The English version of the “Article 9 Association” Bulletin and News
This is the translated version of the Japanese edition (No.172 dated June 11th, 2013). It is published by Katsuyuki Nara and Sarah Brock of the New English Teachers Association (or Shin-Eiken) (). The translations are on our own.

(Updated on June 29th, 2013) (English version No.106)

Never allow Article 9 and 96 to be amended

The A9A secretariat sponsored a study meeting on “Face Abe Cabinet’s constitutional amendment” on June 9th. attended by about 200 people.Lawyer Kawaguchi Hajime and Hitotsubashi University Professor Emeritus Yamauchi Toshihiro gave lectures.

Kawaguchi Hajime delivered a speech on “Oppose the ravaging of constitutionalism.”His main argument focused on the lawsuit regarding the constitutionality of the Self Defense Force dispatch to Iraq, and criticized the Liberal Democratic Party’sdraft on constitutional revision. He also criticized the proposed new National Security Bill, emphasizing that the proposed law is based on the concept of peace that can only be reliably maintained through military power.

Yamauchi Toshiro spoke about “Article 9 and amendment of Article 96”, and gave a close analysis of public opinion issues regarding Article 9 and Article 96.

There was a lively question and answer session after the lectures, resulting in the comments from the audience below.

▼I want to protect my loved ones and my country. We must not let anything happen which would lead to someone’s death.Please tell me what I should specifically do to ‘fight’ for my country. (woman, aged 30)

▼The Abe Cabinet plots to incinerateconstitutionalism through revising articles 9 and 96. What do they imagineJapan would be like in such a future? I’m just a wife, but I wonder what I should do in the A9A network. (woman, aged 50)

▼I suspect that the Liberal Democratic Party is merely a right-wingcabal, judging from the fact they are trying so hard to reframe Japan as a war-making country by amending the Constitution. I just want to know thereal reason why they are so very anxious to force amendment through by emphasizing spurious data and manipulating information. (woman, aged 60)


Exchange meeting held in Kyushu

The 2nd exchange meeting of Kyushu A9A was given in Beppu on June 8th. It was attended by 80 people. At the meeting, the Hijudai A9A local group reported on “Japan-U.S. joint exercise and residents’ struggle against it”. It was followed by lawyer Kawamura Toshio’s speech on “To all A9A members, greetings.” (See the last newsletter for the text)After the lecture, representatives from the seven prefectural groups talked about their activities.

KagoshimaThis group has held a “marathon seminar” on the Constitution once every two months.

Kumamoto A“10,000-people-study campaign”was enactedon the prefectural level in Kumamoto.

SagaThis group initiated PR activities for a wide range of citizens’ groups, including Elderly Citizen’s associations.

MiyazakiIn a fete attended by 40,000 citizens to celebrate the TanabataMatsuri Star Festival, A9A members opened a street booth to publicize A9A and constitutional issues.

NagasakiMembers held a photo exhibition in several shopping arcades, sponsored chorus events, assembled to hear talks byBuddhistmonks, and heard survivors talk about their war experience.

OitaIn cooperation with the Asia Pacific University A9A group, Oita A9A held a “sing-in chorus shop 9,” and on a daily basis the group has held meetings in the daytime for children and in the evening for adults.

FukuokaMaking 9th of every month the “Article 9 Day,” this group engages in a variety of activities, including ringing bells at 100 temples and churches.

Finally, participants decided to hold an exchange meeting at Kumamoto next year.