expressions: / meaning: / example:
it will grow on you / When you don’t like something at first, but then you realize you like it later, after you’ve tried it for a while. / “I didn’t like that song when I first heard it, but it’s growing on me, and now I actually like it!”
cut through / To take a short cut by going on a different path. / “If we cut through the back parking lot, it will be much faster.”
take off / to leave / “I’m going to take off now. I’ll see you later!”
short on time / in a hurry; not much time / “The teacher was a little short on time, so she skipped several practice exercises, and went straight to the next lesson in the book.
once in a blue moon / something that happens rarely / “I usually drink coffee, but once in a blue moon, I have a cup of tea instead.”

Review of some expressions & phrasal verbs that we’ve covered previously:

expressions: / meaning: / example:
ring a bell / when something seems familiar / I don’t think I’ve met Emily Johnson, but her name rings a bell. Maybe my sister knew her.
let me down (verb)
a let-down (noun) / disappoint me
disappointment / I hope my kids won’t let me down when I leave them alone at home while we are out of town. I hope they will behave nicely and keep the house clean!
It was a real let-down for me when I failed my driver’s test L
branch out / to try something new / I always eat the same sandwich at Starbuck’s. Maybe it’s time for me to branch out and try a different sandwich!
pop in / stop by for a short visit (unplanned)
stop by quickly / Let’s pop in to visit your mom on the way home.
I need to pop in to Safeway and get some bread.
break down / stop functioning (vehicle or machine) / My car broke down in the middle of the road last night, and I had to call a tow-truck.