Haptically Enhanced Recovery Operations
Project Scope
This project is intended to be part of NASA’s Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities program which “provides a unique academic experience for undergraduate students to successfully propose, design, fabricate, fly and evaluate a reduced gravity experiment of their choice over the course of six months. The overall experience includes scientific research, hands-on experimental design, test operations and educational/public outreach activities.” (
After the completion of the approval and construction processes, students spend nine days at JohnsonSpaceCenter implementing their projects. Two KC-135 flights are flown, each consisting of 60 to 80 minutes of flight time with approximately 30 25-second zero-g parabolic maneuvers flown.
In unstable flight, especially in instrument flight rules (IFR) conditions, a pilot must trust their instruments to make a safe recovery. In a standard general aviation aircraft, these instruments are visual in nature. The artificial horizon, altimeter, vertical speed indicator, and heading indicator must all be individually scanned by the eye and then interpreted by the pilot before action may be taken. In unstable flight, when the inner ear of an unseasoned pilot is veritably screaming that something is wrong, this process may prove to be difficult, if not impossible.
The purpose of this project will be to study the effects of haptic display integration on unstable flight recovery. Test subjects will be required to recover from simulated unstable flight conditions in micro-gravity with varying levels of haptic interface to their flight instruments. The purpose of micro-gravity is to safely recreate the disorientation experienced by a pilot in unstable flight.
Project Goals
Learning Objectives
To gain experience working on a team to conceive, design, implement, and operate a scientifically significant experiment
CDIO Objectives Addressed
1.2.4 Signals and Systems
1.3.5 Flight and Advanced Aerospace Dynamics
1.3.8 Human and Supervisory Control
1.3.9 Digital Communications
1.3.10 Software Engineering
1.3.12 Digital Circuits and Systems
2.1 Engineering Reasoning and Problem Solving
2.2 Experimentation and Knowledge Discovery
3 Interpersonal Skills: Teamwork and Communication
4.4 Designing
4.5 Implementing
4.6 Operating
Scientific Objectives
1. Attempt to gain qualitative support for the implementation of haptic units as safety devices for aviation
2. Further understanding of human disorientation and its prevention through innovative methods of real-time feedback
Team Members
- Isabel Bernal, Junior,Course 16, Human Factors and Outreach
- Michael Heiman, Junior,Course 16, Project Manager
- Craig Morales, Senior,Course 16, Hardware Design and Construction
- Bo Shi, Sophomore,Course 6, Software Development and Integration
- Peter Young
- Dr Jeffrey Hoffman
Technical Advisors
- Franck Billarant
- David Newman
- Kathy Sienko
- Charles Oman
- Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary
Current Design
The illustration above is a general outline of the experimental apparatus. Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) and MATLAB will be loaded on a laptop, where MSFS will be used to simulate all flight conditions. FSUIPC will be used to convey all flight telemetry to MATLAB, where it will (1) be stored for later analysis and (2) translated into a tactor command signal. This signal will be sent via serial I/O (or any other appropriate medium) to a tactor control assembly which will individually control all tactors on the haptic device.
As suggested by MIT alumnus Franck Billarant, FSUIPC (which can be downloaded at will be used to interface MSFS with either MATLAB or SIMULINK. FSUIPC is a MSFS module that allows outside programs such as MATLAB and SIMULINK to interact with the simulator.
Expenses / CostFall 2003/IAP / Spring 2004
Laptop / 1500
Mini-TV w/Camera (3) / Aero/Astro Dept
Multiplexer VCR / Aero/Astro Dept
Tactors, electronics, and vest (estimated) / 2000
Physical Examination(4) / 600
In Boston
Boston-Houston-Boston ($300/personx5) / 1500
Air Freight ($120x2) / 240
In Houston
Motel -students ($160/nightx9) / 1440
Motel-advisor ($120/nightx9) / 1080
Motel -(phone/internet charges) / 200
Food ($20/dayx5x9) / 900
Rental Van ($400/weekx2) / 800
Outreach / 500
Subtotals / 3500 / 7260
Project Total / 10760
About 63% of this budget is fixed: items required for the stay in Houston, travel, physicals, and outreach, will be exceedingly difficult to achieve substantial savings on. The remainder of the budget is for development. The best ways to save in this area are to (1) borrow as opposed to buy a laptop and (2) seek donations of apparatus components.
Outreach Potential
- Local Schools
- MassachusettsState Science Fair
- ScienceMuseum
- AIAA-MIT and April Conference
- Freshman Advising Seminars
Motivation for MIT/Aero Astro Support
- Excellent experience for team members
- Outreach to local students and community great public relations for MIT and AA Dept
- Recruiting-Photos of MIT undergrads in flight suits outside of a KC-135 significant attraction for freshmen and potential high school applicants
- Continue tradition of close links between NASA and MIT
- Good research: prospects of publication and participating in April AIAA talks