The Bristol Playbus Project

Bristol Playbus Project is a registered charity providing a wide range of play and childcare services to children aged 0-15 and their families in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset. Bristol Playbus actively promotes the importance of Play in everything we do.

Operating from a fully converted, OFSTED registered double-decker bus the project provides local communities with a mobile play, youth and community development resource. The project was first established in 1974 and has recently celebrated its fortieth birthday.

From September we will be operating a service for 2 year olds in the Easton and Lawrence Hill area, 5 days a week.

Bristol Playbus offers a range of services including parent and toddler groups, crèches and pre-school sessions, and youth, after-school sessions and inclusive play sessions. The bus is also available to be hired out for consultations, crèches, community events, festivals and fun days.

As a mobile project Bristol Playbus is able to work in areas where people are isolated, and provision is poor. The project works in partnership with other agencies to identify areas of need and to develop provision. The project has had many years of experience of working with Traveller communities.

We are also available to hire for community events, consultations, creches and festivals

We endeavour to offer equality of opportunity in all the work that we do. We regard each child as a unique individual and value the background of each child including culture, religion, language, personal achievement and home experiences. Through this we aim to reflect the positive images of our society in the experiences we offer.

The Sensory Truck

The Sensory Truck is a new concept bringing together elements of Play and Sensory learning for Disabled children and those with life-limiting illness. Funded by The Big Lottery fund we refurbished the Truck to include some high tech equipment for relaxation and interaction. Children are encouraged to make independant choices via a number of different ways including dice, oversized switches, floor pads, sound sensors and touch screens. It is one of only two in the whole country.

We have been working with schools, respite care homes and some individual families to tailor unique experiences for children and families that are appropriate to their level of need.

Only launched in April 2014 it has been incredibly successful so far


Our play ranger team works with children from 5-13 years, mainly in the parks across Bristol. The team organise a variety of activities from the children. The emphasis is to support the child to develop their own interests and skills. Activities include tree climbing, football, artwork, tree planting and much more. The team endeavour to involve the children in the planning and organising of the activities for example the children have been involved in doing the risk assessments of their play day.

The aim of the work is to ensure that the children have access to a variety of service, to reduce issues around community cohesion or anti –social behaviour.

We regard children as a unique individual with their own route to independence. We value the background of each child including culture, religion, language, personal achievement and home experiences. Through this we aim to reflect the positive images of our society in the experiences we offer.

You will work alongside an experienced team of workers who will be able to support you in your work. We hope that your time with us will be useful and fun. The Project manager will endeavour to give you help with any matters that you may have in relation to Playbus.

Playbus is a registered charity, which means the board of trustees are volunteers who met once a month to support the Project Manager in the running of the project.

As a mobile project we are in a unique position of being able to work in communities where people are isolated, and where provision is poor or non-existent. We go right into the heart of the community delivering our services wherever there is a need. The project works in partnership with other agencies such as education and health to identify areas of need and to develop provision. The Bristol Playbus Project actively promotes the importance of play.

For further information, please contact the office at 24 Bright Street, Barton Hill, Bristol, BS5 9PR, tel. 0117 9551561

Bristol Playbus 2014