Peter Towler

Year Called

to the Bar:1974 (Middle Temple, Harmsworth Scholar)

Degree:MA (Cantab), FCI Arb


Common Law



Administrative & Local Government

Licensed Access

Memberships:Planning and Environment Bar Association

Western Circuit

Appointments:Head of Chambers 2003 – 2008


Practice Areas:

Town and Country Planning:

Peter has nearly 30 years of experience of planning cases. In that time he has appeared at a large number of inquiries into a wide range of development proposals, including large and small scale residential schemes; a variety of commercial developments; a wide range of retail developments; town centre redevelopments; cinemas; football stadia and golf courses; marina, harbour and canal development; enabling development; Listed Building and Conservation Area proposals; utility proposals; fish farms; minerals extraction; university expansion proposals; gypsies/travellers; the M3 Twyford Down inquiry (for objectors); Park & Ride proposals; other road and highway schemes through or adjacent to highly sensitive ecological or landscape areas; and the re-opened South Downs National Park Inquiry. In particular, he has experience of developments in or affecting ecologically sensitive areas, protected landscape areas, Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings.

He also has substantial experience of conducting enforcement inquiries on behalf of both local authorities and occupiers. In addition, he has prosecuted a number of enforcement and other planning offences in various Magistrates’ and Crown Courts.

In the past he has conducted a large number of Local Plan inquiries on behalf of Local Authorities, and also represented objectors at such inquiries. More recently he has advised several authorities in connection with draft Regional Guidance and emerging Local Development Frameworks.

He has acted for a large number of local authorities; public utility companies; universities; English Nature (now Natural England); national and local house builders; individuals; amenity groups; and third party objectors.

He has appeared in a number of High Court cases involving planning law, including statutory appeals; challenges to the adoption of a Local Plan; and judicial review cases.

He has spoken both as an individual speaker and as part of a seminar on a range of planning matters to both professional and lay audiences.

Administrative & Local Government:

Peter has advised and represented a large number of county, district and unitary authorities for nearly 30 years. In addition to planning cases in the High Court, he has conducted or defended a number of judicial review cases in the High Court including the first successful challenge to a finding of maladministration by the Local Government Ombudsman. He represented a homeless person whose claim to a secure tenancy was upheld by the House of Lords. His second case in the House of Lords concerned sexual discrimination at a council owned leisure centre. He has spoken at a number of seminars arranged for members and officers of local authorities on subjects such as probity in public life.

Land & Personal Insolvency:

Peter accepts instructions to advise and represent clients in cases concerning title to land; easements; boundaries; business tenancies; rent reviews/valuations; and personal insolvency. He also accepts instructions in cases of professional negligence in the same land related areas.

Regulatory Crime:

As a Recorder, Peter is authorised to try cases involving Serious Sexual Offences and has tried cases of rape; historic and recent familial sex; sexual assault of a patient by a care worker; and indecent videos. In that capacity he also has experience of trying a range of serious criminal offences including arson of a block of flats; affray; child cruelty (a charge of manslaughter was abandoned); armed robbery; and death by dangerous driving.

As an advocate, Peter has prosecuted and defended in a wide range of cases including murder, attempted murder, rape, arson with intent to endanger life, robbery and fraud. In the past he has also prosecuted cases for the DPP (police officers committing offences on duty), the former DTI (offences disclosed during insolvency investigations), the former English Nature (now Natural England), HM Customs and various local authorities.

His criminal practice is now centred on two areas. First, he accepts defence instructions in Serious Sexual Offence cases. Second, he both prosecutes and defends in cases involving statutory offences under Town & Country Planning and Environmental legislation.

Licensed Access:

Peter is happy to be instructed by members of professional bodies approved by the Bar Council.

12 College Place, FauvelleBuildings, Southampton SO15 2FE

Tel: (023) 8032 0320 Fax: (023) 8032 0321