Biology 11th Class

Fill in the Blanks

1. Chloroplasts are ______green in colour.

2. Phycocyanin pigment is found in ______.

3. The pollination that takes place by water is known as ______.

4. The male sex organ in Bryphyta is know as Antherridium.

5. Petals are the component parts of ______.

6. In Chlamydomonas the chloroplas is ______shaped.

7. A carpel consists of stigma, style and ______.

8. A fruit that develop purely from ovary is said to be simple fruit.

9. Chloroplasts are the centres of ______synthesis.

10. A phage is a virus that infects ______.

11. Chloroplast is ______in Cyanopyceae.

12. The pollen grains of ______are winged.

13. Ribosomes are the centres of ______synthesis.

14. Viruses are ______obligate parasites.

15. The plants, which cannot synthesize their own food materials, are called ______heterotrophic plants.

16. The word virus is derived from the Latin word. It means ______.

17. The collection of Hyphae is called ______.

18. In Bryophyte water is absorbed through ______.

19. The branches in Pinus are ______.

20. The plant body of Stigeoclonium is ______.

21. A sexual reproduction in Chalamydomanas takes place by means of motile cells called ______.

22. Pinus is an example of ______.

23. Alternation of generation in Ulva is ______.

24. Pollination by wind is called ______.

25. Stames and carpels are modified ______.

26. Thread-like structures in nucleus are called ______.

27. The germinating pollen grain is a tiny male ______.

28. Fleshy fruits are dispersed by ______.

29. ______is a food storage tissue.

30. Pitcher plant is the modification of ______.

31. Carpal is regarded as ______female reproductive system.

32. Leaf Spine reduces the rate of ______.

33. Brassica compestris is a member of family ______.

34. Component parts of Calyx are called ______.

35. Fabaceae family has ______placentation.

36. Bulbil is a modification of ______.

37. Eye spot is found in ______.

38. Solanum tuberosum belongs to the family ______.

39. In castor seed the papery cotyledons are surrounded by ______.

40. Glumes are found in the family ______.

41. After fertilization ovule changes into ______.

42. D.N.A is the abbreviation of ______.

43. In Nepenthes the leaf is modified into a structure called ______.

44. Plant cell is surrounded by a cell wall, which is made up of a ______.

45. The percentage of carbohydrates present in the protoplasm is only ______.

46. In maize grain the cotyledon is known as ______.

47. Ulva is also called ______.

48. The sporophyte of Marchantia consists of foot, setae and ______

49. The inflorescence with dense cluster of flowers on a receptacle is called ______.

50. In castor seed a cup like outgrowth at the micropyle end is known as ______.

51. The plant which has 2n chromosomes is called ______.

True and False

1. Bacteria are closely related to blue-green algae.

2. Virus cells are prokaryotic.

3. Cocci are kidney-shaped.

4. The membrane surrounding vacuole is called leucoplast.

5. Ulva is a blue green plant.

6. Female sex organs in Marchantia are borne on Antheriodiophores.

7. The androecium in mustard is called Tetradenamous.

8. Phylloclade is the modification of leaf.

9. Marchantia is a water plant.

10. Angiosperms are non-bearing plants.

11. Plumule develops into the root system.

12. Ribosomes are the centres of protein synthesis.

13. Marchantia is a dioecious plant.

14. Phanerogams are flowering plants.

15. Endosperm is not the food storage tissue of a seed.

16. In protoplasm water is about 80%.

17. Animal and plant cells do not differ from each other.

18. Bacillus are rod-like or kidney-shaped.

19. Bryophytes have well-developed conducting tissues.

20. Ulva is a sea weed.

21. Gemma cup cannot develop into a Marchantia plant.

22. Zoospores in Stigeoclonium is quadriflagellated.

23. Euglena has the characteristics of plant only.

24. Phycocyanin pigment is found in Chlamydomonas.

25. The plant body of Ulva is made up of mycelium.

26. Eukaryotes include those organisms that lack membrane around nucleus, mitochondria and colgi apparatus.

27. For the first time, cell was discovered by Robert Hooks.

28. Plasma membrane is composed of cellulose.

29. In family Fabaceae the fruit is legume.

30. Spermatophytes include ferns and mosses.

31. Capitulum is a collection of flowers.

32. Raphanus sativus belongs to the family Poaceae.

33. When petals are free, the condition is called polypetalous.

34. Virus is a connecting link between living and non-living.

35. Pinus is a plant which bears seeds but no fruits.

36. All the cells arise from pre-existing cell.

37. Ulva is a fresh water algae.

38. Stegioclonium is not heterotrichous.

39. Berry is an example of a simple fleshy fruit.

40. The seeds of pea plant are endospermic.

41. Rhizopus is a saprophytic fungus.

42. The endosperm in angiosperms is diploid.

43. The cryptogams are flowering plants.

44. Legume is an example of simple fruit.

45. In vallisnaria pollination takes place through water.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The male gamete of Selaginella is ______.

(Biflagellate, Multiflagellate, Nonflagellate, Monoflagellate)

2. Stomata are organs which help in ______.

(Transpiration, Locomotion, Digeation, Growth(

3. Chlamydomonas is ______.

(Algae, Fungi, Multicellular, Non-motile)

4. Potato belongs to the family ______.

(Cruciferae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Solanaceae)

5. Ginger is a ______.

(Fruit, Root, Rhizoma, Corn)

6. Hypogeal germination takes place by elongation of ______.

(Celeorhiza, Epicotyle, Radicle, Hypocotyle)

7. Phyllode is the modification of ______.

(Alerial stem, Leaf, Underground stem, Root)

8. In Fabaceae the placentation is ______.

(Axile, Parietal, Marginal, Basal)

9. Plants that bear two types of spores are called ______.

(Heterozygous, Homozygous, Homosporous, Heterosporous)

10. Flagella are the organs, which help in ______.

(Digestion, Locomotion, Photosynthesis, Respiration)

11. Rhizopus is ______.

(A parasite, A saprophyte, Symbiotic, Chemotrophic)

12. Rice belongs to the family ______.

(Cruciferae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Solanaceae)

13. Potato is an example of ______.

(Bulb, Rhizome, Stem tuber, Corm)

14. Epigeal germination takes place in ______.

(Gram seed, Castor seed, Maize seed, Rice)

15. Heterosproy is found in ______.

(Selaginella, Rhizopus, Ulva, Polytrichum)

16. The fusion of similar gametes in structure and shape is called ______.

(Homospory, Isogamy, Oogamy, Anisogamy)

17. Virus is chemically composed of ______.

(Starch and Protein, Fat and nucleic acid, D.N.A and lipids, Protein and Nucleic Acid)

18. Streaming movement of cytoplasm in the cells is called ______.

(Clycolysis, Cyclosis, Meiosis, Mitosis)

19. Incipient nucleus is found in ______.

(Ulva, Stegioclonium, Nostoc, Rhizopus)

20. The plant whose body is a mycelium is ______.

(Euglena, Ulva, Rhizopus, Chlamydomonas)

21. In Marchantia elators are found in ______.

(Gamma cup, Assimilatory chamber, Rhizoids, Capsule)

22. Winged pollengrain is characteristic of ______.

(Solanum tuberosum, Zeamays, Pinus, Brassica Compestrics)

23. The modification of stem in ginger is called ______.

(Sucker, Tuber, Bulb, Rhizome)

24. Vascular tissue system is found in ______.

(Marchantia, Adiantum, Rhizopus, Ulva)

25. Fusion of similar gametes is called ______.

(Oogamous, Isogamous, Heterosporous, Homosporous)

26. ______of the following pair belongs to vascular plants.

(Funaria and Ulva, Ulva and Rhynia, Euglena and Nostoc, Selaginella and Rhynia)

27. Verticellaster inflorescence is found in ______.

(Fabaceae, Labiatae, Solanaceae, Poaceae)

28. ______deals with the structure, composition and function of the cells.

(Physiology, Anatomy, Cytology, Histology)

29. Reproduction by binary fission occurs in ______.

(Bacteria, Euglena, Virus, Nostoc)

30. The membrane surrounding the vacuole is known as ______.

(Tonoplast, Leucoplast, Chromoplast, Chloroplast)

31. The ribosomes are the centres of ______.

(carbohydrate synthesis, Fat synthesis, DNA synthesis, Protein Synthesis)

32. In lily plant the stem is modified into ______.

(Rhizome, Bulb, Stem tuber, Corm)

33. In Chlamydomonas the chloroplast is ______.

(Cup-shaped, Girdle-shaped, Disc-shaped, Band-shaped)

34. Hypogeal germination occurs in ______.

(Cucumber, Castor, Papaya, Gram)

35. The most primitive vascular plant which lived 40 million years ago was ______.

(Marchanita, Stigeoclonium, Rhynia, Selaginella)

36. The alternation of generations in Ulva is ______.

(Heteromorphic Isomorphic, Isoheteromorphic, Dimorphic)

37. Reproductive bodies, the gammae are found in ______.

(Marchantia, Selaginella, Pinus, Potato Plant)

38. Dwarf shoots are spurs are found in ______.

(Pinus, Selaginella, Stigeoclonium, Eucalyptus)

39. Feathery stigma is present in the family ______.

(Brassicaeae, Poaceae, Solanaceae, Fabaceae)

Names of the Families

1. Raphanus Sativus

2. Lathyrus Odoratus

3. Capsium Annum

4. Pisum Sativum

5. Avena Sativum

6. Triticum Indicum

7. Arachis Hypogea

8. Saccharum Officinarum

9. Dalbergia Sisso

10. Solanum Tuberosum

11. Nicotiana tobacum

12. Oryza Sativa

13. Zea mays

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