Expression of InterestForm
Community Right to Challenge–Localism Act 2011
Please ensure that you provide adequate and accurate information to enable Brent Council to make a decision on your Expression of Interest. For information and guidance about how Brent Council considers Expressions of Interest for Council services, please visit: contact 02089374308.Completed forms should be sent by post to:
Community RighttoChallenge
Strategy, Partnerships and Improvement
4N Brent Civic Centre
Engineers Way
Part 1. About your Organisation
Contact DetailsName of your organisation:
Name of Contact Person:
Telephone Number:
Eligibility for applying
- If you are an incorporated organisation please describe the legal form of your organisation including registration number(s) where applicable (e.g. company limited by guarantee, charitable organisation, community interest company etc.)
Registration Number(s):
- If your organisation carries out activities for profit please describe below how you use the surplus that is generated.
- If you are an unincorporated organisation please describe below what provisions are made for community benefit in your constitution:
- Do you propose to deliver the service:
b)Using one or more subcontractors
for delivery of any part of the service? Yes/No
If you have answered yes to one or both questions, please provide the names and addresses of all consortium members and all sub-contractors.
- Please provide information about the financial resources of the body submitting the EOI.
This question is designed to ensure that the body submitting the EOI (together with the other consortium members and sub-contractors) has the financial resources and capacity to be able to deliver the service.
- Please provide evidence to demonstrate that by the time of any procurement exercise the body submitting the EOI, and (if appropriate) the consortium members and sub-contractors you listed in Question 4, will be capable of providing or assisting in providing the service.
Part 2. About the Service
Please identify the Brent Council Service to which your EOI relates and the geographical area covered.It is important that you clearly identify:
- The service in which you are expressing an interest
- The scope and level of the service – you may be expressing an interest in a specific part of a service.
- The geographical area to which it relates – will it be at a specific site rather than the whole service or are you interested in delivering the whole service in part or across the whole borough?
Please provide information about the outcomes you expect to achieve in providing the service and also how you will measure the outcomes.
Please provide information about how the service you envisage providing will promote or improve the social, economic or environmental well-being of Brent. Please also explain how you will measure this.
Please provide information about how the service you envisage providing will meet the needs of the users of the service. Please also explain how you will measure this.
Where the EOI comes from an organisation or body consisting of existing employees of Brent Council, how will the organisation or body propose to engage other employees of the Council who are affected by this EOI?
My organisation understands that if our EOI is accepted by Brent Council, the council will run a procurement exercise and invite tenders for the contract to run the service. All qualified organisations from the private, public and voluntary sectors will be able to tender. The organisation that submits an EOI may not win the contract.
Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Position in Organisation: ………………………………………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Thank you for your expression of interest. Brent Council will notify you if any further information is required to support your EOI.
We will acknowledge receipt, and within 30 days after the close of the expression of interest window,we will let you know the date by which you will receive a decision on your application and let you know whether it has been accepted (with or without modifications) or rejected and publish details of the service specification.