Elms Farm Primary School Behaviour Policy
The school has a central role in the children's social and moral development just as it does in their academic development. We hold high expectations of behaviour for everyone and ensure all children are supported in sharing our vision.
The staff and pupils of Elms Farm School are committed to becoming a right-respecting school. The school aims to develop a rights-respecting ethos and want the children to become empowered to become active citizens and learners.
Our Rights Respecting values underpin our Golden Rules that are as follows:
- We are gentle.
- We are kind and helpful.
- We are honest.
- We listen.
- We look after our own and other people’s property.
Our emphasis is on rewards to reinforce good behaviour. We believe that rewards have a motivational role, helping children to see that good behaviour is valued. The behaviour of children in classrooms is initially the responsibility of the classroom teacher. All adults in school look for and praise good behaviour and good learning attitudes.
Class Dojos are awarded for good learning and social behaviours, based on the Golden Rules. All teachers and teaching assistants have access to the Class Dojo system and are able to award dojos. Midday supervisors are able to award Class Dojo tokens to pupils during lunchbreak that can then be cashed in at the end of lunchtime by the class teacher. Prefects are also trained to give positive dojos to reward good behaviours in the corridors they monitor. Each week class dojo points are collected and displayed. The class with the most winning weeks during a half term will enjoy a rewards afternoon.
An Awards Assembly is held each week. During the Assembly the school celebrates success for good behaviour and good achievement. Pupils who have been nominated for an award will be presented publicly during assembly with a certificate.
Lining up points are awarded by the teachers at the end of playtime and lunchtime to ensure swift transitions from playground to classroom. The class who gains the most points is awarded with extra play once a week.
We use the “Good to be Green” scheme for lunchtime for Foundation Stage-Reception classes. This rewards pupils with a green card if they have behaved well. Pupils who receive red and amber cards arereported to the class teacher. The teacher will decide whether the child should receive a red dojo.
Every Thursday, at the end of the school day, the Inclusion Manager will monitor and analyse the data for all pupils. Any Junior child who has more positive dojos than negative dojos will enjoy extra play on a Friday between 12:15pm and 12:30pm. Any Infant child who receives more positive dojos will receiveextra playon Friday afternoon.
If a child breaks the Golden Rules they will receive a red, negative dojo.
Each classroom uses a visual prompt – the sun and clouds. All children start the day on the picture of the sun. If a child displays negative behaviour they are primarily given a warning and will move to the first cloud. If the child repeats or displays other negative behaviours they will move to the next cloud. At this point the teacher will move the child to work on their own for a short time.The child will also receive a red dojo. If the negative behaviour continues the class teacher will send the child to another classroom for a short time. This will be recorded on CPOMs. The child will receive another red negative dojo at this point.
Each day is a new day and children’s names must be placed back on the sun.
Every Thursday, at the end of the school day, the Inclusion Manager will monitor and analyse the data. Any junior child who has more negative dojos than positive dojos will not join in with extra play on a Friday between 12:15pm and 12:30pm. Any child in Infants who receives more negative dojos than positive dojos will miss extra play on a Friday afternoon.
Only the Head Teacher (or the acting Head Teacher) has the power to exclude a pupil from school. The Head Teacher may exclude a pupil for one or more fixed periods, for up to 45 days in any one school year. The Head Teacher may also exclude a pupil permanently. It is also possible for the Head teacher to convert fixed term exclusion into a permanent exclusion, if the circumstances warrant this.
When a serious breach of policy has occurred this may result in an internal or external exclusion.
- Serious breach of school behaviour policy – including bullying
- Physical assault towards a member of staff or pupil
- Severe discriminatory abuse
- Persistent bad behaviour
- Sexual misconduct
- Serious damage to property
- Theft
- Violent or threatening behaviour
- Drug or alcohol related incidents (including tobacco)
- Bringing weapons into school.
The head teacher regularly monitors the effectiveness of this policy, liaising with SMT. A report is regularly presented to the governing body on the success of the policy and, if necessary, changes are made to ensure it supports the vision and aims of the school.
February 2017
Behaviour Policy and Practice Document