Dear Caravel Families,

Caravel Music Boosters would like to welcome you to the 2017-18 music year. We invite you to join the Music Boosters and sign up to volunteer to help make this the best year yet. There are many musical activities for the students to join, and we look forward to their participation. The Music Boosters help to finance and/or organize musical festivals and competitions, camps for instruction, memberships to musical organizations (such as Tri-M), and the fall/spring Fine Arts Festivals and trips. All of this is possible with the help of our entire community through fundraising. We have been fortunate to have a wonderful group of volunteers help us over the years. Please help us continue this tradition and sign up to help us continue to enrich our children’s lives with music. We have the following exciting events planned for this year:

Music Apparel: We are offering Music Department jackets and draw string bags. Order forms are available now and orders can be placed through October 1st. Please send in order to Mrs. Busovsky, Mr. Merritt, Mrs. Salerni or Mrs. Davis. Contact Laura Caine for additional information.

Scrapbooking: 9/16, 10/21, 11/11, 1/20, 2/10, 3/24, 4/14; Join us for an afternoon of scrapping in the Cafeteria from 9-6

Yankee Candle: 9/25-10/11- we will be offering Yankee Candle in the fall in time for any early holiday shopping. Online ordering will also be available for direct shipment to your home!

Coffee House Café: 12/1 – Join us for our first Coffee House featuring performances from several of our talented students while you enjoy coffee, tea and pastries.

Craft Fair: 12/16 – Join us for our 3rd annual Craft Fair. It’s been a big hit and we’re looking forward to a great turn out this year. Join us for shopping, food and fun! Adult and student volunteers needed for this event. Please email Sarah Mecke for additional information.

Bingo Night: 2/23/18 - A family night of Bingo with fun prizes.

Italian Cabaret: 3/2/18 - Join us a for delicious spaghetti dinner and enjoy entertainment provided by Caravel students.

Fun Pasta: 3/12-3/27 - We had a great success with the fundraiser last year and are bringing it back for the spring. Online ordering is available for your convenience.

Sock Hop: 3/23/18 - a fun dance for lower school students with a special surprise theme held in the Cafeteria.

Consignment Sale: 6/1/18 - Children grow up so quick. The Annual consignment sale is a great way to put outgrown uniforms to use.

Also this year Music Boosters will be supporting our Theater program so please mark your calendars for the upcoming plays: November 10-12, February 12-19 and April 20-21. Please contact Mrs. Garber, Theater Director, for additional information.

Other Simples ways to help the Music Boosters:

  • Save “Pop tabs” from beverage and soup cans. We are collecting these year-round.
  • Shopping from Amazon? The Amazon Smile Foundation will donate % of the purchase price of eligible Amazon Smile items and there is no cap on how much they will donate. Use the link: when you shop.
  • Attend monthly Music Booster Meetings the 3rd Tuesday of every month, 7:00pm in the band room.
  • Join the group on Facebook for exciting news and updates:

For more information about fundraisers and volunteering, contact Sarah Mecke- or Laura Caine- . More information about these events will be available as we get closer to the event.

We look forward to your participation at these events.

Caravel Music Boosters