(REVISED 12/2/15)


(AGES: 5 AND 6)

Please Note:

Coach’s cooperation is requested in controlling players and parents. Any parent/ spectator that become’s uncontrollable will be asked to leave the gym. Parents MUST remember that if this happens it is only hurting their child.

Please remember that this league is for our children and is not only about winning. Fundamentals and fun are the most important aspects of playing to the child. SPORTSMANSHIP MUST BE EXHIBITED AT ALL TIMES. Coaches, parents or fans yelling at the referees will not be tolerated. The Commissioner will be responsible for disciplinary action of coaches, which could range from suspension to expulsion, based on his/ her discretion. Technical fouls will be assessed if any coach harasses, baits, or challenges a Jr. Official. New this year, all participants and parents must sign and submit the Sports Program Code of Conduct form.

The purpose of this league is to develop the child socially and athletically. Although this program is competitive in nature, please be mindful of your conduct and remember that every participant in our league is a winner!

The key is to have FUN!

Officials’ Discretion - The rules governing the Sports, Health, and Wellness Division Pee Wee Basketball League allows the Jr. Officials great discretion in interpreting if the violation of a rule has taken place. The interpretation shall be based on his/her assessment of the participants’ execution of skills and abilities. However, consistency and fairness are expected.


(REVISED 12/2/15)

All play will be governed by the rules of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) with the following exceptions.

ABSENT PLAYERS: Coaches who have players that missed two (2) consecutive practices are not required to play that player in the upcoming game. However, if the player is allowed to dress and sit on the bench then the “SUBSTITUTIONS” rule is in effect. Any coach who decides not to play a participant using this rule must notify the parent(s) and fulltime facility staff prior to game day.

AGE: Participants must be five or six years old as of December 31, 2015. Birth Certificate required.

ALTERATION (UNIFORM): The SHWD, in conjunction with the participating Community Centers, will provide uniforms (shirts) for teams playing in a SHWD sponsored sports program. Uniforms may not be altered.

AWARDS: Every participant who successfully completes the league will receive a certificate and jersey for his or her participation.

BASKETBALLS: Pee Wee games are played with a Pee Wee sized basketball – the Baden 110 or an equivalent.

BASKETS: Pee Wee games are played on eight (8’) foot baskets.

CANCELLATIONS: In the event of inclement weather, the Pee Wee League will operate under the Commission's Weather Related Closing Policy. Notification of program cancellation can be sent directly to your cell phone by registering on “” and will be listed on the website ( ) and recorded on the Sports Hot Line (301-927-0822). If the games have been canceled, the coaches should notify their players/parents. Closure announcements for Commission facilities are given to the local radio and television stations.

CLOCK (OFFICIAL): The official clock for starting a contest is maintained by the officials on the court. Whenever possible the time shall come from either the official’s or Site Coordinator’s cell phone.

CLOCK (QUARTERS): A game in the Pee Wee League is made up of four (4), eight (8) minute quarters.

CLOCK (STOPS): The clock will stop for all time outs, injuries, free throws and the 4-minute substitution mark.

CONDUCT: Yelling at and/or challenging a referee by a parent, coach, or player will result in a technical foul being assessed to the associated team. Continued disciplinary problems may result in the violator’s removal from the facility.

COST: All players (including coaches’ children) are required to pay the designated program registration fee of $50.00.

DOCUMENTATION: Submitted rosters must be accompanied by a copy of each player’s birth certificate who is registering for the first time with the ICB Program. In addition, the roster will be accompanied by a signed Code of Conduct Form, the coach’s Volunteer Form, New Coach’s Disclosure Form, and acceptable Coach’s Certificates.

DOUBLE DRIBBLING: Double dribbling (dribbling with 2 hands on the ball) is a violation. (See Officials’ Discretion above)

EQUIPMENT AND APPAREL: Team members wearing any combination of

headbands, wristbands and sleeves/tights must all

wear the same single color. Only one color can be

worn. Team members should not be allowed to enter

the game until items are removed or changed to the

appropriate color. (Apparel must be predominant

color of the jersey)


ELIGIBILITY: Each league participant must pay a $50 registration fee and be a Prince George’s County resident.

FAST BREAKS: Fast breaks are allowed in the Pee Wee basketball league. After a change of possession the offensive team may advance the ball at will. Defense can not attempt to stop the advance. They can only get back and defend at “28 foot” line. (See Press and Rebounding)

FIRST AID KITS: Each host facility will provide a First Aid Kit for injuries, to include ice or ice packs.

FORFEITS (COACHES ABSENT): The program allows for a head coach and two assistant coaches. One of these three individuals must be present to start a contest. In their absence, coaches without an assistant may use a certified (i.e., ASEP) and registered coach (active on roster) from their Facility. Designated staff from the facility may stand in for an unavailable coach with authorized approval from a fulltime staff at the facility. The replacement coach must inform the site coordinator of the change in coaches prior to the start of the game. The team without a coach or authorized staff person will be allowed until the end of the first period for the coach to arrive or the game will be a forfeit.

FORFEITS (4 PLAYERS): If a team lacks five (5) players at start time, they may begin the game with four (4) players. However, the team with four (4) players must have their fifth player by the start of the second period; and that player must be on the authorized team roster.

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FORFEITS (3 PLAYERS): If a team only has three (3) players at start time the game will not start, but the clock will start the

countdown for the first period. If the team’s fourth player arrives; play may begin at that time.

However, the team that had only three (3) players

must have five (5) players by the start of the second period. The players must be on the authorized team roster.

FOULS: No one fouls out permanently. Each foul committed after the fifth foul will result in the player having to sit with the coach (for at least two (2) minutes). It is the coach’s responsibility to explain to the player what he/she is doing wrong and attempt to correct the behavior. The player may return to the game.

FOUL SHOTS (ACT OF SHOOTING): Players fouled in the act of shooting will shoot two (2) foul shots.

FOUL SHOTS (ONE-AND-ONE): Players will shoot 1-and-1 starting with the 7th team foul of each half unless in the act of shooting. (See Foul Shots -Act of Shooting)

FOUL SHOTS (LINE UPS): It is the coach’s responsibility to teach foul shot line-ups during practice. Coaches will not be allowed on the floor during a game to arrange players at the foul line.

FREE THROW ADMINISTRATION: The shooter is allowed to shoot from the line near

the base of the free throw circle, for baskets placed

at the end line. For baskets that are placed on the

court, the shooter will shoot from an equivalent

position. There will be a maximum of four (4)

players allowed in the lane, 2 offensive and 2

defensive. No players shall occupy the first

“marked” lane space.

GRACE PERIOD: Games will begin at their scheduled time. NO GRACE PERIOD.

IDENTIFICATION: Players are NOT required to have a Center I.D card.

KEEPING SCORE: An official game score will NOT be kept.

MAKE UP GAMES: Make-up games will be scheduled on weekends or select weeknights.

NUMBER OF GAMES: Each team will be scheduled a minimum of eight (8) games. No playoffs.

OFFICIALS: All games will be officiated by Jr. Officials. These are young officials in training. The goal is to train the officials, allow the participants to learn the game, keep everyone safe, and to have fun.

OFFICIALS’ DISCRETION: The rules governing the SHWD Pee Wee Basketball League allow the officials great discretion in interpreting if the violation of a rule has taken place. The interpretation shall be based on the official’s assessment of the participants’ execution of skills and abilities. However, consistency and fairness are expected.

PLAY TIME (PLAYERS): Each player on the roster, who is in uniform and on the bench, must play at least one (1) quarter, the equivalent of eight (8) minutes, four (4) consecutive minutes per half. The exception to this rule is due to injury or disqualification for fouls or unsportsmanlike conduct. Injured players may continue their minutes when they are able to play.

PRACTICE (HOW LONG): Each team is allowed to practice a maximum of

two (2) hours per week. Facility Directors must strictly enforce this rule.

PRESS / DEFENSIVE PRESSURE: Any effort by the defensive team to prevent the offensive team from advancing the ball across half-court. Pee Wee teams are not allowed to press. Teams cannot defend beyond the defensive ’28 Foot” line. This line will be established by the official if it is not clearly delineated. Penalty – Warning will be issued and the throw-in will take place at the spot closest to the point of interruption.

REBOUNDING: Defensive rebounds/possessions cannot be stolen or tied up by offensive players. The team without the ball must drop back to the “28 foot” line but may pursue/ defend once the ball crosses the half-court line. The offensive team may not hold the ball and must proceed over the half- court in a timely manner. (Also see Ten Second Rule)

SCOREBOOK PROCEDURES: Program staff will not put the names of individuals in the scorebook; the coach or their representative is required to do this. The names will be placed in the scorebook in numerical order from the smallest to the largest. At the start of the game the Site Coordinator and both coaches will initial under the last name for each team indicating their review and agreement.

SPECTATOR SEATING/SAFETY: For safety purposes, no spectators are allowed to sit directly behind the baskets or along the baselines under the baskets.

SUBSTITUTIONS: It is mandatory to substitute five (5) new players at the 4-minute mark of the first three (3) quarters of each game, until all players have played if ten (10) or more players are on hand. If fewer than ten (10) players, you must substitute the available players in a consistent pattern. The rotation continues until the fourth quarter, when coaches may substitute at their own discretion. These substitutions will occur during the dead-ball closest to the 4-minute mark of each quarter as possible. The mandatory 4-minute substitution is not a time out for coaching. Teams must change players and resume the game as quickly as possible. Using this rule, no single player should ever play the entire game.

TEAM ROSTERS: Team Rosters are limited to (12) players/team to ensure sufficient playing time for all players. Registration will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. There will be no tryouts.

TECHNICAL FOULS The only time a game will be forfeited behind

(educational): technical fouls is if a team receives three technical

fouls for unsportsmanlike conduct. “Educational”

technical fouls will result in the opposing team

shooting two foul shots and receiving the ball out of-bounds.

TECHNICAL FOULS An automatic forfeit occurs when a team

(unsportsmen like conduct): receives three (3) unsportsmanlike technical fouls

(personal or team) in any given game. If this occurs, the team is also suspended for the next scheduled game.

TECHNICAL FOULS A player who receives two (2) technical fouls, in

(PLAYER EJECTION): the same game, is ejected and must sit next to the

coach for the remainder of the game. Due to safety reasons, this player will not be asked to leave the gymnasium.

(See the EJECTION (PLAYER) rule above.)

TEN-SECOND RULE: The ten (10) second rule to cross the half court line is in effect in the last two (2) minutes of the game. (See Rebounding)

THREE-POINT SHOTS: There are no 3-point shots in the Pee Wee League.

TIME-OUTS: Each team receives two (2) times outs per half. Time outs are one minute in duration.

TRAVELING: Traveling is taking more than one-and-a-half steps without bouncing the ball. Players may not run with the ball. (See Officials’ Discretion above)