User Manual

NRWQMSP – Online System

Department of Drinking Water Supply (DDWS)

Govt. Of India

New Delhi

Prepared By

National Informatics Center

Department of Information Technology

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Govt. of India

New Delhi


  1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………3
  1. Accessibility……………………………………………………………………3
  1. Operation Instruction…………………………………………………………4
  1. Quick Reference………………………………………………………………27
  1. Contact Details For Technical Support…………………………………...28.
  1. Introduction

National Rural Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Programme (NRWQMSP) is a community based programme launched by Department of Drinking Water Supply, to ensure good quality of public water supply to rural people. One online monitoring system namely “National Rural Water Quality Monitoring And Surveillance Program Online Progress” is designed and developed to monitor proper implementation and functioning of all the features of the programme at state, district , block and GP levels.

  1. Accessibility

This software can be accessed by visiting the department home page at . This would take the user to the page as shown Fig. 1. On this page, the user will have to click on the “Click Here” link to log in and use the complete features of the online software. The reports based on all the data entered by the states are shown in the first page itself as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Page 1

  1. Operation And Procedure

Fig. 2(a)

Fig. 2(b)

I. Master

Under the ‘Master’ menu option, following options are available that are visible only under Admin Login.

  • Manage Analysis Category
  • Manage Quality Parameter
  • Manage Unit Of Measurement

Master entry can be done only by central administrator and is not accessible for states to change the information.

II. Maintenance

Under ‘Maintenance’ option, following options are available for central administrator under Admin login. Option only 2 & 3 are available for state and district users under state/district login.

  1. Page Access Information
  2. Login Information
  3. Change Password
  4. Reset Password

III. Entry Forms (Water Quality Related Entry)

There are 4 options in this section -

A.HRD Details : Trainee & Training Information

B.IEC Details

C.FTK Details : Demo Kits

D.FTK Details : Chemical/Bacteriological Kits

E.FTK Testing Details

F.Community Contribution

G.Details of Surveillance Coordinator

A. HRD Details

The first form is for entering HRD Details.It has two Parts

A1.1 Trainee Information

A1.2 Training Information

A1.1 Trainee Information

Under Training Information, user has to enter details about trainings conducted at various levels namely State, District, Block, and gram Panchayat.The User has to first select the level where training was conducted.

For example, if level Selected Is Block, then selection up to Block has to be made.Select Year and Month and Click Submit button.

After Clicking Submit Button Details of Trainings if already entered will be displayed. The user can add new training informationby clicking on the ‘ADD New’ button or can update existing information by clicking ‘Update’ button against each training details.One Entry Form can be used for entry of one training only.

Fig. 4

Choosing Update option leads to page with already entered information that are editable (Fig. 4 .)

The Following Information has to be selected-

  • Type of training
  • Agency that conducts the training
  • Multiple selections of the Participating districts/blocks/GP.

Then click ‘Update and Trainee information Details’ to save the information and go to the Trainee Details form.

A1.2 Trainee Information

Fig. 5(a)

Fig. 5(b)

Under Trainee Information, user has to enter details about trainees who have attended the training entered in the previous page.In new entry mode, against each selected district/block/GP, provisions are given to enter no. of trainees in various capacities and different trade (Fig. 5(a)).

In update/delete mode , all the trainee details entered are shown in consecutive rows.Data can be modified by selecting values from the drop down list of respective coloumns (Fig. 5(b)). The check box against each row has to be clicked before finally clicking ‘Click here to update’ button at the bottom. To delete a complete row, select the check box against that row and then click ‘Click here to Delete’ button at the bottom.

B. IEC Details

Select the level where IEC has been conducted .It can be conducted at any of 4

Levels namely State, District, Block, and Gram panchayat. For e.g. If block has been selected then up to block has to be selected.

Select Year And Month. Click on Search button after selecting all the options.

If the information is already present then form appears with selected options that are editable. Then information can be updated.

2. Multiple selections of activities that have taken place and enter number of times the activity is conducted . Select the checkboxes for the selections that are to be saved .

3. Select the agency/agencies, which have conducted the selected IEC activities.

4. Select the list of Issues tackled in the IEC.

Check the boxes against the rows that have to be saved

Finally click on the Save button to save the Information.

C. FTK Details : Chemical/Bacteriological Kit

Select state, district, block, Gram panchayat , Year and month. Click Search Button. If information for the selected parameters is already entered for the selected parameters it will be displayed that can be updated or a blank entry form will appear.

Enter thefollowing information if a blank form appears or make necessary changes to the entered information- both for Chemical Kit entry form and Bacteriological Kit entry form.

1.Number of Regular Kits / Number of H2S Vial

2.Field-testing capacity of the kits

3.Select multiple parameters that can be tested with FTK.

4.Select the level where FTK has been purchased.

5.Select Manufacture Name

6.Enter Unit cost of the Kit.

Click ‘Save’ to finally save all the information.

D. FTK Testing Details

This Form Is used To Enter Testing Details Done Using Field testing Kits. First the source where the testing is done has to be selected. For that select District, Block, Panchayat, Village, Habitation name and choose the type of source and click ‘Search’ .

The user has to select up to Habitation in order to get the details of water sources. Then click on the search Button, which will show the list of all water sources in that habitation. Water sources has to be entered through “” available in department website first. Then only water sources will be reflected here.

User can select water sources from the list and either enter or update testing details of the selected source of that habitation.

1 Click search button to see the details in the Habitation

2 Drop down list shows water sources in the selected habitation.

3. Select water source and then enter the following information-

  • Testing Date
  • Select Block and GP where testing is done.
  • Whether Source Is contaminated Or not
  • Select contaminants found with FTK. You can select multiple parameters.
  • Check the box against the row you have entered information

Click on the Save Button to save the entered information. In one entry form testing details of eight (8) sources can be entered. Once all the eight records are entered you are prompted for a new page with ‘Next’ Button.

E. Community Contribution

Select State, District, Block, GramPanchayat, Year and Month. If information for the selected parameters is already entered it will be displayed that can be updated or a blank entry form will appear.

Enter thefollowing information if a blank form appears or make necessary changes to the entered information-

1.Select month of contribution and amount.

2.Select Expenditure month that has to be less than contribution month and amount. name

4.Bank Branch name

5.Bank account number

Click on save button to save the details.

F .Details Of Surveillance Coordinator

There are two levels of data entry – District and Panchayat Level

Select the level - district or grampanchayat

Select State, District, Block, Grampanchayat, year And Month. If information for the selected parameters is already entered it will be displayed or a blank entry form will appear.

When the level is district, enter thefollowing information if a blank form appears or make necessary changes to the entered information-

1.Agency from where coordinator exists.

2.Name of the coordinator.

3.Designation of the coordinator.

4.The position of the coordinator in his team number

Click on save button to save the details.

When the level is gram panchayat, enter thefollowing information if a blank form appears or make necessary changes to the entered information. This form allows you to enter details of six members at one go. -

1. Name of the coordinator.

2. Designation of the coordinator.

3. Select Agency From where the Coordinator is

4. The position of the coordinator in his team

5. Contact number

Check the check box against each row to save the record.

Click on save button to save all the details finally.

4. Quick Reference

Some Important points should be remembered while entering data –

  • In HRD, IEC, Labs entry forms, there are different levels of data entry, namely State, District, Block, and Panchayat. This level should be selected first. Accordingly required drop down lists of district, block, gram panchayat are enabled and these have to be selected.
  • Options of the MASTER are only used by the administrator and cannot be used by state and district people.
  • Central login is only for administrator and cannot be used by state and districts.
  • Water source information has to be entered through online ARWSP software first. Then only these sources will be available for entering details of quality testing and sanitary survey.
  • Wherever date value is required, future date is not accepted.

For Technical Support please contact at the following address and telephone numbers

Department of Drinking Water Supply

NIC-Cell, Room No 9

9th Floor, Paryavaran Bhavan,

CGO Complex, Lodhi Road

New Delhi – 110 003

Telephone Numbers : 24362610/ 24366372

e-mail ID for technical support is :

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