Parish Clerk / 0779 500 6811


Draft Minutes Subject to the Approval at the next Meeting

Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council

Tuesday 13 September 2016 at 7.00 pm

Wereham Village Hall


Cllr Jo Bruce JB Chair

Cllr Brian Bruce BB

Cllr Jacki Hitching JH

Cllr Gail Koopowitz GK

Cllr Nicki Loake NL

Cllr Pamela Walker PW

Helen Richardson HR Parish Clerk

Also in attendance:

Cllr Colin Sampson CS Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk

Cllr Martin Storey MS Norfolk County Council

Members of the Public: 8

79/16 Public Comments / Questions

The following issues were raised by members of the public present:

·  It was suggested that the Parish Council consider the installation of a bus shelter at Crown Gardens. It was agreed to discuss further under the Parish Partnership item.

·  It was highlighted by a parishioner that there had been many incidents of dangerous driving at School Lane and road safety was a concern particularly for the children that use the road. It was added that tractors and coaches were also using the small lane, and there was no lighting, no pavement and it was a blind spot at the point of the bend in the road. The Chair advised that it was on the agenda for further discussion during the meeting.

80/16 The Openess and Transparency Notice was read by the Chair.

81/16 Apologies and Welcome

Apologies were received and accepted for Cllr Jon Ratsey.

82/16 Consider Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items and Dispensation Requests

There was none.

83/16 Minutes of the Meeting dated 12 July 2016

The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 12 July 2016 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Prop. PM, 2nd NL, Show of hands: All agreed.

84/16 Matters Arising from the Minutes:

i) Highways (Norfolk County Council)

Resolved: (For information only)

1.  A134 Path from Crown Gardens to Electric Shop – The path had since been tarmacked.

2.  Blocked Drain (Just past Lammas Lane entrance, The Row) – The drain had been unblocked.

3.  Church Road/ A134 strip of Grass – The Chair advised that Norfolk County Council Highways had confirmed they had no funds available to increase the frequency of its cut.

4.  Rangers/Highways Tasks – The broken tree on the A134 had since been pushed back and no longer an obstruction following the verges being cut. It was confirmed that the rangers would pick up strimming required around dog bins if located on Norfolk County Council land. The Chair confirmed that Anglian Water had attended the blocked drain near the old cattery in August.

Outstanding/Pending for Action:

5.  Flegg Green Draining Issue (pond) – The Chair shared that Andy Wallace, Norfolk County Council Highways had emailed the Clerk on 8 August to advise that the drainage investigation and cleanse was with the contractor for completion shortly on Flegg Green and this would include the whole system to its outfall. The Clerk advised that she would be contacting Andy for an update the following week.

6.  Pond Boards: Andy Wallace, Norfolk County Council Highways previously had acknowledged the requirement to reinforce boards at the pond which had fallen into the pipe. The Chair shared that the latest update advised that the Bridge’s Team did not have the resource currently to remove the board at the pond but he had asked the team to collect when they were in the Parish.

Resolved: The Clerk to contact Andy and advise that with heavy rainfall the Parish Council would like it resolved as a matter of urgency to mitigate any risk of flooding in the area.

7.  Drainage at culvert (TF60414)– Cllr Martin Storey advised that the agencies involved had been discussing the issue and they were keen to resolve by ensuring that any work done was the final solution. Cllr Martin Storey explained that the ground was at a gradient which meant that any water flowing through the pipe was pushed back and was unable to flow freely. Cllr Martin Storey shared that Mark Henderson was going to see what funding was available and it was not fair that the properties were subjected to the flooding risk. He added that he would be prepared to go back to the Trust if required. Cllr Martin Storey confirmed that he would take the matter further if necessary and would keep progressing. The Chair asked Gerald Gotts if he would be able to feedback to the Drainage Board and provide feedback to everyone involved of any information available.

8.  Road Markings at Telephone Box – The Chair advised that Andy Wallace, Norfolk County Council Highways had advised early August that as there were no yellow lines presently, they would need to obtain a legal order which they wouldn’t consider due to constraints in budgets, so he was unable to assist with the request. The Chair added that he also advised that the payment for the work did not include yellow lines and to install the lines a legal order would cost £5-6 k minimum. The Chair commented that the Parish Council needed to be careful with applications for funding or work actioned in future to be sure that all work was listed and outlined in full. Concerns were raised of the cars parking at the entrance to the dropped kerb which was proving difficult to control. Actions were discussed and agreed on ensuring that access to the post box and telephone box could be maintained as much as possible.


1)  That the Clerk would contact NCC Highways about the possibility of installing a white hatched area instead as no legal order would be required.

2)  That the Clerk would create a sign to be displayed near the post box that advises ‘No Parking at Any Time/Keep Clear Access Required’.

3)  That the Clerk would draft a note to be displayed on car windscreens to advise them not to park in the position that blocks access to the dropped kerb.

ii) General/Other


1.  Crown Gardens Footpath: The Chair shared that the Borough Council Enforcement team had advised that the path had been pursued as much as they could legally afford. The Parish Council agreed that it was disappointing particularly as the path was a lot narrower than before and the path way had been destroyed and not reinstated.

2.  Village Sign – The Chair advised that the sign had been fully completed and this was now resolved.

3.  Pubic Right of Way Footpath from Gibbet Lane to Fincham – The Chair shared that the Public Right of Way Officer had been informed that the Parish Council would not be able to contribute to the long term upkeep of the land. The Public Right of Way Officer advised that the owners of the land at the public footpath had been willing to assist in the reopening of the path. The Clerk advised that any further updates would be shared with the Parish Council. The Chair commented that it would be a great benefit to people living in the area once open.

4.  Wildlife Trust: The Chair confirmed that the Clerk had contacted the trust to advise that the project would commence Spring 2017 and they advised they would be able to assist on improving the natural surroundings of the pond. A Parish Councillor commented that it was believed the fish had been put in the pond from the Wissey Lakes in the 1960’s. Another Councillor commented that the concrete around the pond had been in place since 1971.

5.  Heygates Request for Boundary Marking: The Chair advised that the Clerk had emailed the Heygates family Secretary Lucy Short shortly after the meeting in July to advise that the Parish Council were aware of markings to the boundary around the site of the new dwelling, and confirmed it would be resolved when necessary. The Clerk had also emailed the Project Team of the Wereham Villlage Hall to ask if there were surplus funds if they could consider working the boundary markings within their plans and funding. The Clerk had added to the long term action list. The Chair advised that the Clerk had placed the matter of safety within the build site for the new Village Hall on the November agenda.

6.  Private Pumping Stations – Email from Anglian Water - had been actioned.

7.  Moles on the Playing Field and Play Area – The Chair advised that this had been resolved and a total of 7 moles had been caught in the area with no fresh activity when the traps had been removed. CGM who had removed advised that there might be more at some point as they migrate from the surrounding area. The Chair advised that CGM had charged £75 plus VAT for the service.

8.  Actions to Play area – NL confirmed that works to the play area identified in her inspection earlier in the year had been resolved.

9.  Signs – The Clerk confirmed that contact signs to the Play area and the cemetery had been installed and the multi sports area sign also needed installation. Colin Eldridge and Darren Edwards also kindly agreed to install this sign.

10.  Bushes to Front of Cemetery – The Chair confirmed that CGM had cut the bushes at the cemetery as part of their usual contract and in line with wildlife cycles.

11.  Devolution and NALC Survey – The Chair confirmed that the Clerk had actioned the survey and circulated information to the Councillors. The Councillors confirmed to CS and MS that they had no further queries at this time. MS advised that a decision would be made soon.

Outstanding/Pending for Action: (Clerk to Resolve All)

12.  St Margaret’s Church Clock Servicing Costs - The Chair shared that Cllr Ratsey would have an update for the November meeting and the Clerk had added it to the list of meeting agenda items. It was also shared that Cllr Ratsey had emailed the maintenance company for its service but had not as yet responded.

13.  Village Pond Night Fishing – The Clerk advised that a sign had been made for display at the pond and an appeal had been placed on Facebook. The Chair shared that a letter of thanks had been received from a parishioner. Colin Eldridge and Darren Edwards kindly agreed to install the sign at the pond in a visible position.

14.  Memorial Bench – The Clerk had added to Facebook if anyone was interested in purchasing a memorial bench for the cemetery. She now needed to add to the website. Gerald Gott agreed to remove the old bench. [Subsequently Colin Eldridge agreed to refurbish it and removed from site].

15.  Transparency Funding – The Chair confirmed that the application had been sent and would be received in the 8 October 2016 round for funding. The Clerk advised that the result would be known for the next meeting.

85/16 Correspondence Received

1)  Letter from Anglia Computing – was noted.

2)  Services in Village Review Response – was noted.

3)  CGM Internal Changes Update 31 October – was noted.

4)  Norfolk ALC and Community Action Norfolk CAN newsletters – Available from the Clerk, circulated via email where appropriate.

86/16 Wereham Village Hall Update

Victoria Gray, Chair of the Wereham Village Hall Charity and Project Member and Treasurer John Eastgate attended the Parish Council meeting and shared that they were now able to publicly announce that the Wereham Village Hall Charity had been awarded £621k from the Big Lottery. She added that those involved would now be looking to raise a further £230k and building it was hoped would start March 2017. The Chair and the Parish Councillors congratulated Victoria, John and all the team and those involved on this great achievement. Cllr Martin Storey announced his congratulations to the project team and those involved as it was noted that the process was very difficult and not easily achieved. He added that there had been a lot of hard work that had gone into this result, he also offered any assistance that he could at any time.

The following items were also covered:

·  The Chair confirmed following a query from Victoria that the Licence of the playing field was in hand with Adrian Smith, Land Agent for Heygates.

·  The Chair confirmed following a query that the Parish Council would note the need to pull forward funding of £5.5 k earmarked for the project from April 2017 to January/February 2017 for an application to WREN.

·  The Parish Council noted that the Wereham Village Hall’s solicitor John Gudgeon would be transferring the assets of land the Parish Council currently held as Custodian Trustees to the Wereham Village Hall CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation), which would absolve them of their role as custodians.

·  Victoria advised that due to the nature of the funding received for the project any surplus from the project would have to be returned, but nearer the time the project team would discuss if there was something acceptable that they could help with. Victoria advised that Heygates had confirmed that sunken concrete markers were acceptable for their boundary markings. The Clerk confirmed that this was detailed within the Parish Council’s longer term items on the agenda.

·  Victoria and John also shared information following a query from the Parish Council on the safety of the new village hall site during construction. They advised that a full plan would be available in March 2017 at which point the method statement would have been prepared by the chosen contractor, and once appointed they would put forward a CDM Contractor which would oversee the safety of the site. The Chair advised that it was important from the Parish Council’s perspective that the field was accessible for all, and the site was made safe particularly to ensure that young people were kept out. John also advised that access would remain and there may be other work to the sewer on Church Road, but more details would be known in time. The Chair advised that the Parish Council wished to work together on the project to ensure the best outcomes.