
page 97

January 12, 1943

Regular meeting of Dearborn Township Board held in Dearborn Township Hall at 8: P. M. Eastern Standard War Time, Tuesday, January 12, 1943

Meeting called to order by Supervisor Daly.

Upon roll call the following members were present. Mokersky, Jones, MacDonald, Patterson, and Daly also Attorney Bollinger.

Minutes of previous meeting held on December 8th, 42,. were read by clerk and as there were no corrections, Same stood approved as read.

Clerks report of claims and accounts for month of December, 42, were read (see page 99). Motion made by MacDonald, seconded by Jones that same stand approved as read and bills ordered paid.

YEAS: Mokersky, Jones, MacDonald, Patterson and Daly.

Treasurers receipts and disbursements for month of December 1942, were read. Motion made by Mokersky seconded by Patterson that same stand approved as read. YEAS: MacDonald, Patterson Jones, Mokersky, and Daly.

Attorney Bollinger stated that suit of Dearborn Township versus City of Dearborn was dismissed since last Township Board meeting by Judge Callendar, but advised he filed a petition for appeal hearing from circuit court decision to sate Supreme Court. Lester Martin owner of lot 477 Cummings Ford Road Sub'n advised that 1942 tax rolls showed a house valued at $610.00 on said lot whereas no building was on lot, after verification that our records were in error. Motion was made by Mokersky seconded by Patterson that the amount of $12.12 which would be the tax on said house assessed at $610.00 be refunded and a check be issued for $12.12, due to error in Tax Roll. YEAS: Jones, MacDonald, Patterson, Mokersky and Daly.

Supt. Fearnley of Water Dept. presented claims and accounts for the month of December, 1942. Motion made by Mokersky seconded by macDonald that claims and accounts as presented be accepted and bills ordered paid. YEAS: Jones, Patterson, MacDonald, Mokersky and Daly.

Supt Fearnley, turned over five letters to clerk each sealed letter submitting price quotation on #4500 pounds of 3/4" strong lead service pipe. Upon opening same the following concerns were bidders and at the prices shown below:

Bids by Sears Roebuck & Co 10750 Grand River Ave. Detroit date 12/30/42 Quoted price of $9.75 per cwt.


page 97 continued

Bids by Nelson Co 2604 Fourth Ave Detroit Michigan date 12/21/42

Quoted Price of $9.25 per cwt. subject to 2% cash discount in 30 days

Bid by Murray W. Sales Co. 3rd and Baltimore Aves; Detroit Michigan dated 12/29/42. Quoted price of .09 lb terms 2% 10th prox.

Bid by Michigan Lead Co. 2005 Vulcan St. Detroit Michigan Date 12/26/42 Quoted price of $8.75 per cwt net 30 day.

National Lead Co. 1627 W. Fort St. Detroit Michigan, Dated 12/28/42. Quoted price of $8.75 per cwt terms 5% 10 days F. O. B. Inkster, Michigan delivery 3 days.

Motion made by MacDonald seconded by Patterson that bid of National Lead Co. for 4500# of 3/4 strong lead service pipe at $8.75 per cwt terms 5% 10 days net 30 days F. O B. Inkster Michigan delivery 3 days be accepted at price quoted and Supt Fearnley, be instructed to notify National Lead Co. the successful bidder. YEAS: Jones, Mokersky, MacDonald Patterson, and Daly.

Supt Fearnley presented a communication to clerk from Mueller & Co. Decatur, Ill. dated 12/28/42, which quoted prices on material listed below"

Amount 300 - 3/4 " H-10002 Corporation stops for strong lead @1.01 each net.

Amount 300 - 3/4" H-10223 Curb Stops for strong lead @ 1.92 each met.

Amount 395 -5" H-10300 water service boxes @ 1.52 each net

Amount 600 - 3/4" H-10890-99003 meter couplings drilled @ .25 each net.

Terms 2% 15th prox 30 days net freight prepaid.

Motion made by patterson seconded by Mokersky that Supt. Fearnley be instructed to communicate with some other concerns soliciting price quotations on above material before any order is placed for said material. YEAS: Jones, Mokersky, MacDonald, Patterson and Daly.

Communication from Seth Fearnley Supt of Water Dept under date of Jan. 12, 1943. was presented and read. Same recommended amendments be made to the Rules and Regulations of the Dearborn Water Systems to wit:

Article #18, of Section #4, Service pipes which would set up the qualifications: age, residence. registration, etc., of licensed journeyman plumbers and Master Plumbers and provides that each master plumber must register with the Water Dept Annually, during the month of April and contributed a fee of $1.00 for registration


page 98

Also add a Section to Article #3, under debt charges to wit: When a customer wishes to pay his account in full, all unpaid interest shall be canceled and a charge of $5.00 shall be made for servicing the account provided that if the account had run mort than five years, the service charge shall be $5.00 less 1.00 for each year or major fraction thereof which the account may have to run in excess of five years.

Moved by Jones seconded by Mokersky, that suggested amendments to the Rules and Regulations of the Dearborn Township Water System be confirmed and incorporated in and become an active part of said Rules and Regulations. YEAS: MacDonald, Mokersky, Jones, Patterson and Daly.

Communication from Herbert M Ferry C. P. A. dated Jan. 11, 1943 was received seeking permission to audit Water Department accounts for year 1943, and submitting a price of $500.00 for said audit which audit reports would be furnished quarterly as heretofore. Motion made by Mokersky seconded by MacDonald that communication from Herbert M. Ferry be tabled. YEAS: Jones, MacDonald, Mokersky, Patterson, and Daly.

As no further business to come to attention of Board. Motion was made by Jones seconded by macDonald that meeting adjourn. YEAS; Mokersky, Patterson, Jones, MacDonald, and Daly.

Signed: Jay A. Patterson, Clerk of Dearborn Township

page 99

Claims and Account for December 1942

Three Pages of Misc Reports Attached to page 99

page 100


page 101

February 9, 1943

Regular meeting of the Dearborn Township Board held in Dearborn Township Hall 26807 Michigan Ave. Inkster Michigan at 8: P. M. Eastern War Time Tuesday Evening Feb. 9, 1943.

Meeting called order by Supervisor Daly.

Upon roll call the following members were present: Jones, MacDonald, Patterson and Daly. Mokersky entered later. also present were Attorney Bollinger and the Township Engineer Edwin Orr.


page 101 continued

Minutes of regular meeting held Jan. 12, 1943, were read by clerk and as there were no corrections, it was unanimously agreed that same stand approved as read.

Upon completion of the reading of the minutes of previous meeting Supervisor Daly advised a delegation representing Hone Owners residing in Watsonia Sub'n #3, were in attendance, wishing to learn what recent action was taken by Township Board relative to having sanitary sewers installed on several street in their section of Township. Supervisor Daly advised this matter had been referred to our Township Attorney, also our Township Engineer and as both were present he would call upon them to advise re: latest developments in connection with said contemplated sewer district. It was then pointed out by Township Engineer that plan as originally contemplated, relative to financing this project out of funds remaining in Water Construction account was later found to be impracticable from a legal stand point, due to technicalities and Attorney Bollinger concurred with this statement. Engineer Orr advised he communicated with Bondholders, of Dearborn Township Water System and their representatives in Chicago, Ill. and advised bondholders no doubt will be interested if total issue of $118,000. was taken up at a price of 105. Attorney Bollinger then suggested it might be advisable to get a 90 day option from Bondholders. Dearborn Township Officials made it clear that other sections of Dearborn Township wee much in need of sewers and water improvements and indeed were seeking same from Township Board. and in view of this fact, it would seem the better policy to pursue, account to serve only son small district, that a bond issue for a much large amount should be considered by Engineer to serve a greater portion of the Township which issue should prove more attractive to bond buyers and as per-attorneys suggestion it was deemed advisable that they get in touch with Michigan Advisory Board to learn what prospect there wold be to sell such an issue. Motion was made by Patterson seconded by jones, That engineer Orr be authorized to make a factual survey of districts in the Township which in his opinion should be served at the present time by sewers also water mains or which in the near future should have such improvements and when survey has been completed to advise the Township Board. YEAS: MacDonald, Mokersky, Jones, Patterson and Daly.

Communication from Ray D. Baker dated 1/29/43 was red by clerk, same advised them was a balance of $502.00 due their company for contract work done on Dearborn Township Water Mains. Motion made by Jones, seconded by MacDonald that clerk be instructed to write the WAyne County Road Commission, asking them to advise if Ray D. Baker had complied with all their contract requirements and were given a release, before bill as presented would be honored and ordered paid. YEAS: Mokersky, Jones, MacDonald, Patterson, and Daly.


page 101 continued

Treasurers report of receipts and disbursements for month of january , 1943, were read. Motion made by Mokersky seconded by MacDonald that Treasurers report be approved as read. YEAS: MacDonald, Patterson, Mokersky, Jones, and Daly.

Contract Agreement from Redford Township re-serving District North of Warren Ave.: in Dearborn Township with Fire Protection was read and refereed to Attorney Bollinger, for study and clarification of several portions contained within said agreement before same could be placed before Township Board, for their full consideration and approval.

Clerk asked permission and was granted same to notify each chosen applicant to appear for duty on Primary Election Board, 7: A. M. Monday February 15th, 1943.

page 102

Supt. Fearnley of Water Dept. turned over five letters for reading which were bids, as requested at last regular meeting January 12, 1943 on material for WAter Department.

Bidder: Kenneth Anderson Co. 431 W Jefferson Ave. Detroit, Michigan dated 1/14/43.

3/4" H-10233 Mueller Inakey Curb Stops Minneapolis for strong lead pipe service Price $3.8752

3/4" H-10002 Mueller Corp Cocks strong lead pipe service price $1.4784 each.

3/4" H-10300 1-1/4 Mueller tapped 1-1/2" 5" )" box $2.016 each Mueller Corp. Cooks strong lead pipe service

2% dis. 10 prox Freight Allowed


Nelson Co. 2604 Fourth Ave Detroit, Michigan dated 1/25/43

300 3/4" H-10002 Corporation Stops with Lead flange unions for strong lead ...... Price $1.01 each

300 3/4" H-10233 Curb stop with lead flange unions

...... Price $1.92 each

395 5" H=1-300 Water Service Boxes Price $1.60 each

600 3/4" H-10890 99003 meter couplings drilled ......

...... Price .26 each


The A. P. Smith Manufacturing Co East Orange, New Jersey dated 1/22/43.

300 3/4" Corp.Cocks our No. 102 with bent rail pieces for wiped lead joints ...... Price $1.65 each


300 3/4" Corp cocks our No 138, for lead fanged joint both ends

Price 2.95 each

600 5/8" X 3/4" meter couplings our No. 118, price .40 each

F. O. B. Factory. Terms 2% 10 days Ratings A.A. 5 or better

Ship 90 days after receipt of order.


page 102 continued

Murray W. Sales & Co 3rd & Baltimore Ave Detroit, Mich dated 1/25/43.

300 3/4: Mueller H-10002 Corporation stops for strong lead pipe $1.01

300 3/4" Mueller H-10233 Curb Stope for Strong lead pipe $1.02

395 5 ft Mueller H-10300 Water Service Boxes $1.60

600 3/4" Mueller H-10890-99003 Meter couplings drilled ea. .25

Price Terms 2% 15th prox. 30 net Rating A. A. 4 delivery approx 2 weeks.


Mueller Co. Decatur, Ill. dated 12/28/42

300 3/4" H-10002 Corporation Stops for strong lead $1.01 each net

300 3/4" H-10233 Curb Stops for strong lead 1.92 each net

395 5' H-10300 Water Service Boxes 1.52 each net

600 3/4" H-10890 Meter Couplings drilled .25 each

10 days 2% 15th prox 30 days net Freight per paid


Motion made by MOkersky seconded by macDonald that Bid received from Mueller Co. Decatur, Ill. being lowest bidder on material for Water Dept. be accepted and successful bidder be notified if the acceptance . YEAS: MacDonald, Patterson. Jones, MOkersky and Daly.

Signed: Jay A. Patterson. Clerk of Dearborn Township.

page 103

attached to page 103 a 2 page typed report


page 104 b l a n k

page 105


County Ticket

County Auditor

Republican PRECINCTS


Mahoney, Frank A45107109586


Dingman Fred R218857352

Murphy Gerald L110311016

Murphy James J151041123

Nowicki Walter14121110

Smith John W74523425

Sumeracki Jacob422526111012126

Wilkowski Leo J3400007


page 105 continued




Carrigan Leo J22101166660

O'Hara Chester P953633312525245




Daly1254844312927304 Daly P-1 1




Jones993738302624254 Jones P-1 1


Justice of the Peace

Hood631931161513157 Hood P-1 1






Bixler451511111111104 Guyot P-6 1


Tennant602716121215141 tot votes 4



William Dehler1000001



TOTAL VOTES CAST1475451393734362

Signed: Jay A. Patterson Clerk

page 106 B l a n k

page 107

February 24, 1943

Special meeting of Dearborn Township Board, held in Dearborn Township Hall as per written notice given to nembers of Township Board at 2: P. M. Eastern War Time February 24, 1943.

Meeting called to order by Supervisor Daly,

Upon roll call the following memebers answered present: MacDonald, Jones, Patterson and Daly, Mokersky entered later. Also present Attorney Bollinger and Engineer Orr.

Supervisor Daly, advised meetign was called to ascertain latest developmetns from the township Eningger relative to his factual survey in connection with contemplated Sewer Installation in Watsonia Sub'n #3, and other sections of Township as ordered at regular township board meeting February 9th, 1943.


page 107 continued

and after hearing from Engineer Orr and Township Legal adviser Bollinger to take whatever action deemed proper to carry out this sewer improvement at the earliest possible date. Engineer Orr then advised he had contemplated making a trip to Chicago, Ill about thursday to take up direct with attorneys representing the Bond Holders of the $118,000.00 Water District as he thought fuller information could be obtained by so doing and a much quicker and more satisfactory arrangement made Attorney Bollinger then quoted from letter from same Chicago fire of attorneys who represent Bondholders, also advised he talked with same attorney this A. M. and he was given assurance that an option at price quoted in their letter namely 105 could be secured, He was of the opinion that without a detailed plan being worked out for presentation that contemplated trip to Chicago, Ill, would not be advisable at the present time.

Engineer Orr then advised he had made a survey and had plans drawn showing district to be served, number of houses in district, approximate distance between houses and had figured approximated cost and he estimated the new Bond issue hold be #200.00 which wold be $82.00 plus the present $118,000. Water District issue. This new district wold consist of parts of Golden Acres Sub'n Cummings Ford Road Sub'n Comfords, Sweets and Watsonia Park #3. Engineer advised before asking for option that Township Board should satisfy themselves as to the sufficiency of contemplated District to be served. At this point Attorney Bollinger suggested, that as it had now been shown that definite plans and figures had been worked out by Engineer the planned trip to Chicago Ill looked more feasible and if same would expedite matters at present time or some date in the near future, the trip should be given favorable consideration.

Engineer Orr at this point advised he was interested only in anything that would hasten this project, and as to necessity for trip to Chicago. same could await future. developments. Board agreed as to sufficiency of District and authorized Engineer and Attorney to work out details. Attorney Bollinger presented an agreement by and between the Township Board of the Township of Redford Wayne County, Michigan, party of the first part and the Township Board of the Township of Dearborn party of the second part reading:

RESOLVED: that Edwin W. Daly, supervisor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sign the following agreement for and on behalf of the Township of Dearborn, and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the form of said agreement is hereby approved and whenever the same is signed by both parties thereto and filed with the Clerk of the party of the seconded part that is shall continued in effect indefinitely but may be revoked by either party upon notice to be served upon with the Township Board of the Township of Redford, Wayne County, Michigan or upon the Clerk of the Township of Dearborn.


page 107 continued

Motion made by Jones seconded by MacDonald that the above agreement between the Township Board of the Township of Redford, Wayne County, Michigan. and the Township Board of the Township of Dearborn be approved and be it resolved that Edwin W. Daly, Supervisor, be and is hereby authorized and directed to sign said above agreement for an don beheld of Dearborn Township. YEAS: Mokersky, Patterson Jones, MacDonald and Daly.

Jay A. Patterson clerk being duly sworn says that the above resolution was passed by the Township Board, of the Township of Dearborn authorizing Edwin W. Daly, Supervisor to enter into the above agreement with the Township Board of the Township of Redford Wayne County, Michigan signed. the 24th, day of February 1943.

Attorney Bollinger presented resolution No. 1, reading.

WHEREAS: a petition had been filed, signed by the record owners of more than sixty five per cent (65%) of the land in the proposed special assessment district therein described and duly verified both as to signature and ownership of property: and

WHEREAS said petition asks for the establishment of a Special Assessment District described as follows:

Bounded by West by Telegraph Road, on the North by Colgate Avenue, on the East by Parker Avenue, and on the South by Annapolis Avenue.

page 108

and for the construction of as were commencing at a connection with the existing were system is said district at Annapolis and Parker, running thence Northerly to a connection with the were system of the City of Dearborn at Dartmouth and Parker, together with a pumping station to provide an outlet for the sewer system in said district; and

WHEREAS: the construction of said sewer appears to be desirable for th public health of the Township.