K.L. Broad – 1

April 2016


Kendal L. Broad-Wright


Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research (CWSGR) &

Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law

PO Box 117352, 301 Ustler Hall

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL 326111-7330

PHONE: 352-273-0389, FAX: 352-392-4873,


2005 – presentAssociate Professor, Joint-Appointment, University of Florida

1998 – 2004Assistant Professor, Joint-Appointment, University of Florida


Ph.D.1998SociologyWashington State University

M.A.1993SociologyWashington State University

B.A.1990Women’s Studies/PsychologyUniversity of California, Santa Cruz


Intersections (of Race/Class/Gender/Sexuality),Social Movements, Qualitative Methodologies, Sexualities



Broad, K.L. “The Narrative Work of A Multi-Racial Gay Men’s Group, 1980-2005” College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, 2008-2009 Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Fund, University of Florida, ($5130).

Broad, K.L. (PI) “Constructing Multi-Racial Gay Selves: Interpretive Work by ‘Black and White Men Together’,” Wayne F. Placek Small Grants program, American Psychological Foundation, American Psychological Association ($4,345)

Principal Investigator - CLAS Research Initiation Project, “The Influence of Social Movement Allies on the Construction of Collective Identity” College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida. ($9,000)

Teaching and Mentoring:

2014“Outstanding Faculty Member” LGBT Community Impact Award winner, UF LGBT Affairs

2011College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 2010-2011 College Teaching Award, University of Florida ($2000)

2004Recognition for “greatly influencing a student,” as designated by a 2004-2005

Anderson Scholars or CLAS scholar and noted during 2004 Fall Academic


1997Sue Armitage Award. Women's Studies Program, Washington State University.

1996 Joe DeMartini Excellence in Teaching Award ($300). Department of Sociology, Washington State University.

Note:Nominated for College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teaching Award, University of Florida in 2001, 2006, and 2010. Nominated for Graduate Student Council award for Outstanding Faculty Member, 2015


Refereed articles:

Ryan, Maura, Broad, K.L., Clare F. Walsh and Kathryn L. Nutter. 2013 “Professional

Allies: The Storying of Allies to GLTBQ Students on a College Campus” Journal of Homosexuality, 60:83–104.

Broad, K.L. 2011 “Coming Out for Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays:

From Support Group Grieving to Love Advocacy,” Sexualities, Volume 14 Issue 4, August, pp. 399 – 415.

Broad, K.L. 2010 “Sexualities Sociologies and the Intersectional Potential of Two

Qualitative Methodologies,” Theorizing Intersectionality and Sexuality(edited by Taylor, Y; Hines, S. and Casey M). Palgrave Macmillan publishers (pps. 193-211)

Broad, K.L., and Alden, H., D. Berkowitz, M. Ryan, 2008 “Activist Parenting and

GLBTQ Families” Journal of GLBT Family Studies, Volume 4, 4:499 - 520.

Joos, K.E., Broad, K.L. 2007. “Coming Out of the Family Closet: Stories of Adult

Women with LGBTQ Parent(s).” Qualitative Sociology, 3, 30, 275-295.

Broad, K.L. and Sara L. Crawley, Lara Foley 2004. “Doing ‘Real’ Family Values: The

Interpretive Practice of ‘Families’ in the GLBT Movement,” TheSociological Quarterly, 45, 3: 509-527.

Broad, K.L. 2004. “Institutional Selves in Social Movements: The Interpretive

Production of FTM/Transmen,” Research in Political Sociology, 13, 1: 225-255.

Broad, K.L. and Kristin E. Joos. 2004. “Online Inquiry of Public Selves: Methodological

Considerations” Qualitative Inquiry, 10, 6, 923-946.

*Reprinted in Qualitative Research 2, Alan Bryman (editor),London: SAGE Publications, July 2007, ISBN: 978-1-4129-1164-1

Crawley, S. L. and K.L. Broad. 2004 “‘Be Your [Real Lesbian] self’: Mobilizing Sexual

Formula Stories through Personal (and Political) Storytelling”Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 33, 1, pp. 39-71.

Broad, K.L. 2002 “Social Movement Selves” Sociological Perspectives, 45, 3, Fall, 317-




Jenness, Valerie and Kendal Broad, Hate Crimes: New Social Movements and the

Politics of Violence, Aldine de Gruyter, Inc, New York, 1997.


Professional Conferences and Colloquia:

2015Presenter – “Writing to Them” Couch Stone Symposium, Tools of the Trade Advancing Qualitative Inquiry and Analysis, Winter Meetings of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism, St. Petersburg, FL, March 13-14, 2015.

2014Presenter – “Science Framing and Not: Disengaging the Countermovement In

The Contest over LGBT Families.” American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, CA. August.

2014Presenter – Keynote Speech: “History and Legacy in Your Words” & “History and Legacy through the Lens of Sociology” National Association of Black and White Men Together Annual National Convention, Milwaukee, WI, July 8-13th2014.

2014Presenter – “Transforming ‘Beloved Community to ‘A Loving Gay

Community’: Intersectional Claims and Community Constructions

by an Anti-Racist Gay Men’s Group in the 1980s.” Whose Beloved Community? Black Civil and LGBT Rights Movements conference, March 27th-29th, Emory University Conference Center and Hotel in Atlanta, GA.

2013Presenter – “1980s Gay Anti-Racism and the Continuing Significance of Intersectional Practice,” National Women’s Studies Association Annual Meetings, Negotiating Points of Encounter, Cincinnati, OH: November 7-10.

2013Presenter – “One Kind of Gay Anti-Racism,” Bridging Gaps Conference, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 12 April.

2012Presenter – “Discursively Practicing Gay Anti-Racism,” for Crossing Boundaries: Workshopping Sexualities, Work-in-Progress panels, American Sociological Association, Sexualities Section, Mini-Conference, Denver, CO, August 15-17.


Courses Taught (at UF):

Undergraduate: Race/Class/Gender, Sex, Race and Gender in Society, Activisms: Sex, Race and Gender, Sociology of Gender, Sociology of Gender, Lesbian & Gay (LGBTQ) Studies, Feminist Activisms, Sexualities Studies, Social Movements

Graduate:Intersectional Activisms, Gender & Social Movements, Gender, Sexualities & Social Movements, Sexualities and Social Movements, Sociology of Gender, Qualitative Methods, Qualitative Design & Analysis, Feminist Challenges to Positivism, Proseminar in Women’s Studies, Feminist Methods


I have mentored 4 students in the McNair program, 4 students in the University Scholars Program, 5 honor’s students, chaired 9 doctoral committees, been a member on 34, served as an external member on an additional 15, chaired 7 MA committees, served as an external member on 9, chaired 3 non-thesis MA committees and served as a member on an additional 5.



Undergraduate Coordinator (Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, 2011-2012) - duties included curriculum development of BA program, advising diverse students, assessment of student learning and course/program effectiveness, and providing general academic support services.

Graduate Coordinator (Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, 2004 -2008, 2014-2015) – duties included curriculum development of MA program, advising diverse students, assessment of student learning and course/program effectiveness, and providing general academic support services.

University of Florida Committees/Service:

Faculty Senate2012 - 2015

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee2006 - 2008

2009 - 2011

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Sabbatical Committee2001-2002

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Teacher/Advisor of the Year 2011 - 2012

Awards Committee

LGBT Affairs Search Committee2006-2007

Provost’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Concerns Committee1998- 2004

2005- 2011

UF Senate Childcare Taskforce2007 - 2008

Faculty Advisor: Women’s Rugby Team2005 - 2011

Faculty Advisor: Campus-Now2005 - 2006

Departmental/Center Service:

I have served on the following committees in the Department of Sociology, Criminology & Law or the Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research: Strategic Planning Coordinating Committee, Chair Search Committees, Committee on Higher Degrees, Awards Committee, Hiring/Vision Committees, Chair Search Committee, T&P Committee, Promotion Committees, Merger task force (By-Laws), Market Equity Committees, Merit Pay Committees, Faculty Advisory Council, Board of Governors Program Review Committee, Cultivating Knowledges Symposium Committee, Theories & Politics of Sexuality Committee, PhD Proposal Committee, Curriculum Committee,

Assessment Committee, Events Committee, Graduate Admissions Committee, Director Search Committee, Vada Allen Yeomans Professorship Search Committee, African American Studies Joint Search Committee


Available upon request