Physics 12 – Introductory Physics

Instructor Information: Richard S. Masada; Office: Science 123; Office hours are by appointment only; phone: (310) 434-4742; e-mail: ; homepage: WileyPLUS site:

Course Information: Physics 12 is a non-laboratory course for the student whose interest or major calls for a course with a more conceptual and less mathematical approach to physics. It is a survey course introducing mechanics, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics. The emphasis is on understanding of concepts and applying physics to life around us. There are no prerequisites, but high school math is recommended.

The course meets on Mondays from 3:30 to 6:35 p.m. in Sci 122.

Because it is important that you participate in the activities during the course, excessive absences (more than three hours) without a legitimate excuse will result in your receiving a failing grade or being dropped from the class. Please be on time for the class.

Text: Louis A. Broomfield, How Things Work, Third Edition, 2006, including WileyPLUS. (The text can be purchased as an e-book through WileyPLUS at a substantially lower cost than the hard copy of the book.)

Homework Assignments: The homework assignments are assigned through WileyPLUS. The assignments help you understand the ideas and concepts that are presented in class, and they also help you determine whether or not you truly do understand the material.

The WileyPLUS homework assignments can be found on the homework assignment page on the WileyPLUS class website. This homework is submitted online for a grade.

If you are having difficulty with the homework assignments, contact me as soon as possible. Usually the difficulties can be cleared up quickly. Do not copy from others students or your grade and your fellow students’ grades will be reduced.

Investigations and Experiments: Investigations and experiments that examine the physical principles discussed in class will be performed in class and at home. When performed in class, you will be working in a group (three students maximum) to complete the investigation or experiment. Your group will submit the assignment at the end of class. The assignment will be graded, and all members of the group will receive the same grade.

For the investigations and experiments performed at home, each student submits his or her own report for a grade.

Unit Exams: Three unit exams will be given covering the material presented in class discussions, in homework assignments (WileyPLUS), and in investigations and experiments.

Final Exam: The final exam will include material covered during the entire semester. The final exam is scheduled for MONDAY, June 11, 2007 during our regular class time.

Grading: Each of the above components contributes points to your grade in the course. The maximum amount that can be earned for each component is shown.

Homework 50

Investigations and Experiments 50

Unit Exam 1100

Unit Exam 2100

Unit Exam 3100

Final Exam100


The minimum number of points needed to earn a specific grade is:





Fbelow 250