March 11, 2009
PPP News Flash
Promising Parent Partnership Tips for School Leaders
SSC Sub-committee: Action Team for Partnerships
Schools can focus parent partnership activities on the achievement goals in
the Single Plan when members of the SSC establish an Action Team for Partnerships and develop an Action plan based on 7 types of parent engagement activities. This team should review Parent Involvement Policy and E046 expenditures.
LD 8 Recommendations for ATP Sub-committee membership (5-7 persons):
· 2 Members (minimum) of the School Site Council who will form and lead the Sub-committee
o At least 1 Teacher/Administrator (Cert. staff)
o At least 1 Parent
· Parent Community Rep/Parent Center Coordinator
· Parent Leaders eg. members of CEAC, ELAC, PTA, Boosters
· Volunteers who participate in school activities regularly
· Other teachers/staff who play an active role in building partnerships
eg PSA, Counselor
True school-parent partnerships are a powerful support for sustained academic improvement regardless of income and educational levels of parents.
Additional Promising Partnership Practices PPPs:
The following Promising Partnership Practices highlight ways in which two schools accomplish goals from their One-Year Action Plan for Partnership.
Breakfast with Books
Submitted by Scott Elementary School, Naperville, Illinois
This event, modeled from a previous Promising Partnership Practice submission, was held four times during the school year and targeted 2nd and 3rd graders, as identified in the School Improvement Plan. This activity took place from 7:30-8:00 am before the start of the regular school day. During this time the children had a small breakfast snack, read silently for 15 minutes, and then heard a story from a special reader.
John Muir Academy Parent Parlor
Submitted by John Muir Academy, Long Beach, California
The Parent Parlor is a resource center where parents and students can borrow materials for home use. It is operated solely by parent volunteers. The materials available at the Parent Parlor provide items that reinforce and build skills in reading comprehension, mathematics, character education, critical thinking skills and more. The goal of the center is to provide additional resources that support needed skills while making learning fun.
REMINDER: ALL SCHOOLS (K-8)should provide Transition Classes for Kindergarten, 5th Grade and 8th Grade parents. Adult Education teachers are the instructors. Contact the D8 Parent Involvement Unit for more information. (310) 354-3485.