Upperthong J&I School

Policy for Art and Design

At Upperthong J&I school children should be given the opportunity to enjoy, discuss and critically respond to a variety of art, craft and design forms through:

·  Developing ideas

·  Mastering techniques

·  Taking inspiration from the greats.


·  To encourage the natural abilities that every child possesses in this curriculum area.

·  To promote enjoyment in all art activities.

·  To help children communicate confidently and develop aesthetic judgments applied to their own work, to the work of others and to the world around them.

·  To teach children to look carefully at images and artefacts from the past, the present times and from other cultures.

·  To develop skills and knowledge of materials so that ideas can be generated, undertaken and completed with success.

·  To use increasingly expressive language and art specific vocabulary to respond to their own work and that of others.

·  All pupils will be given an opportunity to develop their I.C.T. skills using various graphics and art software packages, such as Dazzle.

Opportunities for learning:

We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in art and design. Our principle aim is to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. We explore and develop ideas, share and evaluate work. Planning for art is based on National Curriculum requirements and is developed around the key skills developed by Chris Quigley. Where possible art is taught as part of a theme or topic; this allows children to use and apply learned skills.

Teachers are encouraged, with the support of the arts subject team, to take ownership of the curriculum, shaping it and making it their own, being creative and innovative in how they teach art and design in a cross curricular approach.

Through this, children will be given opportunities to:

·  Take increasing responsibility for their work

·  Work independently and in groups

·  Be involved in tasks of varying duration

·  Undertake teacher directed and child initiated tasks

·  Undertake a balanced range of activities including: investigation, interpretation, oral and written work and role play

·  Use books, documents, ICT, timelines and historical records, to find out about famous/local artists and art movements, make use of visitors and visits to galleries and sites of artistic interest.

·  Ask questions and form hypotheses

·  Find, collect, record, analyse and evaluate information.

·  Evaluate their own work


We have a wide range of resources to support the teaching of art and design across the school. Basic resources are kept in the classrooms. More specialized equipment is kept in the large resource room within the school.
Akiln is locatedin the school, between the hall and kitchen.
Clay and clay tools are found in the large resource room.

Role of the Arts Team:

Monitor skills coverage and progression through planning and work, periodically accessing planning on VLE, sampling work and discussions with children.

Liaise with staff to provide access to resources, visits and visitors.


The needs of children with SEN and children identified as able and talented are met in line with the policies for SEN & Able and Talented.

Health and Safety:

All children should be taught to use tools and equipment in the correct manner.

When undertaking activities outside school reference is made to the policy on ‘Educational Visits’.

Assessment and Reporting

Once a topic is completed the elements that are art based are assessed using Essentials milestones for progression (Chris Quigley), recorded on the agreed assessment sheet and placed on Digital Brain in the Foundation Assessment folder. These assessments are on-going made by the teacher and those who are highlighted have either made less than expected progress or greater than progress.

Art is part of the EYFS curriculum and is covered under the Expressive Arts and Design area of learning.

Progress and attainment in art is reported annually to parents on the end of year report.

Staff Development/INSET

Opportunities will be taken for staff to undertake training in Art, to develop and reinforce knowledge and skills and to review the latest developments in line with School Improvement Plan.

Linked policies: Teaching and Learning




Policy for Able and Talented children


Subject Leadership

Health and Safety

Educational Visits


Developed in March 2009

Approved by Staff in March 2009

Approved by Governors in April 2009

Reviewed Autumn 2013

To be reviewed Autumn 2016