Shade-Central City School District Board of Directors

July, 2017

The regular meeting of the Shade-Central City School Board of Directors is called to order by the board President at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 10, 2017 in the Library of the Shade Junior/Senior High School.

The board members present are: Randy Kiser, Brian Maldet, Steve Sesack, John O’Ship, Steve Muha, Robert Mulcahy and Scott Andrews. Dorothy Gindlesperger and Cecelia Corradini were absent.

Also present are: John Krupper, Superintendent and Cairnbrook Elementary Principal , Sean Wechtenhiser, High School Principal, Stacey Papinchak, Business Manager and Board Secretary, and Ken Gibbons, Operations & Maintenance Supervisor.


No public comment

JO’Ship motions and RKiser seconds to approve the minutes for June. Voice call vote is all ayes with no nays sounded; motion carried.

EDUCATION: John O’Ship, Chairperson

JO’Ship motions and BMaldet seconds to approve to update policy #325 to abolish rubber/plastic flip flops for staff and students. Voice call vote, all ayes; motion carried.

JO’Ship motions and BMaldet seconds to approve homebound instruction for an Elementary and a High School student. Roll call vote, all ayes; motion carried.

For information, Narcan and Stop the Bleed kits will be in the Nurses office as per the recommendation from the Safety Committee

For information, Mr. Wechtenhiser gave an update on the Dual Enrollment program stating that there will be an additional English offered through Penn Highlands with 10 students the first semester and 9 students the second semester.

For information, the newsletter will be distributed on Friday, August 4, 2017

For information, there will be a behavior management staff development for bus drivers

BUDGET & FINANCE: Steve Sesack, Chairperson

SSesack motions and JO’Ship seconds to approve the payment of the bills. Roll call vote, all ayes; motion carried.

SSesack motions and JO’Ship seconds to approve the May Treasurer’s Report. Roll call vote, all ayes; motion carried.

BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Brian Maldet, Chairperson

BMaldet motions and SMuha seconds to approve the Holy Assumption of St. Mary’s Orthodox Church to use the High School auditorium for a basket party fundraiser on Oct. 8, 2017. Voice call vote, all ayes; motion carried.

For information, Law enforcement training took place at the High School on June 27th and 28th.

For information, Mr. Gibbons gave a quote of $10,150 to put new led lights in the High School gym. He doesn’t feel they need purchased or installed at this time. He also said Weyant signs quoted $160/hr from the time they leave until they return to look at repairing the scoreboard. He feels we can wait until it needs other repairs before calling them out just for one issue that doesn’t need fixed immediately.


RKiser motions and BMaldet seconds to approve to replace the Jr. High Locker room exterior door at an approx. cost of $2,915.00. Mr. Gibbons stated that price also includes a new frame. Roll call vote, all ayes; motion carried.

For information, the Softball field visitor dugout was damaged by wind. Mr. Gibbons received an estimate of $4,850 and we will submit it to our insurance with a $2,500 deductible.

SSesack motions and JO’Ship seconds to approve to have the scoreboards installed at the High School gym in the amount of approx. $11,000. Donation letters were sent to local non-profit clubs, $500 was received and more may still come in. Roll call vote, all ayes; motion carried.

JO’Ship motions and BMaldet seconds to approve the Shade Cheerleaders to use the High School gym on Sept. 5th and 7th to hold a youth cheerleading camp. Voice call vote, all ayes; motion carried.

For information, the 2017-18 IU08 activity passes were distributed.


7:23 p.m. – 7:32 p.m. for personnel matters. Motion was made by JO’Ship and seconded by SSesack.

Meeting Resumed

NEGOTIATIONS & PERSONNEL: Stephen Sesack, Chairperson

SSesack motions and SAndrews seconds to approve to add Cathy Paul, Sandy Meck, Tammy McCauliff and Andrea Beavers to the 2017-18 Cafeteria Substitute list, pending all clearances. Voice call vote, all ayes; motion carried.

For information, Personnel committee meeting on Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 9:00am.


JO’Ship motions and BMaldet seconds to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m.

Stacey L. Papinchak, Secretary