R.K. Publications, Nagpur (Maharashtra)



All rights reserved with:

Vishwanath R. Naik,

Banajara Palace, Sevadas Nagar,


District: -Vashim (Maharashtra)

Mobile No:-7769027167

Publisher:-Kalam Ahmad Khan

R.K. Publication, Nagpur (Maharashtra)

C/o Azad Colony, MothaTaj Bag, Umred Road,


Cover Page: Concept

PoonamEknathNaik (Pawar)


Raj Printers & Offset Work, Umred (Nagpur)

First Edition:- 23.11.2012

Second Edition-: 04.02.2013

Voluntary Contribution: Rs.200/-


The writer of this book doesn’t belong to any political party. He does not have any personal beneficial relationship with any political leader. The political events included in this book are only as references. Events included in this book are only as references. Moreover, this book has not been written with keeping in view any political intention. The readers should kindly take note as the said.

Humbly submitted

To my mother Bhagirathi and father Vishwanath who taught me

human values, gave strength to fight for human rights.

In hot sun, dark nights, who protected me”

To the great Vasantrao Naik who selflessly served people and searched God,

Yeshu and Allah, who pioneered the development

and decentralization of power in Maharashtra;

The father of Green Revolution, who would weep

when the farmer is hurt due to thorn”

“To my all brothers and sisters from all Denotified Tribes,

Nomadic and Semi Nomadic Tribes, whose songs

sing tearful pains in the rhythm of gentle blowing winds,

sweet songs of spring flowing in hills,

these brothers and sisters who gave me warmth of

their love and affection and motivated my blooming carrer”.

Author Speak :

Any person, society, and the nation who does not recollect their history or cannot create new history is useless, they do not have existence. The history of all India Denotified Tribes and Nomadic Tribes community (DNTS and nomads) is very honorable and has great pride. This community fought with English Rulers very bravely. This community was the first community to oppose the English Rulers. This community loves freedom and bravely fights for freedom. This history is unknown. This community was branded as criminal by wicked and crooked strategies of English Rulers and the then established communities. It is a need of hour for young generation to think as to how and why the English Rulers and the then established communities threw these DNTs and nomads Nomadic Community out of main stream society.

The time never remains static; it always changes. We must strive to adjust to changes so as to keep up with times. I shall be always keep on writing for ensuring that the society keeps on striving for changes and hones humanitarian values. With the help of my writings and literature, I have been supporting all weaker sections, backward classes, DNTs and nomads and in future I shall continue to support them.

Everybody should understand and follow the vision of Shri. Vasantrao Naik, promoter and founder of modern movement for uplifting the DNTs and nomads and should strive for giving impetus to the growth and dynamism of this movement. The social movement should turn into storm of social understanding to stop injustice, exploitation of DNTs and nomads permanently. The dedicated and hardworking volunteers of this movement are really light house of this movement. A great leader having understanding of human values can only create great crusade for all downtrodden and deprived people. Shri Haribhau Rathod is such great personality.

I felt objectively and without selfish motive that we should appreciate and recognize his social commitment, his deeds, hard work, struggle, crusade for downtrodden and deprived people from Venkatchallya commission to Renke commission and Dr. Narendra Jadhav committee. Hon’ble Shri Gopinath Mundesab had recognized and taken note of his hard work in 1997. I am taking all efforts to ensure that our society should not lag behind developed society. I have tried to achieve this through this book. Shri Haribhau Rathod’s social contribution at national level is praise worthy.

Instead of levying criticism on others or wasting time in useless activities, each of our fellow community members should make efforts to ensure that our community develops socially, our movement gathers momentum. Everybody has this desire, but unfortunately there are many people, antisocial elements, who divide the community by pulling legs, creating conflicts among members of community, and members of family, various groups within the community. They are getting move active. Until the community does not understand this, this huge community shall remain backward.

We should engrain the values of self-dependence, self-esteem and understanding of social values. In the past, Maharashtra got popular Chief Ministers like Shri. Maroterao Kannamwar, Shri. Vasantrao Naik, Shri. Sudhakar Naik. They were attentive to people’s problems. Many other States are also having Banjara Ministers but compared to the population of Banjaras, their representation of Banjaras in the Ministry is very less. We should follow the foot steps of Mahanayak Vasantrao Naik and create will power and organization. We should not merely fight among ourselves in Grampanchayat. The conflicts and quarrels of the caravan should be sorted out in caravan itself. We should not get entangled in litigation and addiction to various vices and waste money.

Shri.Haribhau Rathod served community and people at large and was accepted by people and hence he was elected to Parliament. He fought for solving social issues and is spreading is “Mission” all over India. You should create good impression at least in Panchayat Committee, Janpad, and Jansabha. The government has formulated various schemes for the community, but their benefits do not reach to caravan, pal, rahoti. The community is deprived from revenue status. Unless we raise voice for our rights, do not unite, do not pursue and follow our questions with representatives of people, the people of these communities shall lead neglected and deprived life.

The younger generation should now take lead in making several statements “Gorur Raj Aay” a reality (let there be empire of Gorurs”). I do not have any personal and selfish motive behind authoring this book. I am not connected with any political objective or political party even remotely.

I have been raised in political atmosphere right since my childhood. I learnt politics from my grandfather Ramaji Naik (Powar), father Vishwanath Naik and uncle Shri. Narayanrao Naik. Even though there was a “birth wish” or “inherited feeling” to join politics and give a youthful and transformationlist leadership, I do not even think of joining politics because today’s politics is highly polluted. The politics has stooped to very low level. Instead of development and improvement, the politics has become protection of interests of capitalist, earning money, splitting castes from each other and pulling each other’s legs. One should remain aloof from such politics. The society can be improved through social commitment. For the purpose of enforcing social rights, movement, agitation can be made in legal and constitutional manner. It is not necessary to join politics for this purpose.

Do not deprive your children of education. Even if you starve, you must educate your children. Give them books to read which will motivate them. I still remember, my father sold all Turdal in house and bought book “You can win” written by Shiv Kera for me. Do not get entangled in useless stories, useless and false religious rituals. Entire society has gone to dogs because of such blind faith. This modern age is a scientific age and not of magic, pulling carts and quackery. The times are changing. The superstitions have spoiled the society, some evil practices, rituals, customs, thoughts; traditions will have to be forgone. One must make friendship with science and technology, not with religious books and evil addictions, old thoughts, etc.

There is a small caravan “Ashiyad” in Raichur (Karnataka), so for more than 350 people from this caravan have become officers. Today, it is known as officer’s caravan. When Rahul Gandhi visited this caravan, he was astonished because of revolutionary transformation in the caravan. The other caravans should remember this caravan as their ideal.

I am overwhelmed by feelings while communicating with you, but it is essential to express my all feelings. There is no doubt that our expectations shall be fulfilled in future publication. Your valuable contribution has made me famous in social work and literature. You have given very positive and valuable response to my articles and poems published at various places. I got great strength from this. All of you are learned and understanding. Let us strengthen movement for social justice. I am very much thankful to Ex Minister Shri. Makharamji Pawar. I am very much thankful to all who have given a great and valuable contribution for Bahujan Samaj especially Banjara Community. I am also very much thankful to Cabinet Minister Hon’ble Shri P. Balaram Naik who has given valuable contribution for development of Banjara Community, and also to Hon’ble Balkrishna Renke, Chandram Guruji, Mahadev Jankar, Hon’ble Minister Nakay (Karnataka) Shri Ramesh Rathod (member of Parliament), Ramanna Lamani (MLA), Manohar Enapure, Sadhusingh Dharamstot (MLA, Punjab), Prabhusingh Nayak (MLA, Andhra Pradesh) Hon’ble Minister Manohar Naik, Amar Singh Tilawat, K.J. Banjara (Gujrat), Omprakash Kamal (USA) Prof. Mudhkar Pawar, Prof. Chandrakant Pawar, Ex-Mayor Shewantabai Pawar, Laxman Gaikwad, Ramesh Arya, Chandansingh Rotale, Advocate Pallavi Renke, Prof Motiraj Rathod, Govind Chavan, Nanded, Macchindra Bhosale, N.R. Shere, Mayor Alkatai Rathod, Harishchandra Pawar, Shankar Ade, Vilas Rathod, Prakash Lonare, Ashok Pawar, Rama Jadhav, Nitin Sardar, Ramji Ade, Wamanrao Shingam, Dinkar Gulhane, Aarti Kulkarni, Ganesh Nnavase, Suraj Patil, Vijaya Marotkar, Satish Makhram Pawar, Narendra Naik, Dr. Shyamala Devi, Pankaj Rathod, Vasant Pawar, Gopal Rathod, Sandesh Chavan, Mohan Rathod, Vaishali Sonune, Dr. Sanyogita Naik, Ratan Ade, Vandana Pal, Kailash Chavan, Deenanath Waghmare, Sudhir Kandarkar, all workers of these great movement. I am also thankful to all social and selfless workers who have helped me directly or indirectly.


Date: 23.11.2012Eknath Vishwanath Pawar

Place: New Delhi (Author of “Vedana”)

Mobile: 9850131368

Email :

Actual Background of this book

From Author

Shri Haribhau Rahod formed Kranti Dal for uplift of Denotified Tribes and Nomadic Tribes. Revolution was galloping for social service. At that time, I was just 15-16 years old. Since Haribhau was operating this revolution from Mumbai, it was natural that this revolution would take time to reach us Nomadics in Jungle!

I did not know who Haribhau Rathod is, but it is a strange and interesting story, how he became my Guru and I became his disciple. I got just a glimpse of this great Light House of Denotified Tribes and Nomadic Tribes who started a great fight for their rights not only in Maharashtra but also in India since many decades. Hence, even today this actual background of this book brings new energy to my mind.

After attaining certain age, a person gets strong desire to get knowledge. His thought process also improves.

My lion hearted father Vishwanth did not bother to put his life in danger for saving my life when I was being swayed in flood of Arunavati River. He taught very good impressions to me. I got lot of inspiration from my father. I developed perpetual liking for study and thinking.

I had a standard schedule of studies in my school. It had 10-11 stages from reciting National Anthem to keeping silence (maun). I was paying special attention to “Important News” in the schedule. I used to eagerly wait for listening any news about our community or any person from our community. One day, after completing the daily schedule, our teacher announced “from next Monday, the Eknath Pawar Group shall present the schedule; everybody from the group should prepare himself.” Ganesh Rathod, Pintya Rude and one Ramesh from Barbar Community belonged to our group. We started our work to ensure that presentation of our group should be something different from others. It was not possible for a poor person in a Denotified Tribe and Nomadic Tribe who was somehow desperately trying to make two ends meet to get books, newspapers and magazines for reading. At that time, whenever I could find a piece of paper in road, I would pick it up. I was fond of collecting newspaper cuttings.

Sellers of various goods used to gather in every Sunday at a place and they used to hold “Weekly Bazar”. One Sunday I went to Bazar. The vegetable vendors were selling vegetable by using different tricks like shouting “come on, come on, hurry up, are you buying or do I distribute free of cost?” Some buyers were exchanging their happy and unhappy life experiences. However, I was totally engrossed in collecting papers. The sweets shopkeeper had cleaned his shop and there was a small heap of garbage. While looking for paper, I got a piece of paper. I saw letters “Banjara Revolution” on that piece of paper. I shouted “I got it, I got it” and started jumping with joy. Many people gathered near me. Some people thought I must have found money. Some people threatened me and said “come on boy, some money has fallen from my pockets, give me immediately”. I was standing like a thief, but was feeling very happy. One man caught hold of my shirt “tell me boy, how much of my money, you have found? Give it to me immediately, or else I shall beat you”. Other man intervened and forced the first man to release my shirt and asked me “what have you found?” Then I shouted “I have found a diamond”. Everybody was surprised. Some of them asked “diamond? and that too in this garbage?

When I asked “who wants this diamond found in Garbage?” some said “I want, I want” then a fight ensued. Some people jumped on my fist in which I had clinched the paper. They pounced on me just as wolf pounces on deer. There was big crowd and people were falling on each other. I sat down cleverly. People mistook me and started exchanging blows amongst themselves. I also received some blows. I sat down and started laughing. I said “Why are you ignoring genuine diamond and looking for artificial diamond? I somehow escaped from the crowd and showed the piece of paper and put my figure on matter printed on the paper “Morchas of Banjara Kranti! Dal is organizing Morcha at Mumbai on 5th January. Do come in large numbers”. I continued “Shri Haribhau Rathod is the diamond. Bye Bye”.

All people rushed towards me. I ran for my life. I slipped, hit a stone and hurt my head. I was panting. Somehow I reached my home. “Yadi” (Mother) and “ba” (father) had not returned home. Anandrao uncle took me to Dr. Kabara in Varoli Village. Since my head was badly hurt, the doctor put 3-4 stiches. These stiches still remind me of this instance.

After returning home, I slept. My parents returned late in night. My mother stated weeping on seeing the bandage on my head. She was surprised on hearing the incidence. After the anger of my parents was subsided, I asked them about Kranti Dal and Haribhau, but they also did not have any idea. I felt frustrated. I decided that I must find out this diamond in the society and slept on a torn mattress.

I was engrossed in the thought which story and news I should tell next day. A thought crossed my mind. I should tell the story of Shri Haribhau Rathod tomorrow under the title “Introduction to a Personality” and I shouted “I got it, I got it”. My parents awoke from sleep. My mother was scared. She felt some ghost has possessed me and asked me accordingly. I told her that so far nobody has seen any ghost. It must be about 2-3 O-clock in night. She took name of Saint Sevalal and gave me a glass of water to drink and then we slept. I had to present schedule in school on Monday. Hence I went early to the school. I had reserved the item of “News and storytelling” for myself from the schedule, in the same manner as the leaders reserve a post in a committee or in a corporation for their relatives. I felt happy when the schedule started. After the items of saying National Anthem, Vow, Prayer, good thought, my name was announced. While presenting the daily schedule, the boys used to take paper in their hand and read. However since I did not have any paper in my hand, all students and teacher started looking with curiosity. I took out the paper which I found in Varoli Bazar and began telling.