Clinical Learning Activity - Prioritization


At the beginning of the shift, listen to report on allpatients of an RN’s assignment. Write down all pertinent data given during report.

  • Were you able to structure your ‘brain’ so that the information you wrote down is easy to read and find/add to if needed?
  • If not, how could the ‘brain’ be re-structured to meet your needs? Provide rationale for your changes.

(Please attach your ‘brain’ to this assignment before turning in…don’t re-copy it to make it pretty…let your instructor review it as used so that feedback, if needed, can be given.)


After getting verbal report, review the written report (e.g. RN handoff note) and answer the following questions:

  • What additional information would you need to have in order to deliver safe, effective care to these patients? (list information for each patient separately)
  • What additional information would you like to have in order to deliver safe, effective care to these patients? (list information for each patient separately)
  • If you could ask the off going nurse only 3 questions, what would they be and why?

(list information for each patient separately)

  • In what order would you go see these patients? Provide rationale as to your choice.


Review theMARof each patientfor your shift.

  • Does any of the information on the MAR alter your above prioritization of patient care? If so, how does it change?


Review the kardex of each patient (care plan/treatments)

  • Does any of the information on the kardex alter your above prioritization of patient care? If so, how does it change?


Review thelab valuesof each patient(past 24 hour values).

  • Does any of the information found from the lab alter your above prioritization of patient care? If so, how does it change?