £80;

If you were aged between 12-17 you could receive the following action for committing a graffiti offence:

A detention and training order of up to 2 years

A reparation Order (graffiti removal work)

Be placed on to a final warning scheme

A fixed penalty fine of £50

From the age of 10 a person can receive a £75 fine for dropping something as small as a sweet wrapper.

To be able to ride a mini motorbike on the road you would need:

To be aged 16 or over

Have a licence

Have road tax

Have insurance

Be wearing a crash helmet

The Chairman thanked Ranjit Gill for the presentation.


Members were asked for their opinions and views on the best and most effective way their age group could be consulted and their voices heard. A number of suggestions were put forward which included:

Visiting the local Schools

AttendingSchool Assembly


Placing information in School Registers

Meeting with representatives of each year Group

Writing to the School Council(although they did not always have a clear indication of the student’s views)

Members felt that questionnaires were not an effective form of communication as they were not always completed and the data was not always reliable.


Members were asked what issues they would like to discuss at the next meeting and Officers would seek to find appropriate speakers to lead the discussion.

It was suggested that, the subject of suicide be discussed at the October meeting and a speaker be invited. Members were also keen to have another presentation by the Police similar to the presentation made by PC Sue Desmond.

A Member of the Forum advised that a Member of the Youth Parliament had organised a petition on reducing Hertfordshire students transport costs. Petition forms were circulated to Forum Members and it was requested that they be returned back by the end of the Summer term.


It was agreed thatRachel Marber be appointed as Chairman for the next meeting of the Youth Council.


The next meeting of the Youth Council would be held on Tuesday 6 October 2009 at 5.30pm.

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