I did a discipleship School with YWAM and ended up in a House of Prayer where between twenty and fifty people came daily for prayer! All sorts of people from all denominations, Muslims, we even had sangomas and Satanist who came and received Jesus! Apart from learning a lot about the doctrine of all denominations, I learned about spiritual warfare to be able to help all these people. The spirit taught me many new things and one of the most powerful was Holy Ground!

We cleansed the entire premises once a day with His Blood, anointed it with oil, and declared it Holy Ground for each new person before we started ministering to the person. We could physically feel the presence and people where sometimes healed even before we prayed for them by just coming on to the premises! Late at night after the last visitor left I would go and pray and intercede for the Believers all over town doing Prayer Walks.

So at one stage the Spirit led me to go and write the sinners prayer on the tin sheets around Boland Park. This was between the gangsters in the middle of the night so I anointed the premises every time and declared it Holy Ground. After about two weeks of doing this three people, totally drunk came on the premises separately, on to Holy Ground and spontaneously was sober immediately and excepted Christ spontaneously.

During this same time I fell led to do intercession for the leaders of this country and churches controlling us and do the Jezebel renunciation prayer with my prayer group. One lady felt we need to go and do the prayer at all the entrances, roads entering into Worcester. We discovered that there were seven roads. Afterwards we felt something was missing, prayed and the Spirit led us to go and build alters with round stones as the Israelites did at Gilgal when they entered the promised land. We blew the ram’s horns seven times and felt something happen in the spirit! The next day on the 31st of May 2001 we saw in the News Papers that the statue of Stijdom collapsed in Pretoria, which was erected on the 31st of May 1961 when we became a Republic, day and date forty years.

Holy Ground:

PERSONAL SANCTIFICATION: 1Cor 7:1, Eph 5:26-27, Mat 6:33, & Joel 2:16!

God speak to us on Holy Ground: Ex 3:5, Moses at the Burning Bush. Take of your shoes! Josh 5:15, When Jesus met Joshua for the first time! Take of your shoes! Sag 2:12, God said He is going to come and live between us on Holy Ground! & 2Tim 2:20-21, our bodies, His Temples need to become Holy Ground to be vessels of Honour for Him to use!

2Cron 7:13-15, When it does not rain and we as a nation, humble ourselves and repent, turn from our wicket ways, He will answer, forgive our sins and heal the land! Sanctify the land. Now it is Holy Ground and He will listen to us and answer our prayers on Holy Ground!

Joel 2:13-18+28, Return to Me, Sanctify the Believers and then come corporately as a nation and publicly repent as a nation and I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh!

Acts 3:19, Repent corporately and times of Refreshing (Revival) will come on Holy Ground, and I will send Jesus back to you!

Examples of where we did this:

- 2001, We did this seven times over seven days in Worcester. With in two hours a thunder storm came with 200mm of rain!

- 2001, September, We did this at Godini and a thunderstorm blue the roves of that night!

- 2002, Father send us to Israel. The fourth day rain came down in showers and flooded Israel after three years of drought. That August it started raining again and continued till May 2003.

- 2003, The Drought in the Western Cape and Swartland! Seven towns did the 25 prayers and the next night it started raining!

- 2007, We went eight times around South Africa and did the 25 prayers all over. For three months we were travelling in

constant rain! Rivers were running in the Karoo and the Kalahari! According to the official rainfall statistics we had

the most rain for the last 120 years in the West Coast! I have the proof available!

- 2016, April, when we said Amen in Oudshoorn a hailstorm hit Oudshoorn followed by a thunderstorm and Meiringspoort washed away. It was closed for an entire week!

- 2016 Ocktober Father send us to go and do five Scripture prayer declarations in every district all over SA. At the time

the third local group did the prayers with us, it started raining that night in Bloemhof! In Potch it rained over 200mm, in Nylstroom 78 mm within an hour, in Tolwe in the Bosveld over 70mm that afternoon, in die Kalahari 185 mm the

next week en so it continued to rain everywhere local groups did the prayers with us till the end of February.

- 2017, April, we did the 25 prayers again in Oudshoorn on the Wednesday and that Thursday Meiringspoort were flooded again!


1. Personal Sanctification - Vessel of Honour! Clean hands! 2. 25 Renunciation Prayers for self & Community X 7! 3. Corporate Repentance in Unity - 25 Renunciation Prayers! Public Meeting!


1. Remind God of His Promises, Is 62:6-7. (Reverberate)! 2. Do Intercession by doing 25 Renunciation Prayers for Country in groups X 7! 3. Make Disciples, Matt 28:19 for Good News of His Kingdom, Matt 24:14!

Revival is about making Disciples with Power, Anointing & Authority, Haggai 1:10-11+12+14! So let us get every other intercessor involved to get this knowledge and unite as one and do as God has Requested! Let us remove the cloud of demons and create Holy Ground so that His Glory and anointing can fall! Humble ourselves and intercede! Create Holy Ground so that the Glory of God can Fall upon the earth!

Jesus said: John 17:22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them; that they may be one, even as We are one: Now the entire Creation is calling out for that Glory! Rom 8:19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the Glory of the children of God.

- 2Ch 6:26 "When the skies remain closed, and there is no rain because they have sinned against You, and they pray in the direction of this place, confessing Your Name and turn from their sin when You afflict them, 27 hear in heaven and forgive the sin of Your servants. Teach them the best way to live and send rain on Your land.

- 2Ch 7:13 Whenever there is no rain, - or - send epidemics among My people, 14 when My people humble themselves- pray, seek Me, and turn from their evil practices, I will listen -, pardon their sins, - restore their land. 15 "Now My Eyes will be open - Ears - listen to their prayers. (acknowledgement of the sins on the land)!

- Jer 5:24 - Fear our God, Who gives rain in its season. (Things are getting worst day by day but still we do not fear God and His Word. God is Speaking to us!

- Ezek 22:24 - 'You're a land that hasn't been purified, one that hasn't been rained on in the day of indignation. (Our country is full of idol statues all over in every little town! The blood of people killed are calling out! Everything we do is Babylonian, but we say we serve God! We are light years removed from the Community of Acts!

- Amos 4:7 "I - withheld the rain from you three months before the harvest.

- God wants to restore us and give us Revival! It is the utmost desire of Jesus Christ to be restored to His Bride! But we need to comply to His Word and become an obedient Bride. A Sanctified Bride, Eph 5:26-27. Whatever we belief or were doing up till now does not work. We have tried it over and over for the last twenty years! We do not have Revival!

- Ezek 21:24 'Because you remembered your sins - your transgressions were uncovered, your sins are visibly evident in everything you've done. (Just come and acknowledge the sins! The wrong doings against God!

- Jer 3:12 - Return, unfaithful Israel. 'I won't look on you in anger. - I won't remain angry forever. 13 'Only acknowledge your iniquity, -. 14 "Return, unfaithful people - and I'll bring you to Zion. (God wants to give us Revival we just need to obey His Commands)!

First - personal Sanctification and forgiveness, Joel 2:13-18! ( three hours)! Then - a public meeting for corporate Repentance. (eight hours for 25 prayers)! Then Revival Fire and rain will fall! This I can promise you! I have seen it over and over! But God wants us to come before Him as the entire Body of Believers to do it corporately, in Unity!

How many more testimonies do we need before we are going to listen. I know that I know that this is the answer to all our problems, worries, to get a Christian government, to stop crime and corruption, farm murders, and to give us Revival and the rain we need for our very survival! God can not change. This is God’s prescriptions! The physical world is under the Law! Only when we walk in the Spirit are we not under the Law! I have facilitated more than 10000 people through this on an individual basis and their lives where immediately transformed and their blessings restored! This is what God wants every believer to do! It is called Sanctification and the Renewing of your mind!

Jam 5:16 Repent to one another so that you can be healed for the prayer of a Righteous man has got Great Power! Our country is sick! Seriously sick! Our people are sick! Seriously sick! Let us do what God wants us to do so that He can heal our land and its people and give us rain!

Marius Brand, , 082 9210 275