Exam 1 Bingo Questions

  1. A proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence. HYPOTHESIS
  2. A broad explanation of facts made on the basis of substantial evidence. THEORY
  3. Science based on deductive reasoning.HYPOTHESIS-BASED
  4. Science based on observations and inductive reasoning.DISCOVERY-BASED
  5. Evolutionary history of an organism.PHYLOGENY
  6. Unicellular organisms with no membrane-enclosed organelles.PROKARYOTES
  7. Organisms with a true nucleus.EUKARYOTES
  8. Group of organisms that includes pathogenic prokaryotes.BACTERIA
  9. Group of organisms that includes extremophiles.ARCHAEA
  10. Highly resistant bacterial cells that can be dormant for years.ENDOSPORES
  11. Polymer in the cell walls of bacteria.PEPTIDOGLYCAN
  12. Organisms that create organic molecules from carbon dioxide.AUTOTROPHS
  13. Organisms that create organic molecules from digested foods.CHEMOTROPHS
  14. Organisms that don’t use oxygen, but are not poisoned by it.AEROTOLERANT ANAEROBES
  15. Organisms that don’t require oxygen, but will use it when available.FACULTATIVE ANAEROBES
  16. The most diverse eukaryotic kingdom.PROTISTS
  17. Protist supergroup named for their excavated feeding groove. EXCAVATA
  18. Kinetoplastid that causes sleeping sickness. Vectored by the tsetse fly.TRYPANOSOMA
  19. Protist supergroup named for sacs under their membrane.ALVEOLATA
  20. Organisms possessing both a macro- and micro-nucleus.CILIATES
  21. Apicomplexan that causes malaria. Vectored by the mosquito.PLASMODIUM
  22. Organisms that cause red tides.DINOFLAGELLATES
  23. Protist supergroup named for their additional hairy flagellum.STRAMENOPILA
  24. Algae with walls made of silica. Are often fossilized.DIATOMS
  25. Organism responsible for the Irish Potato Blight and Sudden Oak Death.OOMYCETES
  26. Protist supergroup named for their threadlike pseudopodia.RHIZERIA
  27. Protist supergroup including gymnamoebes, entamoebes, and slime molds.AMOEBOZOA
  28. Supergroup including fungi, animals, and similar protists.OPISTHOKONTA
  29. An interwoven mass of hyphae.MYCELIUM
  30. Symbiotic association between fungi and green algae or cyanobacteria.LICHEN
  31. Symbiotic association between fungi and plant roots.MYCORRHIZAE
  32. Includes bread molds.ZYGOMYCOTA
  33. Includes sac fungi and yeasts. Organisms may possess asexual conidia.ASCOMYCOTA
  34. Also known as “club fungus”.BASIDIOMYCOTA
  35. Polymer in the cell walls of fungi.CHITIN
  36. Fusion of the cytoplasm during sexual reproduction in fungi.PLASMOGAMY
  37. Fusion of the nuclei during sexual reproduction in fungi.KARYOGAMY

Exam 2 Bingo Questions

  1. Plant generation that forms spores.SPOROPHYTE
  2. Plant generation that forms gametes.GAMETOPHYTE
  3. Algal ancestor of plants.CHAROPHYCEAN
  4. Waxy covering that helps prevent plants from drying out.CUTICLE
  5. Scientific name for “liverworts”.HEPATOPHYTA
  6. Scientific name for “hornworts”. ANTHOCEROPHYTA
  7. Female gametangia that produce and enclose eggs.ARCHEGONIA
  8. Male gametangia that produce sperm.ANTHERIDIA
  9. Refers to plants in which there is one type of spore.HOMOSPOROUS
  10. Refers to plants in which there is a megaspore and microspore.HETEROSPOROUS
  11. Structure composed of an embryo, food supply, and coat.SEED
  12. Seedless, avascular plants.FERNS
  13. Vascular plants with naked seeds.GYMNOSPERMS
  14. Vascular plants with seeds covered by ovaries.ANGIOSPERMS
  15. Phylum including evergreens.CONIFEROPHYTA
  16. Largest, most diverse plant phylum.ANTHOPHYTA
  17. Flowers in which the stamens and pistils are on one flower.PERFECT FLOWER
  18. Flowers in which the stamens and pistils are on separate flowers.IMPERFECT FLOWER
  19. Protistal ancestor of animals.CHOANOFLAGELLATE
  20. Animal division regarding the presence of true tissues.PARAZOA v. EUMETAZOA
  21. Animal division regarding symmetry.RADIATA v. BILATERIA
  22. Animal division regarding the fate of the blastopore.PROTOSTOMA v. DEUTEROSTOMA
  23. Animal division regarding the presence of an exoskeleton.LOPHOTROCHOZOA v. ECDYSOZOA
  24. Refers to animals with a coelom completely surrounded by mesoderm.COELOMATES
  25. Refers to animals with a coelom partially surrounded by mesoderm.PSEUDOCOELOMATES
  26. Refers to animals lacking a body cavity.ACOELOMATES
  27. Asymmetrical animals with no true tissues.PORIFERA
  28. Diploblastic animals with radial symmetry.CNIDARIA
  29. Scientific name for “flatworms”.PLATYHELMINTHES
  30. Microscopic freshwater organisms that undergo parthenogenesis.ROTIFERA
  31. Animal phylum including gastropoda, bivalvia, and cephalopoda.MOLLUSCA
  32. Animal phylum including earthworms, polychaetes, and leeches.ANNELIDA
  33. Animal phylum with a chitin cuticle. Cause trichinosis.NEMATODA
  34. Largest, most successful animal phylum. Have an open circulatory system.ARTHROPODA
  35. Animal phylum named for their spiny skin.ECHINODERMATA