GreetingsEmmaus Family!!
Wow…can you believe it? Our Emmaus family has grown. We have some new brothers and sisters now. By the time you read this, Men’s Walk #108 will be over and Women’s Walk #109 will have just concluded.
By listening to the testimonies and hearing some of the team members talk about it, these men and women didn’t have just a walk, they had a Revival. God was there; God met their needs; and God is with them today during their 4th Days. I don’t believe it was just the pilgrims either. I believe the team that worked had a spiritual renewal too. PRAISE GOD!!! Thank you, Fritz and Lydia, for listening to God’s direction where He wanted you and your teams to be on this walk. Well done!
I have the pleasure of announcing Larry Russell as the next lay director for Men’s Walk #110 and Colleen Bagley as the next lay director for Women’s Walk #111. I know Larry and Colleen love the Lord and will covet our prayers as they seek God’s guidance for their teams.
I have just a couple of reminders for the November gathering for our new brothers and sisters. We will have “open mic” that night. This is a time that we leave the mic open, and those that have just come off the walk can share (if they feel led) their 4th day experiences with the community. We look forward to hearing some wonderful stories. This is not mandatory, and please do not feel like you’re being pressured to share – only if God leads you.
Also, if you don’t have a babysitter for that night…well we’ve taken care of that too. Childcare is provided at the Gatherings and Candlelight. It’s hard for those little ones to sit through a service, so we’ve provided a safe place for them to run and play and enjoy themselves too while we worship.
Keep in prayer Chrysalis #42, and their leaders Mark and Amanda. Pray for these young people as they attend their walk. Let’s support them by our attendance at sendoff/closing, by our prayers, by agape, and by attending their Candlelight. Nothing touches my heart more than to see a young person give up their Saturday night to come and hold a candle for someone they don’t even know. Shouldn’t we do the same for them? Also, remember how hungry kids are, so let’s make sure they have plenty of food agape at the campground.
The first weekend of November will be a busy one. Gathering is November 1st at 7:00 PM at Memorial United Methodist Church. Chrysalis is November 1st-3rd. Chrysalis Sendoff is Saturday at 9:00 AM at the campground; Candlelight is Sunday at 8:00 PM at Memorial; and Closing is Monday at 5:00 PM at the campground. Whew!!! What a weekend, but what a way to serve our Lord!
Till then, you have my heart and my love,
Behind The Cross,
Wanda Jean Elliott
Walk #47
Table of Deborah
Welcome Pilgrims!
Men’s Walk 108
Bill Butler / Paul Chandler / Howard CusickCurtis Duvall / Daniel Dyer / Brent Griswell
Chris Hart / Orlando Hart / Brent Hartz
Tony Hatcher / Matthew Krupp / Michael Lucas
Ed Lyons / Dick MacKinnon / Ronnie Mattingly
Steven Milesko / James Nickerson / Damon Parsons
Tony Phillips / Edgar Puckett / Andrew Rupard
Bill Rymer / Doug Shepherd / David Smith
Rock Smith / Fred Welch / Lucas White
Scott Wilson
Women’s Walk 109
Melissa Adams / Remona Barbour / Andrea BennettPat Bruce / Elesha Butler / Nancy Chandler
Mary Gayle Dones / Anna Dyer / Denise Ferguson
Samantha Gara / Mary Gilbert-Lucas / Karolyn Griswell
Lori Hart / Angie Hartz / Sue Hatcher
Becky Hillard / Cori Hilton / Krista Hodges
Donna Hughes / Erin Jarvis / Patsy Johnson
Erin King / Stephanie King / Pati Lamkin
Debbie Lewis / Terry MacKinnon / Tammy Mattingly
Suzy McFadden / Becky Park / Penny Parsons
Carrie Phillips / Audrey Priddy / Janice Puckett
Beth Rupard / Terri Seeker / Allison Shepherd
Beth Sherron / LeShea Smith / Vivian Sousa
Sandra Stone / Roxanne Sydnor / Sharon Tingle
Karisa Ward / Saundra Whitworth / Heather Wilson
Rhonda Wood
Prayer Time
- Military Service Men and Women
- Nicaraguan Community
- Emmaus & Chrysalis Families
- Emmaus & Chrysalis Sponsorship
- Emmaus Lay Directors (Spring 2009)
- Larry Russell(Men’s Walk #110)
- Colleen Bagley(Women’s Walk #111)
- Chrysalis #42 Directors
- Amanda Earles (Girls)
- Mark Ott (Boys)
Elizabethtown Emmaus Online
There is a wealth of information about our Emmaus Community available on the Internet 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Visit to get the most current information on:
- Events
- Reunion Groups
- Upcoming and Past Walks
- Current and Past Newsletters
- Volunteer Forms and Applications
- And Much, Much More!
Mark Your Calendars
SaturdayNovember1st / Board Meeting
Gathering / 6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
November 1st / Chrysalis 42
Sendoff / 9:00 AM / Campground
November 2nd / Chrysalis 42
Candlelight / 8:00 PM / Memorial UMC
November 3rd / Chrysalis 42
Closing / 5:00 PM / Campground
December 6th / Board Meeting
Gathering / 6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
January 3rd / Board Meeting
Gathering / 6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
February 7th / Board Meeting
Gathering / 6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
14th – 16th / Chrysalis 43 / Campground