Sammamish Landing Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting

February 1, 2012March 17, 2010

Called to order at 76:185pm by Bob Aye, Vice President,

Quorum was met for Annual Meeting (signed list/proxy forms with Scott McCue)

Proof of Notice, presented by Scott McCue, approved by all presentapproved by all present

Minutes from 201109 Annual Meeting, approved by all present

Presidents Report for preceding year, provided by Bob Aye

(summary), Given by Bob Aye

·  August: completed exterior painting, completed landscaping which included grounds drainage work

·  October & November: temporary repair done to cement and asphalt on parking lot / curbing by entrance of the complex. This was to ensure that no water would seep beyond the area into building as did the previous year during extremely heavy rains.

·  December: Painted lobby. Property perimeter trees were trimmed. Carpets were cleaned (entire building).

·  Recap of construction project & summary. Construction expenditures totaled $713,000. $27,000 was rebated for windows. The re-landscaping, permitting & design equaled $57,000. Landscaping was more than anticipated because of the drainage improvements that needed to be made. This provided $76,000 to reserves. As recommended and agreed to in previous Annual meeting, these monies will be moved to reserves.

·  Upcoming expenditures (near future) for the complex include hot tub leak repair (estimated around $2,000), Fuel Storage locker repair/rebuild (estimated around $1,000), Parking Lot Repair, Resealing, Re-striping (estimated up to $15,000 dependent on scope of work and bids) Windows were cleaned as scheduled, 2 x over the past year

·  Ground cover on south side cleared, with pet waste disposal dispenser installed. Park bench added to this area.

·  Replaced brick surrounding pool, to meet current code requirements.

·  North side, blackberry bushes cleared.

·  Carpet cleaned as scheduled.

·  Pool and hot tub pumps replaced.

·  Replaced lights around pool with solar lights.

·  Changed landscaping companies for annual savings.

Financials Report (summary),

·  The 2011 Budget versus Actual Income/Expenses was distributed and summarized by Tommy Curtin. Homeowners reviewed with no unresolved questions.

·  The board has approved no increase in monthly dues for the 2012 budget year.

·  The homeowners voted to waive audit for 2012.

Election of Board Members

There are five positions. The five owners running were elected.

New Business

Dock Issue. Canadian goose droppings are a concern. The board reviewed the history of past measures and agreed that we will maintain the most successful fix which is a string fence through dowels.

Security Gate was brought up. Discussion about historical research, high expense & maintenance of such a project. Any owner is welcome to officially bring it to board for review again.

Meeting was Adjourned at 8:20pm

Sammamish Landing Executive Meeting

Following Annual Meeting

February 1, 2012

Elected Officers of Board for 2012 are:

Bob Aye, President

Graham McMynn, Vice President

Tommy Curtin, Treasurer

Jan Clayton, Secretary

Carole Browning, Floater

Owners should receive mailing regarding maintenance of decks and sales tax information on construction project.

Tree Trimming on North side. Legacy, our landscaping contractor, trimmed up to 12 feet. Additional height requires bid, potential extra cost. Tommy will get bid and get back to us.

Hot Tub repair. We direct management to secure two bids on repair. Bob Aye to consult on scope of bid.

Parking lot repair & resurfacing. We direct management to secure two bids on the scope of work. We need to determine what this is. We think that a company who specializes will make recommendation on scope of work. The two bids should have equal scopes of work.

Caliber Web cost. The board wasn't sure if we would use the service and felt it unnecessary at this time to have it. We can revisit it again.

Sammamish Landing website was the initiative of previous board member who has moved. We agreed that we should keep our website and Graham McMynn offered to update and maintain it.

Carpet for Lobby. Discussion of interior carpet ~ hallway carpet would be kept cleaner if we had a more interim carpet in the lobby (we would like a nicer carpet, instead of commercial type). Jan Clayton will make recommendation to board.

Insurance Renewal Approved.

Quarterly dates for Board Meetings are: April 17, July 17, October 16. All will be 6pm

given by Tom Curtain and Scott McCue.

·  Tom broke out monthly homeowner dues into percentages of expenses for informational purposes. A pie chart was provided. Insurance, Landscape, Janitorial, Cable TV are highest with 10-11% for each.

·  Scott McCue went over 2009 Budget versus Actuals, and 2010 Projected Budgets.

·  Jan updated interior lighting project (swap for energy efficient lights and fixtures and PSE incentives) as a future savings for the Electricity expense. Agreed by homeowners that the project will start on Friday, March 19 by PSE contractor, The Light Doctor.

Call for New Board Nominees

Tim Woodbury addressed homeowners as candidate. Tommy Curtin, Jan Clayton, Paul Weston and Bob Aye also gave brief statements of serving another year as Board members.

Audit, Motion and Vote to waive (none opposed)

Old Business. None that was requested to record in minutes, with the exception of Siding Project which is it's own item below.

New Business. Hot Water heaters, toilets, showers, etc should be inspected for repair and leaks as a general maintenance item. Damage caused by faulty, old models is not covered by SLHOA insurance, but individual insurance. Action: Scott McCue will check records/minutes for the last Hot Water Tank inspection/replacement dictate. It was mentioned that Calico had arranged for owners to get discount by going in for volume replacement about 10 years ago.

Siding/Window/Roof Project, update by Bob Aye. (attach copy of Powerpoint presentation)

·  Summary of building condition (considerations/pros of moving forward now rather than later)

·  Summary of specific work and recommended bid

·  Summary of impact

·  Summary of costs and financing process

·  Summary of project impacts

Homeowner Discussions and Questions and (Answers)

1.  Variables still include parking space for staging area, front entrance, deck railings, mailboxes, intercom, lighting and building colorcarport (to be determined by board and budget)

2.  What is the warranty for the work. (To be included in contract, most likely one year with 11 month inspection)

3.  Will the performance bond to cover work/repair/items that may be discovered in the 11 month inspection? (Bob Aye will investigateconfirm)

4.  Would "leftover" loan amounts ~ savings from contingency budget, etc ~ be allocated to SLHOA reserves? (yes)

5.  Do homeowners who pre-pay assessment have to share in underwriting costs of loan (est. $2200) and/or attorney fees? (yes Board to review)

Vote by Homeowners.
Vote to move forward with the project as presented, with a maximum per unit specialexpenditureassessment of $25,000. (If board finds that final budget exceeds $25,000 per unit, it will go to a revote).

Approved by all present, with one opposed

Meeting Adjourned, 8:15pm


Board Executive Meeting, 8:15pm

Board Members Voted into Office for 2010 - Annual Meeting Date 2011

Carole Browning, President

Bob Aye, Vice President

Tim Woodbury, Floater

Tom Curtain, Treasurer

Jan Clayton, Secretary

Approved Action items: Scott McCue to have attorney write recommendation letter to bank, Scott McCue to get loan process started, Bob Aye to contact Reserve and start discussions with theabout low bidder.

Meeting Adjourned, 9:00pm